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Special Disbursement Account

Structural Adjustment Facility—Use of Resources of Special Disbursement Account—List of Eligible Members and Amounts of Assistance

  • 1. The members on the list annexed to this decision are eligible to receive balance of payments assistance under the Structural Adjustment Facility within the Special Disbursement Account (“the Facility”).

  • 2. The potential access of each eligible member to the resources of the Facility as of March 29, 1989 shall be 50 percent of quota; no more than 15 percent of quota shall be disbursed under the first annual arrangement; no more than 20 percent of quota shall be disbursed under the second annual arrangement; and no more than 15 percent of quota shall be disbursed under the third annual arrangement.

Decision No. 8240-(86/56) SAF,

March 26, 1986,

as amended by Decision Nos. 8542-(87/36) SAF, March 2, 1987,

8651-(87/105) SAF, July 22, 1987,

8935-(88/118) SAF, July 29, 1988,

9117-(89/40) SAF, March 29, 1989,

9986-(92/48) SAF, April 7, 1992,

10184-(92/132) SAF, November 3, 1992,

14522-(10/3), January 11, 2010, effective April 10, 2010,

15835-(15/73, July 17, 2015, and


February 19, 2020


Low-Income Developing Members Eligible for Assistance Under the Structural Adjustment Facility Within the Special Disbursement Account 1

Afghanistan Maldives
Bangladesh Mali
Benin Marshall Islands, Republic of
Bhutan Mauritania
Burkina Faso Micronesia, Federated States of
Burundi Moldova, Republic of
Cambodia Mozambique
Cameroon Myanmar
Cape Verde Nepal
Central African Republic Nicaragua
Chad Niger
Comoros Papua New Guinea
Congo, Democratic Republic of Rwanda
Congo, Republic of St. Lucia
Côte d’Ivoire St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Djibouti São Tomé and Príncipe
Dominica Senegal
Eritrea Sierra Leone
Ethiopia Solomon Islands
Gambia, The Somalia
Ghana South Sudan
Grenada Sudan
Guinea Tajikistan
Guinea-Bissau Tanzania
Guyana Timor-Leste
Haiti Togo
Honduras Tonga
Kenya Tuvalu
Kyrgyz Republic Uganda
Lao People’s Democratic Republic Uzbekistan
Lesotho Vanuatu
Madagascar Yemen, Republic of
Malawi Zambia

1 Ed. Note: Effective November 22, 1999, the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF) was renamed the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF). The original table is from “Eligibility to Use the Fund’s Facilities for Concessional Borrowing,” SM/12/14, January 17, 2012. Zimbabwe is not PRGT-eligible due to its removal from the PRGT-eligible list by an Executive Board decision in connection with its overdue obligations to the PRGT. Decision No. 15224-(12/82), August 9, 2012, added South Sudan to the list of eligible members. Decision No. 15351-(13/32), April 8, 2013, added the Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and Tuvalu to the list, and removed Georgia and Armenia. The removal of Armenia and Georgia from the list shall become effective on July 8, 2013, or on the date of the termination of any respective arrangement under the PRGT that may be in existence for Armenia or Georgia, whichever date is later. Decision No. 15835-(15/73), July 17, 2015, removed Bolivia, Mongolia, Nigeria, and Vietnam from the list, effective on October 16, 2015, or on the date of the termination of any respective arrangement under the PRGT that may be in existence for Bolivia, Mongolia, Nigeria, or Vietnam, whichever is later. Decision No. 16658-(20/18), February 19, 2020, removed Guyana from the list “effective five months from the date of adoption of this decision (“Effective Date”), provided that any arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust or any Policy Support Instrument in existence as of such Effective Date may continue until the expiration or other termination of the arrangement or the PSI.”

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