The IMF’s approach to transparency is to disclose information in a timely way unless there are strong, specific reasons against such disclosure. By being open and clear about its policies and the advice it provides to member countries, the IMF contributes to a better understanding of the organization and makes it easier to hold it accountable.
Transparency by IMF member countries helps their economies function better and makes them less vulnerable to crises. By being open, member countries encourage public discussion and examination of policies, enhance accountability and credibility, and contribute to efficient and orderly functioning of global financial markets.
IMF policy advice or surveillance has become increasingly transparent. In 2020, 98% of member countries published a statement providing the IMF Executive Board’s assessment of the member’s macroeconomic and financial situation, and 95% of members published the IMF country report. In the same year, 98% of member countries that used IMF financial resources published the reports, and 97% published additional documents, such as a country’s letter of intent and memoranda of economic and financial policies. About 93% published their technical memoranda of understanding.
IMF staff regularly review policies and procedures to improve the IMF’s effectiveness. Recent reviews include the role of trade in the IMF’s work, how to improve IMF policy advice, the effectiveness of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), and evenhandedness of IMF advice.
An Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) evaluates IMF policies and operations, working independently of IMF management and at arm's length from the IMF's Executive Board. The IEO's objective, independent reports and work program are publicly available. IEO’s work is typically open and inclusive and often draws on contributions from IMF member countries, donor agencies, international organizations, and civil society organizations.
The last update was in March 2023