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Use of Fund Resources
Credit Tranche Policies and Facilities

Establishment of the Short-Term Liquidity Line

1. Subject to the provisions set forth herein, the Fund is prepared to provide financial assistance under a Short-Term Liquidity Line (SLL) in accordance with the terms of this Decision to a member that faces short-term balance of payments difficulties that: (i) are only of a potential nature, reflected in pressure on the capital account and the member’s reserves; (ii) are resulting from volatility in international capital markets; and (iii) are reasonably expected to be limited in scale and to require, at most, fine-tuning of monetary and exchange rate policies.

2. Subject to paragraph 6(iv) below, an SLL arrangement shall be approved upon a member’s informal expression of its potential interest in an SLL arrangement and where the Fund assesses that the member:

  • (a) has very strong economic fundamentals and institutional policy frameworks,

  • (b) is implementing—and has a sustained track record of implementing—very strong policies, and

  • (c) remains committed to maintaining such policies in the future, all of which give confidence that the member will respond appropriately to the special balance of payments difficulties that it could encounter. In addition to a very positive assessment of the member’s policies by the Executive Board in the context of the most recent Article IV consultations, the relevant criteria for the purposes of assessing qualification for an SLL arrangement shall include: (i) a sustainable external position; (ii) a capital account position dominated by private flows; (iii) a track record of steady sovereign access to international capital markets at favorable terms; (iv) a reserve position that is relatively comfortable; (v) sound public finances, including a sustainable public debt position; (vi) low and stable inflation, in the context of a sound monetary and exchange rate policy framework; (vii) a sound financial system and the absence of solvency problems that may threaten systemic stability; (viii) effective financial sector supervision; and (ix) data transparency and integrity.

3. In light of the qualification criteria set out in paragraph 2 of this Decision, SLL arrangements shall not be subject to) performance criteria or other forms of ex-post program monitoring, including reviews.

4. SLL arrangements) may be approved in an amount of up to 145 percent of the member’s quota, with this limit being cumulative for total credit outstanding under the SLL. There shall be no phasing under SLL arrangements. A member may make one or more purchases up to the amount of approved access under an SLL arrangement at any time during the period of such arrangement, subject to the provisions of this Decision, and provided that any outstanding amounts purchased by the member under the current or any previous SLL arrangement shall commensurately reduce the amount that can be purchased by the member during the course of an SLL arrangement. To the extent that a member makes a repurchase of amounts previously purchased under any SLL arrangement, the amount that can be subsequently purchased by the member under an SLL arrangement in effect shall be increased in an amount equal to such amounts repurchased, provided that at no time shall a member be entitled to purchase more than the approved access amount of its current SLL arrangement. The Fund shall not challenge a representation of need by a member for a purchase requested under an SLL arrangement.

5. (a) An SLL arrangement shall be approved for a period of 12 months.

  • (b) An SLL arrangement shall expire only upon the earlier of: (i) the expiration of the approved period of the arrangement; or (ii) the cancellation of the SLL arrangement by the member. Upon expiration of an SLL arrangement, the Fund may approve an additional SLL arrangement for the member in accordance with the terms of this Decision.

6. (a) The following procedures and arrangements for consultations with the Executive Board will apply following a member’s informal expression of potential interest in an SLL arrangement:

  • (i) Staff will conduct a confidential preliminary assessment of the qualification criteria set forth in paragraph 2.

  • (ii) When the Managing Director is prepared to recommend that a member be provided with the opportunity to avail itself of an SLL arrangement, the relevant documents, including a staff report that assesses the member’s qualification for financial assistance under the terms of this Decision, will be circulated to the Board.

  • (iii) The minimum periods applicable to the circulation of staff reports to the Executive Board shall apply to requests under this Decision, provided that the Executive Board will generally be prepared to consider a request within 48 to 72 hours after the circulation of the documentation in exceptional circumstances.

  • (iv) If the Executive Board assesses that the member qualifies for support under an SLL arrangement and approves an SLL arrangement for the member, such approval, which shall be communicated to the member within one business day, will be conditional on the receipt of a satisfactory written communication from the member confirming to the Fund that the member wishes to avail itself of the SLL arrangement. Such written communication shall be submitted no later than two weeks after the Board has conditionally approved an SLL arrangement for the member. Such written communication shall also outline that the member will maintain very strong policies during the course of the arrangement as well as its commitment, whenever relevant, to take adequate corrective measures to deal with shocks that may arise, and its consent to publication of the associated staff report.

  • (v) The SLL arrangement for the member shall become effective on the date on which the Fund confirms receipt of a written communication from the member that satisfies the requirements outlined in 6(a)(iv). A copy of the written communication shall be circulated for information to the Executive Board.

(b) A member submitting to the Fund a satisfactory written communication that it wishes to avail itself of an SLL arrangement would not be subject to the Fund’s policy on safeguards assessments for Fund arrangements. However, at the time of its written communication, such member will provide authorization for Fund staff to have access to the most recently completed annual independent audit of its central bank’s financial statements, whether or not the audit is published. This will include authorizing its central bank authorities and the central bank’s external auditors to discuss the audit findings with Fund staff, including any written observations by the external auditors regarding weaknesses observed in internal controls. The member will be expected to act in a cooperative manner during such discussions with the staff. For as long as Fund credit is outstanding under this Decision, the member will also provide staff with copies of annual audited financial statements and management letters, together with an authorization to discuss audit findings with the external auditor.

7. Purchases under this Decision and holdings resulting from such purchases shall be excluded for the purposes of the definition of reserve tranche purchase pursuant to Article XXX(c).

8. A member shall be obliged to repurchase any amounts purchased under an SLL arrangement no later than 12 months after the date of the purchase of such amounts.

9. The Emergency Financing Mechanism (EFM) procedures set forth in BUFF/95/102, 9/21/1995 shall not apply to requests for SLL arrangements.

10. In order to carry out the purposes of this Decision, the Fund will be prepared to grant a waiver of the limitation of 200 percent of quota in Article V, Section 3(b)(iii), whenever necessary to permit purchases under this Decision or to permit other purchases that would raise the Fund’s holdings of the purchasing member’s currency above that limitation because of purchases outstanding under this Decision.

11. The Fund will review this Decision within two years from the date of adoption of this Decision as part of a review of the Flexible Credit Line and Precautionary and Liquidity Line. 12. The SLL shall terminate seven years after the date of adoption of this Decision, provided that by end-2025 the Executive Board would be expected to decide whether to extend the SLL beyond the seven-year period.

Decision A of Decision No. 16747-(20/43),

April 15, 2020

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