2018 Review of the Fund’s Capacity Development Strategy

The IMF’s Capacity Development (CD) work, covering technical assistance and training, is one of the three core functions of the IMF, along with surveillance and lending. It supports members’ efforts to build the institutions and capacity necessary to formulate and implement sound economic and financial policies.

CD represents about a third of the Fund’s total spending. It is global in reach and focused on those with the greatest capacity building needs, including fragile states. Together with surveillance and lending, CD is a critical tool enabling the Fund to promote economic stability and growth among its membership.

The IMF regularly reviews its key policies and strategies to help enhance the impact and effectiveness of its policy advice, lending programs, and CD activities. Most recently, the Executive Board concluded the 2018 Review of the Fund’s Capacity Development Strategy . The review found that substantial progress has been achieved since the 2013 CD Strategy and, building upon it, reaffirmed two mutually reinforcing objectives:

  • To increase the impact of CD through integration between CD, surveillance, and lending and a comprehensive country-tailored approach that adapts delivery to support implementation more consistently.
  • To realize further efficiency gains by improving CD management processes and systems, which will in turn help increase transparency and strengthen the basis for strategic decision making.

Five key areas of recommendations support this direction:

  • Clearer roles and responsibilities for key internal and external stakeholders in the CD process;
  • Continued strengthening of prioritization and monitoring;
  • Better tailoring and modernization of CD delivery with a focus on implementation;
  • Greater internal consultation and sharing of CD information; and
  • Further progress in external coordination, communication, and dissemination of information.

Learn More About the 2018 Review of the Fund’s CD Strategy