Country Reports

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September 5, 2024

Republic of Latvia: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

Description: The Latvian economy contracted with significant disinflation against the backdrop of geopolitical headwinds. Persistent services inflation, driven by strong nominal wage growth amid tight labor markets, keeps core inflation elevated. Productivity growth has failed to match real wage increases, weighing on competitiveness. The economic consequences of Russia’s war in Ukraine continue to depress private investment and productivity, thus compromising further Latvia’s lagging income convergence. The government needs to address long-term spending pressures related to its priorities and multiple transitions around climate change and energy, aging and skilled labor shortages, and rising defense costs. The coalition’s priorities include managing the fallout from the war in Ukraine, ensuring energy independence, addressing social issues, and pursuing tax reform.

September 4, 2024

Saudi Arabia: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

Description: Saudi Arabia’s unprecedented economic transformation is progressing well. Strong domestic demand is keeping non-oil growth robust while unemployment is at record lows. Inflation is contained and the current account surplus is rapidly narrowing. The recalibration of the authorities’ investment plans would help reduce overheating risks and pressures on fiscal and external accounts.

September 4, 2024

Saudi Arabia: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Financial System Stability Assessment

Description: The FSAP took place against the backdrop of a robust economy driven by an ambitious state-led transformation agenda to accelerate Saudi Arabia’s economic diversification (Vision 2030). The Kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund plays a key role in implementing and funding the economic transformation. The government’s initiative to promote homeownership and new economic sectors generated a surge in construction and credit. Managed by the National Development Fund, twelve state-owned development funds are undergoing major reforms, increasing their linkages with banks. At over 75 percent of total assets, the share of Islamic products in Saudi banks is one of the largest in the world.

September 4, 2024

Saudi Arabia: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Detailed Assessment of Observance-Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision

Description: Much progress has been achieved in strengthening Saudi Arabia’s banking regulatory and supervisory framework in recent years, and additional enhancements are under preparation. Recent updates to primary and secondary legislation include the Saudi Central Bank Law (SCBL; 2020), the Anti-Money Laundering Law (2017), and regulations to address emerging risks such as financial fraud and cyber risks. The authorities intend to use the new draft Banking Control Law (BCL) to further strengthen the framework. Public consultation on the Bill ended in early-2023 and as the authorities consider the feedback received, the findings of this assessment will prove useful in finalizing the Bill and further align the framework with the Basel Core Principles (BCP).

September 4, 2024

South Africa: Post-Financing Assessment-Press Release; and Staff Report

Description: South Africa’s economy faces significant macroeconomic challenges: declining GDP per capita, rising debt, high unemployment, poverty, and inequality. Following national elections in May, the long-ruling African National Congress (ANC) lost its majority in parliament and formed a government of national unity (GNU) with the main opposition party Democratic Alliance and nine other parties. The GNU has indicated its intention to address these challenges, while ensuring social cohesion and good governance, which has been welcomed by the markets.

September 3, 2024

Vanuatu: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release and Staff Report

Description: As Vanuatu was recovering from the multiple natural disasters of 2023, the voluntary liquidation of Air Vanuatu in May 2024 created a major shock with significant effects on growth and business confidence. The negotiations about the future of the airline, along with developments linked to the Economic Citizenship Program (ECP) will have significant economic, social, fiscal, and financial integrity implications. Disruptions to connectivity, tourism, and services will likely affect economic activity in 2024: real GDP growth is expected to grow only by around 1 percent y/y, and the current account deficit will likely widen around 7½ percent of GDP, although there is significant uncertainty to forecasts. Ongoing vulnerabilities and exposure to other risks keep the balance of risks to the downside. Structural vulnerabilities to governance, corruption, and natural disasters remain.

September 3, 2024

Vanuatu: Selected Issues

Description: Selected Issues

August 30, 2024

Jamaica: Third Reviews Under the Arrangement Under the Precautionary and Liquidity Line and the Arrangement Under the Resilience and Sustainability Facility-Press Release and Staff Report

Description: Supported by strong policy frameworks, Jamaica has managed to respond to recent global shocks prudently. Policies have supported the economy while still reducing public debt and inflation. Growth has been solid, the external position has strengthened, and the economic outlook remains a positive one. The latter is still exposed to risks from a global growth deceleration, tighter than expected global financial conditions, commodity price volatility, and natural disasters.

August 30, 2024

People’s Republic of China: Selected Issues

Description: Selected Issues

August 28, 2024

Chile: Request for an Arrangement under the Flexible Credit Line and Cancellation of the Current Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report; Staff Supplement; and Statement by the Executive Director for Chile

Description: The imbalances built during the pandemic have been largely resolved shifting priorities to supporting stronger, more inclusive and greener medium-term growth. The near-term outlook has improved, primarily due to higher copper prices and prospects for increased lithium production. In this context, policies are focused on creating conditions to add dynamism to the economy such as expediting investment permits while continuing with reforms to increase tax revenue and reduce inequality. The authorities remain fully committed to maintaining very strong policies and policy frameworks.

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