This is a list of all Resident Representative offices with live websites. Some offices without live websites are not included here. 

IMF Resident Representative and Regional Offices

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  • India

    Activities from the IMF Office in India

  • Indonesia

    Activities from the IMF Office in Indonesia

  • Iraq

    Activities from the IMF Office in Iraq

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  • Jordan

    Activities from the IMF Office in Jordan

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  • Nepal

    Activities from the IMF Office in Nepal

  • Niger

    Activities from the IMF Office in Niger


  • Nigeria

    Activities from the IMF Office in Nigeria

  • Republic of North Macedonia

    IMF Office in North Macedonia - This office is part of the IMF Regional Office for the Western Balkans

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  • Pakistan

    Activities from the IMF Office in Pakistan

  • Philippines

    IMF Office in the Philippines

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  • Uganda

    Activities from the IMF Office in Uganda

  • Ukraine

    Activities from the IMF Office in Ukraine

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  • Vietnam

    Activities from the IMF Office in Vietnam

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  • Zambia

    Activities from the IMF Office in Zambia

  • Zimbabwe

    Activities from the IMF Office in Zimbabwe

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Regional Offices

  • IMF Capacity Development Office in Thailand (CDOT)

    The IMF Capacity Development Office in Thailand (CDOT) provides technical assistance and training to Lao P.D.R. and Myanmar, as well as Cambodia and Vietnam, as its core beneficiary countries. The principal objective of CDOT is to strengthen capacity in macroeconomic management and statistics in support of countries’ reform priorities. CDOT’s activities are made possible through direct financial support from the Government of Japan and an in-kind contribution from the Bank of Thailand.

  • IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP)

    As the IMF's window on the region, the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP) contributes to economic surveillance and research, takes the lead in the IMF's on-the-ground involvement in regional cooperation, manages regional capacity building programs, and promotes the understanding and two-way dialogue of the IMF in Asia and the Pacific.


  • IMF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe

    The activities of the Regional Office and, more generally, the IMF's work on the countries in the region. (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Türkiye, Russia, Ukraine)

  • IMF Regional Office in Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic

    This web page provides information about the activities of the Regional Office and, more generally, the IMF's work on the countries in the region. (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, and Dominican Republic)


  • IMF Regional Office for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

    The IMF Regional Office in Warsaw was established in February 2005, succeeding the Resident Representative office for Poland. Its primary task is to enhance the IMF's ability to carry out surveillance in Central and Eastern Europe, including with regard to financial stability, economic convergence and integration, and the jobs and growth agenda.

  • Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU)

    This web page provides information about the work of the IMF in the ECCU and its member countries Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica,Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, as well the activities of the Regional Representative Office.

  • IMF Europe Office in Paris and Brussels

    This web page provides information on the IMF Europe Office, located in Paris and Brussels, which serves as a liaison to EU institutions and governments, as well as international organizations and civil society in Europe.

  • IMF Office in the Pacific Islands

    This web page provides information about the activities of the Regional Office and, more generally, the IMF's work on the Pacific Islands. ( Fiji, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia,Republic of Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu)

  • Regional Office for the Western Balkans

    The Regional Office for the Western Balkans, located in Vienna, Austria, was created to strengthen the IMF’s relationship with Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, and the Republic of North Macedonia. The objective of the office is to maintain a close engagement with the four countries as well as with donors, international institutions, including the World Bank, and the Austrian government, an important trade and development partner of the Western Balkan region.

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