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Special Drawing Rights: Other Holders

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)—Change in Terms and Conditions of Prescription as Holder of SDRs

The Bank for International Settlements is authorized to accept, hold, and use special drawing rights in transactions and operations in accordance with and on the terms and conditions specified in the decision “Terms and Conditions for the Acceptance, Holding, and Use of Special Drawing Rights by Other Holders Prescribed under Article XVII, Section 3,” Decision No. 6467-(80/71) S, adopted April 14, 1980. These terms and conditions shall replace those set forth in Board of Governors Resolution No. 29-1, dated January 21, 1974.1 (EBS/80/86, 4/15/80)

Decision No. 6484-(80/77) S,

April 18, 1980

1 Ed. Note: The BIS was prescribed as a holder of SDRs by Board of Governors Resolution No. 29–1, effective January 21, 1974.

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