Ready for Take Off; A High Level Conference on Kenya’s Economic Successes, Prospects, and Challenges

September 17-18, 2013

IMF Seminars, Conferences, and Economic Forums

Ready for Take Off

 A High Level Conference on Kenya’s Economic Successes, Prospects, and Challenges, Nairobi, September 17-18, 2013

A High Level Conference on Kenya’s Economic Successes, Prospects, and Challenges

Nairobi, September 17-18, 2013

Co-hosted by the Kenyan National Treasury, the Central Bank of Kenya, and the International Monetary Fund, the conference will bring together about 150 participants from the Kenyan private sector, the international business community, civil society, the Kenyan government, and international institutions.

This event will showcase Kenya’s economic achievements during the past few years and highlight the country’s future economic potential. In particular, the conference will focus on policy priorities that will help Kenya achieve sustained and inclusive growth as part of its quest to reach emerging market status over the next decade. In addition, the conference will provide an opportunity to highlight the growing role played in the region by non-traditional development partners—including China, India, Australia, and Brazil—and identify new areas for collaboration.

The Conference is by Invitation


Day One—17 September, 2013


Opening Session

The Kenyan Economy: A Promising Road Ahead


Opening Remarks

HENRY ROTICH (Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury)

Opening Remarks

PaperOpening Remarks


Kenya: Resilient Macroeconomic Performance in a Challenging International Environment,

ANTOINETTE MONSIO SAYEH (Director of the African Department of the International Monetary Fund)

PaperEconomic Resilience in a Challenging International Environment
Opening remarks by Antoinette M. Sayeh

8:45am-9:15am Keynote Address

The Vision 2030: Where are we?

H.E. Hon. UHURU MUIGAI KENYATTA (C.G.H, President of the Republic of Kenya)



Questions and Answers


Coffee Break


Session 2

Session 2

The Private Sector Poised to Lead the Way (Click for More ...)

Moderator: ALY-KHAN SATCHU (Chief Executive Officer, Rich Management Limited)

Kenya: the Next Emerging Market
CHARLES ROBERTSON (Global Chief Economist, Renaissance Capital)

PaperRead the Paper

Opportunities Stemming from a Rapidly Growing Middle Class, JONATHAN CIANO (Chief Executive Officer, Uchumi Supermarkets)

Kenya’s Future as a Regional ICT Hub,

ROBERT (BOB) COLLYMORE (Chief Executive Officer, Safaricom)

Harnessing East Africa’s Growth Potential,

CHARLES IRELAND (Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, EABL)

Kenya and the Eastern African Market: Investment and Trade Opportunities, a View from India,

T.C.A. RANGANATHAN (Chairman & Managing Director, Export-Import Bank of India)


Session 3

Harnessing Natural Resources for Growth, (Click for More ...)

Moderator: AKERE T. MUNA (Vice-Chairperson, Transparency International )

The Case for Socially Responsible Mining,
IAN SATCHWELL (Director, International Mining for Development Centre)

PaperRead the Paper

Maximizing the Benefits of Natural Resource Wealth,

DAVIS CHIRCHIR (Cabinet Secretary, Energy and Petroleum)

PaperRead the Paper

PHILIP DANIEL (Advisor, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF)

PaperRead the Paper


Question and Answers

1:30 pm-2:30pm

Lunch Break


Session 4

Fiscal Priorities to Support Growth: (Click for More ...)

Moderator: KWAME OWINO (Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Economic Affairs)

Delivering Better Services through Fiscal Reforms and Decentralization,

HENRY ROTICH (Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury)

PaperRead the Paper

Managing Public Debt to Lower Risks,

HARON SIRIMA (Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Kenya)

PaperRead the Paper

Addressing Development Needs while Maintaining a Sustainable Fiscal Stance,

ROGER NORD (Deputy Director, IMF African Department)

PaperRead the Paper

4:00 pm-4:15pm

Questions and Answers


Coffee Break


Session 5

Anchoring a Stable Monetary and Financial Outlook:(Click for More ...)

Moderator:PHUMELELE MBIYO (Head of Macroeconomic Research, Stanbic Bank)

Monetary Policy and the Transition Towards Inflation Targeting, NJUGUNA NDUNG’U (Governor, Central Bank of Kenya)

PaperRead the Paper

DOMENICO FANIZZA (Assistant Director, IMF African Department)

PaperRead the Paper


Questions and Answers


Dinner Reception

Day Two—18 September, 2013


Session 6

The Financial Sector: Shifting Gears, (Click for More ...)

Moderator: MARTIN ODUOR-OTIENO (Senior Advisor, Deloitte East Africa)

Kenya’s Mobile Banking: A Revolution in the Financial Landscape,

NJUGUNA NDUNG’U (Governor, Central Bank of Kenya)

PaperRead the Paper

Financial Deepening: What Role for the Stock Market and Private Equity,

AYISI MAKATIANI (Managing Partner and CEO, Fanisi Capital Ltd)

PaperRead the Paper

Bond Market Developments and Prospects: A Regional Point of View,

KITILI MBATHI (Regional Chief Executive, Standard Bank)

PaperRead the Paper

Tapping Foreign Savings: Kenya’s Sovereign Bond Issue,

CARMEN ALTENKIRCH (Director, FitchRatings)

PaperRead the Paper


Coffee Break

Session 7

Closing the Infrastructure Gap, (Click for More ...)

Moderator:EDDIE NJOROGE (Former Managing Director & CEO of Kenya Electricity Generating Company)

Opening Remarks -- ENGINEER MICHAEL KAMAU (Cabinet Secretary, Transport and Infrastructure)

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Expanding Kenya’s Transport Infrastructure in the Regional Context, representative from the People’s Republic of China.

Maximizing Kenya’s Renewable Energy Potential,

GABRIEL NEGATU (Regional Director, East Africa Resource Center, African Development Bank)

Geothermal Power Potential: Lessons from Iceland,

GUNNAR ORN GUNNARSSON (Chief Operating Officer, Reykjavik Geothermal)

PaperRead the Paper

Investing for Development

APURVA SANGHI (World Bank’s Lead Economist, Kenya)

PaperRead the Paper

Making Public Private Partnerships Work: Korea’s Experience
DR. JONGYEARN (JON) LEE (Korea Development Institute)

PaperRead the Paper


Questions and Answers


Lunch Break

2:30pm-4:30pm Session 8

Making Inclusive Growth a Reality, (Click for More ...)

Moderator: KATRINA MANSON (East Africa correspondent for the Financial Times)

Opening Remarks – ANNE WAIGURU (Cabinet Secretary, Devolution and Planning)

Financial Inclusion Has Made a Difference,

ALFRED HANNIG (Executive Director Alliance for Financial Inclusion)

PaperRead the Paper

Building Consensus Through Transfers to the Poor: Lessons from Brazil
OTAVIANO CANUTO (Senior Adviser on BRICS Economies, World Bank)

PaperRead the Paper

Creating Jobs for Kenya’s Youth,

VIMAL SHAH (Chief Executive Officer, BIDCO Group)


Questions and Answers


Closing Remarks by IMF Antoinette M. Sayeh, Director African Department, IMF and Henry Rotich, Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury


Press conference