Press Release: IMF External Relations Department Director Caroline Atkinson Notifies Management of Intention to Leave the Fund

July 28, 2011

Press Release No. 11/294
July 28, 2011

Ms. Caroline Atkinson, Director of the International Monetary Fund's External Relations Department (EXR), has notified IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde of her intention to leave the Fund following her appointment to a position at the White House as Special Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs. Ms. Atkinson, who was named to her current IMF post in November 2008 (see Press Release No. 08/194), will relinquish her responsibilities immediately and will resign from the Fund effective August 5, 2011. The IMF will begin shortly the process of selecting a new EXR Director; Mr. Gerry Rice will serve, effective immediately, as Acting Director.

The Managing Director made the following statement to the IMF Executive Board:

“Caroline Atkinson joined EXR when the global financial crisis was raging. With deep experience as an economist and a communicator, Caroline has successfully led the Fund’s outreach through very challenging times. Speaking as someone who has the ‘audience’ perspective, I can say that she has substantively contributed to strengthening the Fund's reputation in recent years.

“During her Fund career, Caroline has made other important contributions across a wide range of issues, including country and policy work in the European Department, the Western Hemisphere Department, and the Policy Development and Review Department (now the Strategy, Policy and Review Department). She has consistently displayed intellectual strength together with an effective and inclusive management style, and we have benefited from her extensive experience gained at the Bank of England, the U.S. Treasury, and the Council on Foreign Relations. She has made tireless efforts to help us all think more broadly on the issues we face both externally and internally. She has also been a champion of diversity in the Fund. 

“On a personal note, I wish to thank Caroline for helping me greatly in my early days at the Fund.”

Biographical information on Caroline Atkinson


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