Country Reports

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October 16, 2023

Republic of the Marshall Islands: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Republic of the Marshall Islands

Description: Real GDP declined by 4.5 percent in FY2022 due entirely to a decline in fisheries. However, excluding the sector, growth was 4.2 percent, fueled by a recovery in domestic demand. Inflation has picked up due to higher food and fuel prices, while the current account surplus narrowed as COVID-related grants declined and the trade deficit widened.

October 6, 2023

Nepal: Technical Assistance Report—Financial Sector Stability Review

Description: The mission conducted a diagnostic review of the financial sector oversight capacity and proposed a Technical Assistance Roadmap (TARM) to support the authorities’ efforts to strengthen the identification, analysis, and mitigation of risks to financial stability in Nepal. Two modules were undertaken: (i) the financial stability module, focused on areas agreed with the NRB during the scoping stage: banking supervision and regulation, stress testing, crisis management, payment systems, and financial inclusion; and (ii) the financial sector statistics module, focused on key data gaps hampering financial stability analysis, as well as statistical reporting to the IMF’s STA.

October 6, 2023

Brunei Darussalam: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Brunei Darussalam

Description: Context and Recent Developments. Brunei’s high vaccination rates have allowed for the removal of COVID-19 restrictions and reopening of borders; however, reduced oil and gas (O&G) production have undermined the recovery. The financial sector remains liquid and well-capitalized. High fuel prices helped strengthen the fiscal and external positions in 2022. Inflation hit a historical high but has recently declined. The 2023 Article IV consultation took place in the context of a volatile O&G market, and a difficult external environment. Key policy challenges include the narrowing fiscal space, the need to shield the economy against O&G price and output volatility, global decarbonization pressures, and ensuring inter-generational equity. The government is committed to diversifying towards a low-carbon economy.

October 6, 2023

Brunei Darussalam: Selected Issues

Description: Selected Issues

October 4, 2023

Mongolia: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

Description: Mongolia’s economic conditions stabilized by 2023H2, helped by China’s reopening. The economy was in a challenging position in 2022 with widening external and internal imbalances due to multiple global shocks, policy excesses and governance lapses. However, greater exchange rate (ER) flexibility; the government’s strenuous efforts to facilitate exports; an influx of new private external financing, and some moderation of global shocks helped lift economic activity, moderate inflation, and stabilize the external position by end-2022. Effective public debt management by the government mitigated rollover risks. A supplementary budget for 2023 introduced large and permanent expansions in wages, benefits, and pensions.

October 3, 2023

Maldives: Technical Assistance Report-Financial Soundness Indicators Mission

Description: The mission assisted the staff of the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) to compile financial soundness indicators (FSIs) in line with the IMF’s 2019 FSIs Compilation Guide, improve the data frequency of FSIs for deposit takers to monthly, and prepare new FSIs for insurance corporations.

October 3, 2023

Burkina Faso: Request for a Four-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Burkina Faso

Description: Burkina Faso faces large balance of payments (BoP) and security needs aggravated by acute food insecurity and political instability. In March 2023, the authorities obtained Fund emergency financing under the Food Shock Window (FSW) of the Rapid Credit Facility to address the ongoing food insecurity crisis, which in some regions remains acute. Following two military coups in 2022, international development support has declined. Burkina Faso has agreed with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on a return to constitutional order, with elections to be held by July 2024.

October 2, 2023

Cayman Islands: Technical Assistance Report-Improving Estimates of Gross Domestic Product

Description: A technical assistance mission to the Economics and Statistics Office (ESO) of the Cayman Islands supported improved methods for compiling Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by economic activity and by expenditure components and assessed the feasibility of compiling institutional sector accounts (ISA) for the Cayman Islands. Given the importance of tourism for the economy, guidance was provided on how to develop a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA). A review of the data sources and methods used to compile GDP at constant prices was undertaken and improvements to deflators in the construction and service areas were recommended. These data enhancements will improve the understanding of the Cayman Islands economy and will also assist the Cayman Islands in meeting the IMF Special Data Dissemination Standards requirements.

September 30, 2023

Sri Lanka: Technical Assistance Report-Governance Diagnostic Assessment

Description: At the request of the authorities of Sri Lanka, an interdepartmental (LEG/FAD/MCM, FIN) Governance Diagnostic Assessment (GDA) mission was conducted during March 20 - March 31, 2023. In line with the IMF’s 2018 Framework on Enhanced Fund Engagement on Governance, the diagnostic assessment focused on corruption vulnerabilities and governance weaknesses linked to corruption in macroeconomically critical priority areas of: (i) the anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism; (ii) fiscal governance (e.g., public financial management, tax policy and revenue administration, state enterprise management, and public procurement); (iii) central bank governance; (iv) financial sector oversight; and (v) enforcement of contract and protection of property rights. Annex 1 provides additional information on the methodology and scope of the Governance Diagnostic.

September 29, 2023

Vietnam: Technical Assistance Report-Macroeconomic Framework Technical Assistance–Ministry of Planning and Investment: Scoping Mission

Description: This technical assistance (TA) report presents the outcomes of the scoping mission of a new TA project aimed at building capacity in macroeconomic analysis and forecasting in the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). The MPI is establishing a Core Working Group (CWG) under MPI’s coordination that will carry out macroeconomic analysis using Macroeconomic Projection Tool (MPT) and integrate the results in the policy making process. Based on the mission’s finding and assessment, the mission team and the authorities agreed on a three-year TA action plan that includes training components during the early stage of the project. During Phase 1 (2023-24), the activities would focus on developing and operating the Macro-Framework Foundation Tool (MFT) and the Public Debt Dynamics Tool (DDT) to produce macroeconomic analysis and forecasting. Depending on progress, the MPT could be enhanced during Phase 2 (2025-26) and the tentative plan is to develop Comprehensive Adaptive Expectation Model (CAEM). The CWG will take the lead in implementing the activities and targets identified in the TA action plan and will be supported by the IMF TA team.

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