Francesco Grigoli

Last Updated: May 10, 2019

Francesco Grigoli


Personal WebPage:

Fluent In: Italian, Portuguese, Spanish.


Ph.D Economics, University of Insubria, 2011

M.A. International Economics, University of Sussex, 2008

M.A. Business Studies, LIUC, 2006

B.S. Business Administration, LIUC, 2004

Current Position:

Economist, IMF Research Department, World Studies Division

Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University

Field of Expertise:

Public Finance

Monetary Policy

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Development Economics

IMF Books and Working Papers:

Assessing Targeted Containment Policies to Fight COVID-19 , Working Paper No. 2020/277 , December 11, 2020

Mobility under the COVID-19 Pandemic: Asymmetric Effects across Gender and Age , Working Paper No. 2020/282 , December 11, 2020

Monetary Policy Surprises and Inflation Expectation Dispersion , Working Paper No. 2020/252 , November 13, 2020

Protecting Lives and Livelihoods with Early and Tight Lockdowns , Working Paper No. 20/234 , November 08, 2020

Worker Mobility and Domestic Production Networks , Working Paper No. 20/205 , September 25, 2020

Network Effects and Research Collaborations , Working Paper No. 20/144 , July 24, 2020

Dampening Global Financial Shocks: Can Macroprudential Regulation Help (More than Capital Controls)? , Working Paper No. 20/106 , June 26, 2020

Predictive Density Aggregation: A Model for Global GDP Growth , Working Paper No. 20/78 , May 29, 2020

Gains from Anchoring Inflation Expectations: Evidence from the Taper Tantrum Shock , Working Paper No. 19/75 , March 28, 2019

Expectations' Anchoring and Inflation Persistence , Working Paper No. 18/280 , December 11, 2018

Is Inflation Domestic or Global? Evidence from Emerging Markets , Working Paper No. 18/241 , November 08, 2018

Is Unemployment on Steroids in Advanced Economies? , Working Paper No. 18/169 , July 24, 2018

Drivers of Labor Force Participation in Advanced Economies: Macro and Micro Evidence , Working Paper No. 18/150 , June 25, 2018

A Cohort-Based Analysis of Labor Force Participation for Advanced Economies , Working Paper No. 18/120 , May 22, 2018

Optimism, Pessimism, and Short-Term Fluctuations , Working Paper No. 18/1 , January 05, 2018

Fiscal Federalism and Regional Performance , Working Paper No. 17/265 , November 22, 2017

Fear Thy Neighbor: Spillovers from Economic Policy Uncertainty , Working Paper No. 17/240 , November 15, 2017

A Crude Shock : Explaining the Impact of the 2014-16 Oil Price Decline Across Exporters , Working Paper No. 17/160 , July 18, 2017

Macro-Financial Linkages and Heterogeneous Non-Performing Loans Projections : An Application to Ecuador , Working Paper No. 16/236 , December 07, 2016

Interest Rate Pass-Through in the Dominican Republic , Working Paper No. 15/260 , December 10, 2015

Saving in Latin America and the Caribbean : Performance and Policies , Working Paper No. 15/108 , May 18, 2015

Fiscal Policy in Latin America : Lessons and Legacies of the Global Financial Crisis , Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/6 , April 30, 2015

Output Gap Uncertainty and Real-Time Monetary Policy , Working Paper No. 15/14 , January 23, 2015

World Saving , Working Paper No. 14/204 , November 13, 2014

Making the Most of Public Investment in MENA and CCA Oil-Exporting Countries , Staff Discussion Notes No. 14/10 , November 12, 2014

A Hybrid Approach to Estimating the Efficiency of Public Spending on Education in Emerging and Developing Economies , Working Paper No. 14/19 , January 30, 2014

State-Owned Banks and Fiscal Discipline , Working Paper No. 13/206 , October 03, 2013

Waste Not, Want Not : The Efficiency of Health Expenditure in Emerging and Developing Economies , Working Paper No. 13/187 , August 28, 2013

Public Expenditure in the Slovak Republic : Composition and Technical Efficiency , Working Paper No. 12/173 , July 01, 2012

Quality of Government and Living Standards : Adjusting for the Efficiency of Public Spending , Working Paper No. 12/182 , July 01, 2012

Recoveries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan: Have Macroeconomic Policies Been Effective? , Working Paper No. 10/122 , May 01, 2010

Selected Issue

"Fiscal Policy in Latin America: Lessons and Legacies of the Global Financial Crisis," with Oya Celasun, Keiko Hnjo, Javier Kapsoli, Alexander Klemm, Bogdan Lissovolik, Jan Luksic, Marialuz Moreno-Badia, Joana Pereira, Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro, Baoping Shang, and Yulia Ustyugova, IMF Staff Discussion Note 15/06, International Monetary Fund, 2015

"Making the Most of Public Investment in MENA and CCA Oil-Exporting Countries," with Maria Albino-War, Svetlana Cerovic, Juan Carlos Flores, Javier Kapsoli, Haonan Qu, Yahia Said, Bahrom Shukurov, Martin Sommer, and SeokHyun Yoon, IMF Staff Discussion Note 14/10, International Monetary Fund, 2014

Publications in Journals (Refereed)

"A Crude Shock: Explaining the Impact of the 2014–16 Oil Price Decline Across Countries," with Alexander Herman and Andrew Swiston, Energy Economics, Vol. 78, pp. 481–493, 2019

"Optimism, Pessimism, and Short-Term Fluctuations," with Gabriel Di Bella, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 60, pp. 79--96, 2019

"Macro-Financial Linkages and Heterogeneous Non-Performing Loans Projections: An Application to Ecuador," with Mario Mansilla and Martin Saldias, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 97, pp. 130--141, 2018

"Fiscal Federalism and Regional Performance," with Gabriel Di Bella and Oksana Dynnikova, Journal of Russian Economics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 108--132, 2018

"Saving in the World," with Alexander Herman, and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, World Development, Vol. 104, pp. 257--270, 2018

"Waste Not, Want Not: The Efficiency of Health Expenditure in Emerging and Developing Economies," with Javier Kapsoli, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 384--403, 2018

"Power It Up: Strengthening the Electricity Sector to Improve Efficiency and Support Economic Activity," with Gabriel Di Bella, Energy Economics, Vol. 67, pp. 375--386, 2017

"Interest Rate Pass-Through in the Dominican Republic," with Jose M. Mota, Latin American Economic Review, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2017

"Is Private Saving in Latin America and the Caribbean Different?," with Alexander Herman, and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 1--26, 2017

"The Impact of Terms of Trade and Macroeconomic Regimes on Private Saving," with Alexander Herman and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, Economics Letters, Vol. 145, pp. 172--175, 2016

"Output Gap Uncertainty and Real-Time Monetary Policy," with Gabriel Di Bella, Alexander Herman, and Andrew Swiston, Russian Journal of Economics, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 329--358, 2015

"Some Unpleasant Fiscal-Adjustment Arithmetic" with Eduardo Ley, European Economic Letters, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 18--21, 2014

"A Hybrid Approach to Estimating the Education Efficiency Frontier in Emerging and Developing Economies," Applied Economics and Finance, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 19--32, 2014

"Recoveries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan: Have Macroeconomic Policies Been Effective?," with Dalia S. Hakura, Middle East Development Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 21--41, 2014

"Multiyear Budgets and Fiscal Performance: Panel Data Evidence," with Zachary Mills, Marijn Verhoeven, and Razvan Vlaicu, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 111, pp. 79--95, 2014

"Institutions and Public Investment: An Empirical Analysis," with Zachary Mills, Economics of Governance, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 131--153, 2013

"Determinants and Dynamics of Schooling and Child Labor in Bolivia," with Giacomo Sbrana, Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 65(1), pp. 17--37, 2012

"The impact of Trade Integration on Business Cycle Synchronization for Mercosur Countries," European Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 9(1), pp. 103--131, 2012

"An Empirical Investigation of the Nexus among Money Balances, Commodity Prices and Consumer Goods' Prices," The IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 9(4), pp. 56--80, 2011

Francesco Grigoli


Personal WebPage:

Fluent In: Italian, Portuguese, Spanish.


Ph.D Economics, University of Insubria, 2011

M.A. International Economics, University of Sussex, 2008

M.A. Business Studies, LIUC, 2006

B.S. Business Administration, LIUC, 2004

Current Position:

Economist, IMF Research Department, World Studies Division

Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University

Field of Expertise:

Public Finance

Monetary Policy

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Development Economics

IMF Books and Working Papers:

Assessing Targeted Containment Policies to Fight COVID-19 , Working Paper No. 2020/277 , December 11, 2020

Mobility under the COVID-19 Pandemic: Asymmetric Effects across Gender and Age , Working Paper No. 2020/282 , December 11, 2020

Monetary Policy Surprises and Inflation Expectation Dispersion , Working Paper No. 2020/252 , November 13, 2020

Protecting Lives and Livelihoods with Early and Tight Lockdowns , Working Paper No. 20/234 , November 08, 2020

Worker Mobility and Domestic Production Networks , Working Paper No. 20/205 , September 25, 2020

Network Effects and Research Collaborations , Working Paper No. 20/144 , July 24, 2020

Dampening Global Financial Shocks: Can Macroprudential Regulation Help (More than Capital Controls)? , Working Paper No. 20/106 , June 26, 2020

Predictive Density Aggregation: A Model for Global GDP Growth , Working Paper No. 20/78 , May 29, 2020

Gains from Anchoring Inflation Expectations: Evidence from the Taper Tantrum Shock , Working Paper No. 19/75 , March 28, 2019

Expectations' Anchoring and Inflation Persistence , Working Paper No. 18/280 , December 11, 2018

Is Inflation Domestic or Global? Evidence from Emerging Markets , Working Paper No. 18/241 , November 08, 2018

Is Unemployment on Steroids in Advanced Economies? , Working Paper No. 18/169 , July 24, 2018

Drivers of Labor Force Participation in Advanced Economies: Macro and Micro Evidence , Working Paper No. 18/150 , June 25, 2018

A Cohort-Based Analysis of Labor Force Participation for Advanced Economies , Working Paper No. 18/120 , May 22, 2018

Optimism, Pessimism, and Short-Term Fluctuations , Working Paper No. 18/1 , January 05, 2018

Fiscal Federalism and Regional Performance , Working Paper No. 17/265 , November 22, 2017

Fear Thy Neighbor: Spillovers from Economic Policy Uncertainty , Working Paper No. 17/240 , November 15, 2017

A Crude Shock : Explaining the Impact of the 2014-16 Oil Price Decline Across Exporters , Working Paper No. 17/160 , July 18, 2017

Macro-Financial Linkages and Heterogeneous Non-Performing Loans Projections : An Application to Ecuador , Working Paper No. 16/236 , December 07, 2016

Interest Rate Pass-Through in the Dominican Republic , Working Paper No. 15/260 , December 10, 2015

Saving in Latin America and the Caribbean : Performance and Policies , Working Paper No. 15/108 , May 18, 2015

Fiscal Policy in Latin America : Lessons and Legacies of the Global Financial Crisis , Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/6 , April 30, 2015

Output Gap Uncertainty and Real-Time Monetary Policy , Working Paper No. 15/14 , January 23, 2015

World Saving , Working Paper No. 14/204 , November 13, 2014

Making the Most of Public Investment in MENA and CCA Oil-Exporting Countries , Staff Discussion Notes No. 14/10 , November 12, 2014

A Hybrid Approach to Estimating the Efficiency of Public Spending on Education in Emerging and Developing Economies , Working Paper No. 14/19 , January 30, 2014

State-Owned Banks and Fiscal Discipline , Working Paper No. 13/206 , October 03, 2013

Waste Not, Want Not : The Efficiency of Health Expenditure in Emerging and Developing Economies , Working Paper No. 13/187 , August 28, 2013

Public Expenditure in the Slovak Republic : Composition and Technical Efficiency , Working Paper No. 12/173 , July 01, 2012

Quality of Government and Living Standards : Adjusting for the Efficiency of Public Spending , Working Paper No. 12/182 , July 01, 2012

Recoveries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan: Have Macroeconomic Policies Been Effective? , Working Paper No. 10/122 , May 01, 2010

Selected Issue

"Fiscal Policy in Latin America: Lessons and Legacies of the Global Financial Crisis," with Oya Celasun, Keiko Hnjo, Javier Kapsoli, Alexander Klemm, Bogdan Lissovolik, Jan Luksic, Marialuz Moreno-Badia, Joana Pereira, Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro, Baoping Shang, and Yulia Ustyugova, IMF Staff Discussion Note 15/06, International Monetary Fund, 2015

"Making the Most of Public Investment in MENA and CCA Oil-Exporting Countries," with Maria Albino-War, Svetlana Cerovic, Juan Carlos Flores, Javier Kapsoli, Haonan Qu, Yahia Said, Bahrom Shukurov, Martin Sommer, and SeokHyun Yoon, IMF Staff Discussion Note 14/10, International Monetary Fund, 2014

Publications in Journals (Refereed)

"A Crude Shock: Explaining the Impact of the 2014–16 Oil Price Decline Across Countries," with Alexander Herman and Andrew Swiston, Energy Economics, Vol. 78, pp. 481–493, 2019

"Optimism, Pessimism, and Short-Term Fluctuations," with Gabriel Di Bella, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 60, pp. 79--96, 2019

"Macro-Financial Linkages and Heterogeneous Non-Performing Loans Projections: An Application to Ecuador," with Mario Mansilla and Martin Saldias, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 97, pp. 130--141, 2018

"Fiscal Federalism and Regional Performance," with Gabriel Di Bella and Oksana Dynnikova, Journal of Russian Economics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 108--132, 2018

"Saving in the World," with Alexander Herman, and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, World Development, Vol. 104, pp. 257--270, 2018

"Waste Not, Want Not: The Efficiency of Health Expenditure in Emerging and Developing Economies," with Javier Kapsoli, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 384--403, 2018

"Power It Up: Strengthening the Electricity Sector to Improve Efficiency and Support Economic Activity," with Gabriel Di Bella, Energy Economics, Vol. 67, pp. 375--386, 2017

"Interest Rate Pass-Through in the Dominican Republic," with Jose M. Mota, Latin American Economic Review, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2017

"Is Private Saving in Latin America and the Caribbean Different?," with Alexander Herman, and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 1--26, 2017

"The Impact of Terms of Trade and Macroeconomic Regimes on Private Saving," with Alexander Herman and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, Economics Letters, Vol. 145, pp. 172--175, 2016

"Output Gap Uncertainty and Real-Time Monetary Policy," with Gabriel Di Bella, Alexander Herman, and Andrew Swiston, Russian Journal of Economics, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 329--358, 2015

"Some Unpleasant Fiscal-Adjustment Arithmetic" with Eduardo Ley, European Economic Letters, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 18--21, 2014

"A Hybrid Approach to Estimating the Education Efficiency Frontier in Emerging and Developing Economies," Applied Economics and Finance, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 19--32, 2014

"Recoveries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan: Have Macroeconomic Policies Been Effective?," with Dalia S. Hakura, Middle East Development Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 21--41, 2014

"Multiyear Budgets and Fiscal Performance: Panel Data Evidence," with Zachary Mills, Marijn Verhoeven, and Razvan Vlaicu, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 111, pp. 79--95, 2014

"Institutions and Public Investment: An Empirical Analysis," with Zachary Mills, Economics of Governance, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 131--153, 2013

"Determinants and Dynamics of Schooling and Child Labor in Bolivia," with Giacomo Sbrana, Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 65(1), pp. 17--37, 2012

"The impact of Trade Integration on Business Cycle Synchronization for Mercosur Countries," European Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 9(1), pp. 103--131, 2012

"An Empirical Investigation of the Nexus among Money Balances, Commodity Prices and Consumer Goods' Prices," The IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 9(4), pp. 56--80, 2011