IMF Publications by Subject

Browse by Author


Factor models

Family economic aspects

Fei Liu

Felix F. Simione

Felix Suntheim

Fernanda Brollo

Fifteenth General Review of Quotas


Finance and Development

Financial account

Financial analysis

Financial and Monetary Sector

Financial assets

Financial assistance

Financial audit

Financial conditions index

Financial conglomerates

Financial contagion

Financial crises

Financial crisis

Financial cycles

Financial data

Financial derivatives

Financial derivatives and employee stock options (financial account)

Financial frictions

Financial incentives

Financial inclusion

Financial indicators

Financial infrastructure

Financial institutions

Financial instruments

Financial integration

Financial intermediaries

Financial intermediation

Financial management

Financial management information systems

Financial management law

Financial management legal framework

Financial market prices

Financial markets

Financial programs

Financial reform

Financial regulation and supervision

Financial risk

Financial safety nets

Financial sector

Financial Sector Assessment Program

Financial sector development

Financial sector oversight

Financial sector policy

Financial sector policy and analysis

Financial sector reform

Financial sector risk

Financial sector stability

Financial Sector Stability Review

Financial sector surveillance

Financial services

Financial services industry

Financial soundness indicators

Financial stability

Financial stability assessment

Financial Stability Forum

Financial standards

Financial statements

Financial statistics

Financial system stability assessment

Financial systems

Financial transaction tax

Financial transactions plan

Financial year



Fiscal accounting and reporting

Fiscal adjustment

Fiscal analysis

Fiscal Analysis of Resource Industries (FARI)

Fiscal balance

Fiscal consolidation

Fiscal councils

Fiscal data

Fiscal decentralization

Fiscal deficits

Fiscal devaluation

Fiscal dominance

Fiscal federalism

Fiscal framework

Fiscal governance

Fiscal imbalances

Fiscal indicators

Fiscal management

Fiscal Monitor

Fiscal multipliers

Fiscal performance

Fiscal performance assessment

Fiscal policy

Fiscal position

Fiscal projections

Fiscal redistribution

Fiscal reforms

Fiscal reporting

Fiscal responsibility

Fiscal responsibility law

Fiscal risk

Fiscal risks

Fiscal rules

Fiscal rules and institutions

Fiscal sector

Fiscal space

Fiscal stability

Fiscal stabilization

Fiscal stance

Fiscal stimulus

Fiscal stimulus and multipliers

Fiscal stress tests

Fiscal sustainability

Fiscal transfers

Fiscal transparency

Fiscal Transparency Evaluation (FTE)

Fiscal union



Fit and proper requirements

Fixed exchange rates

Flat tax

Flexible credit line

Flexible exchange rate policy

Flexible exchange rates

Flexible interest rate policy

Flexible pricing policy

Floating exchange rates

Flow of funds

Fluctuating oil revenues

Food imports

Food prices

Food production

Food security


Forecasting models

Foreign aid

Foreign aid policy

Foreign assets

Foreign banks

Foreign borrowing

Foreign corporations

Foreign currency debt

Foreign currency deposit accounts

Foreign currency deposits

Foreign currency exposure

Foreign currency liquidity

Foreign debt

Foreign direct investment

Foreign exchange

Foreign exchange auctions

Foreign exchange intervention

Foreign exchange market volatility

Foreign exchange markets

Foreign exchange operations

Foreign exchange purchases

Foreign exchange regulations

Foreign exchange reserves

Foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange sales

Foreign exchange shortages

Foreign exchange swaps

Foreign exchange transactions

Foreign investment

Foreign investment income

Foreign labor

Foreign liabilities

Foreign trade


Former Soviet Union

Formula apportionment

Forward commitment capacity

Forward exchange rates

Fossil fuels

Fourteenth General Review of Quotas

Framework Administered Account


Francisco Líbano Monteiro


Frederico Lima

Free trade

Free-floating exchange rate

Freely usable currencies

Freeze on financial assets

Frictional unemployment

Fringe benefits



Fuad Hasanov

Fuel prices

Fuel tax


Functional classification

Functional organization


Fund accounts

Fund administration

Fund administrative budget

Fund approval

Fund approval extension

Fund approval proposed

Fund Archives

Fund arrangements

Fund assets

Fund budget

Fund capital budget

Fund collaboration

Fund facilities

Fund financial position

Fund financial position reviews

Fund general resources

Fund history

Fund liquidity

Fund liquidity position

Fund organizational changes

Fund policies

Fund Policy Papers

Fund reserves

Fund role

Fund seminars

Fund size

Fund-supported adjustment programs


Futures markets

FX swaps