25th Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference: Session V and Closing Remarks: Monetary Policy Transmission and Challenges
November 15, 2024
Join us for an engaging final session on Monetary Policy Transmission and Challenges at the 25th Annual Research Conference, as well as the closing remarks.
Sophia Chen, IMF
Ting Lan, IMF
Andres Drenik, The University of Texas at Austin
Peter Karadi, European Central Bank and CEPR
Anton Nakov, European Central Bank and CEPRl
Galo Nuno, Bank for International Settlements Bank of Spain and CEPR
Ernesto Pasten, Central Bank of Chile
Dominik Thaler, European Central Bank and CEPR
Alberto Martin, Center for Research in International Economics University Pompeu Fabra BSE and CEPR
Ariadne Checo, IMF
Francesco Grigoli, IMF
Damiano Sandri, BIS and CEPR
Gaston Navarro, Federal Reserve Board
Chair: Tobias Adrian, Financial Counsellor and Director Monetary and Capital Markets Department IMF