Technical Assistance Reports

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March 12, 2024

Guatemala: Technical Assistance Report-Public Investment Management Assessment – PIMA and Climate-PIMA (C-PIMA)

Description: [This report is available both in Spanish and English] At the request of the Finance Ministry and the Planning General Secretariat (SEGEPLAN) of Guatemala, an IMF team undertook a Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA), including the Climate PIMA (C-PIMA) module, from May 30 to June 19, 2023. The main purpose of the mission was to identify strengths and weaknesses in Guatemala’s public investment management. The C-PIMA assessed how climate change related mitigation and adaptation measures are being addressed in the public investment cycle.

March 11, 2024

Papua New Guinea: Technical Assistance Report-Government Finance Statistics and Public Sector Debt Statistics Mission (August 2–15, 2023)

Description: A technical assistance mission from the IMF’s Statistics Department visited Papua New Guinea (PNG) during August 2-15, 2023, to support the authorities in improving compilation and dissemination of government finance statistics (GFS) and public sector debt statistics (PSDS). The mission assisted the Department of Treasury in resolving outstanding data quality issues and expanding the coverage of fiscal statistics to the broader perimeter of Government including public debt of state-owned enterprises. The mission also provided training on specific aspects of GFS and PSDS and facilitated the dissemination of PNG’s PSDS through the joint IMF/World Bank’s quarterly public sector debt (QPSD) database.

March 8, 2024

Suriname: Technical Assistance Report-Monetary and Financial Statistics Mission (May 8–19, 2023)

Description: The mission worked with officials of the Central Bank of Suriname (CBS) to review the compilation framework of monetary statistics for the central bank (CB) and other depository corporations (ODCs) in accordance with the methodology set out in the IMF’s 2016 Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide and developed a roadmap to incorporate the accounts of insurance corporations and pensions funds in the compilation of monetary and financial statistics (MFS). Alongside these improvements, the CBS will be able to produce an updated and improved MFS.

March 8, 2024

South Africa: Technical Assistance Report-Report on Macro-relevant Climate Change Statistics Diagnostic Mission (July 17–21, 2023)

Description: South Africa faces significant climate change challenges given its high dependency on coal energy and physical concentration of nature-related risks. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change projects that extreme temperatures to be on the upward trajectory. The increased frequency and intensity of nature-related risks are expected to have profound effect on human health, access to food and water, biodiversity, habitats and ecosystems, infrastructure, and human settlements. To implement climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, South Africa needs large amount of granular, relevant, and reliable data for evidence-based planning and just transition. Against this background, in July 2023 the International Monetary Fund’s Statistics Department conducted a diagnostic mission to support the authorities in developing a workplan for enhancing the environment and climate change statistics. Discussions with the various stakeholders indicated that there was a broad agreement to prioritize (a) the establishment of a centralized environmental and climate change database with formalized institutional arrangements for coordination, data sharing protocols, and communication of statistics, and (b) development of the first set of air emission accounts and reestablishment of the energy flow accounts. In the medium-term there is need to strengthen capacity for collection of statistics on government environmental expenditures and subsidies, especially from sub sovereign governments and municipalities, and tailored technical assistance/training on carbon footprints of foreign direct investments. The mission was financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and hosted by Statistics South Africa.

March 5, 2024

South Africa: Technical Assistance Report-Report on Government Finance Statistics Mission (July 31–August 11, 2023)

Description: This technical assistance (TA) mission on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) mission was conducted during July 31-August 11, 2023. The main purpose of the mission was to provide structured training on GFS to the South African Reserve Bank, National Treasury and State Statistical Offices, as well as provide further technical assistance to strengthen the compilation and dissemination of GFS in line with international standards set out in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014).

March 4, 2024

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report-PFM Climate Assessment: Public Investment and Fiscal Risks Management

Description: Uganda has committed to an ambitious climate change mitigation and adaption agenda. To achieve this, the country has developed a sound framework to enhance climate change sensitivity across public financial and public investment management. The framework clearly allocates responsibilities, enhances coordination, and requires the identification of climate expenses in the budget documentation. However, gaps remain in some key regulations, primarily on project appraisal, and some initiatives are in early stages of implementation and need further guidance and training. The Climate Public Investment Management Assessment proposes reforms across multiple areas, underscoring as priority areas project appraisal and selection, and budgeting and portfolio management.

March 1, 2024

Republic of Slovenia: Technical Assistance Report-Data-Driven Risk Assessment

Description: This short-term expert (STX) visit focused on the use of data, analytics, and tools to help improve risk assessment capabilities. Over the course of the mission, the team conducted four workshops and five one-to-one sessions to provide guidance on ideal organizational arrangements to support data analytics, improvement of data workflows, leveraging the value of country-by-country reports, and development of data analytics/risk assessment models by using data science and big data analytics. The well-engaged SFA staff were convinced by the promising results of the new pilot risk assessment models with a solid level of commitment to apply big data anal

March 1, 2024

Republic of Slovenia: Technical Assistance Report-Data-Driven Risk Assessment (Follow-Up)

Description: As a follow-up to the November 2022 field-based assignment to help improve risk assessment capabilities, Dr. Ludvig Wier provided additional guidance to the Slovenia Revenue Administration (SFA). This short virtual assignment focused on resolving implementation issues faced by SFA as they develop new modernized approaches to risk assessment for corporate income tax (CIT).

February 22, 2024

Kenya: Technical Assistance Report-Climate Module of the Public Investment Management Assessment

Description: The Climate Module of the Public Investment Management Assessment for Kenya reveals strong performance in climate-aware planning and coordination. However, the analysis identifies challenges incorporating climate sensitivity in the project appraisal, selection, budgeting, and fiscal risk management processes. Implementing targeted modifications in these areas, such as enhancing project appraisal and selection criteria to include climate impacts, improving mechanisms for tracking climate expenditures, and expanding fiscal risk analysis to cover climate-related risks, could strengthen Kenya's public investment management practices and promote greater climate resilience.

February 16, 2024

Kingdom of Lesotho: Technical Assistance Report-Report on the Financial Soundness Indicators Technical Assistance Mission (April 27- May 04, 2023)

Description: The mission assisted the Central Bank of Lesotho in compiling financial soundness indicators (FSIs) using the new methodology of the IMF’s 2019 FSIs Compilation Guide. Specifically, in collaboration with the CBL staff the mission updated the methodologies for compiling FSIs for deposit takers and developed new FSIs for life and non-life insurance corporations for reporting to IMF and dissemination.

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