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Special Drawing Rights: Other Holders

Use of SDRs in Operations Under the Structural Adjustment Facility

In accordance with Article XVII, Section 3, the Fund prescribes that:

  • 1. A prescribed holder, by agreement with a participant and at the instruction of the Fund, may transfer SDRs to the participant in disbursement of a loan payable from the Structural Adjustment Facility within the Special Disbursement Account (“the Facility”).

  • 2. A participant, by agreement with a prescribed holder and at the instruction of the Fund, may transfer SDRs to the prescribed holder in repayment of loans, and/or payment of interest on loans, under the Facility.

  • 3. The Fund shall record operations pursuant to these prescriptions in accordance with Rule P-9.

Decision No. 8239-(86/56) SAF/S,

March 26, 1986

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