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Relations with Other International Organizations

Summing Up by the Chairman— Policy Orientation and Balance of Payments Assistance of Bilateral and Multilateral Aid Agencies, Executive Board Meeting 90/106, July 2, 1990

To facilitate a greater exchange of information on country operations with multilateral agencies that are providing financial support for economic reforms, Directors agreed that the current procedures for release of Fund country documents should be modified to allow access to a wider range of such documents and for a larger group of recipient organizations, provided the confidentiality of the documents would be properly safeguarded. The changes in procedures would comprise staff reports for Article IV consultations, as well as staff papers on requests for and reviews of the use of Fund resources, and papers on recent economic developments. In all cases of documents involving the use of Fund resources, letters of intent and/or policy memoranda, as well as relevant decisions and texts of arrangements, would be deleted; and in certain exceptional cases, perhaps a summary of especially sensitive information would be provided. Directors endorsed the proposal for such a modification on the basis of the criteria set out in the staff paper (SM/90/120).1


August 6, 1990

1 See, for example, requests to provide economic reviews on states of the former Soviet Union to the EC, the EBRD, the EIB, the OECD, and the BIS (EBD/92/44, 3/6/92), and staff reports on the use of Fund resources by Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to the EC (EBD/92/185, 8/28/92, and EBD/92/237, 10/2/92).

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