IMF Videos

Asia and Pacific

Securing Sustainable Finances and Medium-term Fiscal Frameworks: International Experience and Relevance for India

  • April 23, 2021


  • 1:44:45

A CSEP-IMF roundtable brings together international and India experts to discuss medium-term fiscal frameworks and their role in securing sustainable finances.

  • Anne-Marie Gulde-Wolf, IMF Deputy Director Asia and Pacific Department
  • Alfred Schipke, IMF Mission Chief for India
  • Anoop Singh, CSEP Distinguished Fellow
  • Vitor Gaspar, IMF Director Fiscal Affairs Department
  • N. K. Singh, Chairman of the 15th Finance Commission of India
  • Niels Thygesen, Chairman of the European Fiscal Board
  • Montek Singh Ahluwalia, CSEP Distinguished Fellow
  • Rakesh Mohan, CSEP President and Distinguished Fellow