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Technical and Financial Services
Technical Services
Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

Summing Up by the Acting Chair—Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism—Proposals to Assess a Global Standard and to Prepare ROSCs, Executive Board Meeting 02/80, July 26, 2002

In moving forward, Directors emphasized that the following four key principles should guide the Fund’s role in AML/CFT assessments and accompanying ROSCs:

• the staff’s involvement in assessing non-prudentially regulated financial sector activities should be confined to those that are macroeconomically relevant and pose a significant risk of money laundering/terrorism financing;

• all assessment procedures should be transparent and consistent with the mandate and core expertise of the different institutions involved, and compatible with the uniform, voluntary, and cooperative nature of the ROSC exercise;

• the assessments should be followed up with appropriate technical assistance at the request of the countries assessed in order to build their institutional capacity and develop their financial sectors; and

• the assessments would be conducted in accordance with the comprehensive and integrated methodology.


Directors endorsed the proposal to use two approaches to conduct the assessments:

• FATF and FSRBs-led assessments and associated ROSCs, which would be undertaken in the context of FATF/FSRB mutual evaluations and would not include Fund/Bank staff; … .

Directors emphasized the importance of the delivery of technical assistance to help countries address gaps in the AML/CFT frameworks that are identified in assessments, and the associated allocation of additional resources to this effort. However, it was stressed that this should not come at the expense of more traditional core technical assistance.


August 26, 2002

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