Peer-Learning Webinar Series on Fiscal and Public Debt Issues in Asia and the Pacific
Over the past two decades, shocks have led to a significant deterioration of fiscal positions and a sharp increase in public debt globally. Such issues are also a key concern in Asia and the Pacific. Starting with an event on the future of fiscal policy, the series takes stock of fiscal developments and the current fiscal policy setting in Asia and the Pacific and cover issues of debt-sustainability, revenue mobilization, expenditure rationalization and public financial management, macro-framework tools for fiscal policy, debt management and restructurings, fiscal frameworks, and communication and investor relations. The series brings together staff from the Asia and Pacific and the Fiscal Affairs Departments, the Institute of Capacity Development, other IMF Departments, and government officials from the region and is organized jointly by the IMF-Singapore Regional Training Institute (STI) and the IMF Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP).
The series is open to the public.
Building Tax Capacity for Revenue Mobilization
February 28, 2024: 11:00 a.m. —12:15 p.m. (Tokyo) | February 28, 2024: 10:00 —11:15 a.m. (Singapore) | February 27, 2024: 9:00—10:15 p.m. (Washington, D.C)
Recent global events—the COVID-19 pandemic, the global energy crisis, and Russia’s war in Ukraine— have served as reminders that economic resilience rests in no small part on domestic public revenue levers and the ability to fund suitable policy responses. Although countries have made progress in their revenue mobilization efforts during the past decades to finance sustainable development goals (SGDs) among other policy objectives, much more can be achieved through further tax reforms and institutional capacity building efforts. Mobilizing additional domestic resources requires a holistic and institution-based approach that focuses on improving policy, administration, and legal implementation of core taxes. This webinar provides practical lessons and guidance on how to improve tax effort, with an emphasis on low-income developing countries, building on IMF staff members’ hands-on experience and empirical work, and a policy maker who has engaged in ambitious policy reforms to mobilize revenue.
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OAP Seminar Secretariat:
Media Contact: Huong Lan Pinky Vu:, Yuko Maeda:
Debt Sustainability and Fiscal Risks
December 12, 2023: 10:00 —11:30 a.m. (Singapore) | December 11, 2023: 9:00—10:30 p.m. (Washington, D.C)
The third event in this peer-learning series will focus on the concepts of assessing debt sustainability, analyzing debt vulnerabilities, and discussing the relevant fiscal risks. The first half presents IMF’s framework of debt sustainability analysis (DSA), followed by discussion on various types of fiscal risks related to contingent liabilities, including government guarantees; and an introduction to FAD’s fiscal risk toolkit with a focus on the DGLAT (Discreet Guarantees and Loans Assessment Tool) and SGAT (Standardized Guarantees Assessment Tool). Manrique Saenz presents IMF’s framework of debt sustainability analysis (DSA), followed by the issues related to fiscal risks by Majdeline El Rayess, Senior Economist, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF and Manrique Saenz, Deputy Division Chief, Strategy, Policy and Review, IMF to join the discussion, followed by a Q&A session. This is a virtual event open to the public and media.
Registration is open to all.
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Coordinator: Shinichi Nakabayashi, Senior Economist, IMF-STI,
Administrative Support: Alina Tan, Senior Programs Executive, IMF-STI,
IT Support: Louis Ang, Information Management Officer, IMF-STI,
Fiscal and Debt Dynamics and the Current Fiscal Policy Setting in Asia and the Pacific
September 26, 2023: 11:00 a.m. —12:25 p.m. (Tokyo) | September 26, 2023: 10:00 —11:25 a.m. (Singapore) | September 25, 2023: 10:00—11:25 p.m. (Washington, D.C)
This second event in this peer-learning series will focus on fiscal policy settings, and fiscal policy prospects and challenges in Asia and the Pacific. Countries across the world face an environment of lower growth and economic scarring, and Asia and the Pacific region is no exception. While the pandemic is over, new challenges have emerged, including from higher commodity prices, the need for increased government support for the energy transition and development, all while the interest burden is getting higher and revenue have not fully recovered yet. These challenges are more difficult to address in economies with long-standing structural fiscal problems, such as weak revenue capacity or weak expenditure efficiency. Thomas Helbling provided an overview of these challenges. Zeno Ronald R. Abenoja and Junji Ueda joined the discussion, followed by a Q&A session. This was a virtual event and was open to the public and media.
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OAP Seminar Secretariat:
Media Contact: Ting Yan:, Yuko Maeda:
The Future of Fiscal Policy
June 9, 2023: 10:00—11:30 a.m. (Singapore) | June 9, 2023: 11:00—12:30 a.m. (Tokyo) | June 8, 2023: 10:00—11:30 p.m. (Washington, D.C)
The inaugural event in this peer-learning series will focus on three important questions: (i) Given a renewed emphasis on monetary-fiscal interaction, how can the lessons from the last 25 years be reflected in an economic policy regime that delivers stability; (ii) how can an economic policy regime be designed to manage risks associated with extreme events and crises; and (iii) how can public finances best contribute to stable and sustainable economic growth. This will be a virtual event and be open to the public and the media.
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Fiscal Series Coordinator: Shinichi Nakabayashi, Senior Economist, STI:
Administrative Support: Jolina Wong, Senior Programs Executive, IMF-STI,
STI Support: Khyati Chauhan, Research Assistant, STI:
Media Contact: Ting Yan, Senior Press Officer & Asia Communications Lead, Communications Department, IMF:, Yuko Maeda Communications Manager, OAP, IMF: