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Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust

Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust

1. The Fund adopts the Instrument to Establish the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) that is annexed to this decision.

2. The Fund is committed, if it appeared that any delay in payment by the Trust to lenders would be protracted, to consider fully and in good faith all such initiatives as might be necessary to assure full and expeditious payment to lenders.

Decision No. 8759-(87/176) ESAF,

December 18, 1987,

as amended by Decision Nos. 9115-(89/40) ESAF, March 29, 1989,

9488-(90/106) ESAF, July 2, 1990,

9555-(90/146) ESAF, September 24, 1990,

9585-(90/161) ESAF, November 15, 1990,

10092-(92/94) ESAF, July 23, 1992,

10287-(93/23) ESAF, February 22, 1993,

10515-(93/162) ESAF, November 29, 1993,

10530-(93/170) ESAF, December 15, 1993,

10532-(93/170) ESAF, December 15, 1993,

11114-(95/110) ESAF, November 20, 1995,

11395-(96/110) ESAF, December 9, 1996,

11434-(97/10), February 4, 1997,

11435-(97/10), February 4, 1997,

11533-(97/67) ESAF, July 2, 1997,

11610-(97/113), December 19, 1997,

11832-(98/119) ESAF, November 20, 1998,

12087-(99/118) PRGF, October 21, 1999,

effective November 22, 1999,

12206-(00/55) PRGF, May 31, 2000,

12228-(00/66) PRGF, June 30, 2000,

12252-(00/77) PRGF, July 27, 2000,

12279-(00/86), August 25, 2000,

12326-(00/111) PRGF, November 10, 2000,

12344-(00/117) PRGF, November 28, 2000,

12545-(01/84) PRGF, August 22, 2001,

12560-(01/85) PRGF, August 23, 2001, effective September 19, 2001,

13374-(04/105) PRGF, November 9, 2004,

13588-(05/99) MDRI, November 23, 2005, effective January 5, 2006,

13590-(05/99) ESF, November 23, 2005, effective January 5, 2006,

13689-(06/24) ESF, March 10, 2006,

13774-(06/78), August 30, 2006, effective December 8, 2006,

13849-(06/108), December 20, 2006,

14153-(08/82), September 19, 2008, effective November 24, 2008,

14253-(09/08), January 27, 2009,

14287-(09/29), March 24, 2009, effective April 1, 2009,

14354-(09/79), July 23, 2009, effective January 7, 2010,

14593-(10/41), April 28, 2010, effective June 1, 2010,

15035-(11/116), December 1, 2011,

15226-(12/83), August 27, 2012,

15303-(13/1), December 21, 2012,

15352-(13/32), April 8, 2013,

15481-(13/103), November 11, 2013,

15482-(13/103), November 11, 2013,

15576-(14/36), April 24, 2014,

15692-(14/109), December 10, 2014,

15803-(15/62), June 22, 2015,

15818-(15/66), July 1, 2015,

15819-(15/66), July 1, 2015,

16051-(16/86), September 20, 2016,

16059-(16/91), October 3, 2016,

16152-(17/20), March 22, 2017,

16182-(17/35), July 17, 2017,

16448-(18/103), December 4, 2018,

16515-(19/42), May 24, 2019,

16516-(19/42), May 24, 2019,

16521-(19/42), May 24, 2019,

16693-(20/36), Apri 6, 2020,

16846-(20/75), July 13, 2020,

16880-(20-96), September 28, 2020,

16983-(21/29), March 22, 2021,

16984-(21/29), March 22>, 2021,

17067-(21/64), June 21, 2021,

17076-(21/68), June 30, 2021,

17077-(21/68), June 30, 2021,

17079-(21/71), July 14, 2021,

17080-(21/71), July 14, 2021,

17181-(21/121), December 20, 2021,

17231-(22/37), April 13, 2022,

17327-(22/83), September 30, 2022,

17487-(23/46), June 6, 2023,

17507-(23/52), June 27, 2023, and


June 27, 2023


Instrument to Establish the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust

Introductory Section

To help fulfill its purposes, the International Monetary Fund (hereinafter called the “Fund”) has adopted this Instrument establishing the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (hereinafter called the “Trust”), which shall be administered by the Fund as Trustee (hereinafter called the “Trustee”). The Trust shall be governed by and administered in accordance with the provisions of this Instrument.

Section I. General Provisions

Paragraph 1. Purposes

The Trust shall assist in fulfilling the purposes of the Fund by providing:

(a) loans on concessional terms (hereinafter called “Trust loans”) to low-income developing members that qualify for assistance under this Instrument, in order to:

  • (i) support programs under the Extended Credit Facility (hereinafter called the “ECF”) that enable members with a protracted balance of payments problem to make significant progress toward stable and sustainable macroeconomic positions consistent with strong and durable poverty reduction and growth;

  • (ii) support programs under the Standby Credit Facility (hereinafter called the “SCF”) that enable members with actual or potential short-term balance of payments needs to achieve, maintain or restore stable and sustainable macroeconomic positions consistent with strong and durable poverty reduction and growth;

  • (iii) support policies under the Rapid Credit Facility (hereinafter called the “RCF”) of members facing urgent balance of payments needs so as to enable them to make progress towards achieving or restoring stable and sustainable macroeconomic positions consistent with strong and durable poverty reduction and growth; and (iv) for a transitional period, support programs under the Exogenous Shocks Facility that help members to resolve their balance of payments difficulties whose primary source is a sudden and exogenous shock in a manner consistent with strong and durable poverty reduction and growth; and

(b) grants, for a transitional period, to subsidize post-conflict and/or natural disaster emergency assistance purchases under Decision No. 12341-(00/117) made by low-income developing members as of January 7, 2010, through transfers to the Post-Conflict and Natural Disaster Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGT Eligible members annexed to Decision No. 12481-(01/45) (“the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account”).

Paragraph 2. Accounts of the Trust

The operations and transactions of the Trust shall be conducted through a General Loan Account, an ECF Loan Account, a SCF Loan Account, and a RCF Loan Account (the latter four accounts collectively referred to herein as the “Loan Accounts”), a Reserve Account, a General Subsidy Account, an ECF Subsidy Account, a SCF Subsidy Account, a RCF Subsidy Account, an ESF Subsidy Account, and a Subsidy Reserve Account (the latter six accounts collectively referred to herein as the “Subsidy Accounts”), and a Deposit and Investment Account. The resources of the Trust shall be held separately in these Accounts.

Paragraph 3. Unit of Account

The SDR shall be the unit of account for commitments, loans, and all other operations and transactions of the Trust, provided that commitments of resources to the Subsidy Accounts may be made in currency.

Paragraph 4. Media of Payment of Contributions and Exchange of Resources

(a) Resources provided under borrowing agreements or donated to the Trust shall be received in a freely usable currency, subject to the provisions of (c) below, and provided that resources may be received by the Subsidy Accounts in other currencies.

(b) Payments by the Trust to creditors or donors shall be made in U.S. dollars or such other media as may be agreed between the Trustee and such creditors or donors.

(c) Resources provided under borrowing agreements or donated to the Trust may also be made available in or exchanged for SDRs in accordance with such arrangements as may be made by the Trust for the holding and use of SDRs.

(d) The Trustee may exchange any of the resources of the Trust, provided that any balance of a currency held in the Trust may be exchanged only with the consent of the issuers of such currencies.

Section II. Trust Loans

Paragraph 1. Eligibility and Conditions for Assistance

(a) The members on the list annexed to Decision No. 8240-(86/56) SAF, as amended, shall be eligible for assistance from the Trust.

(b) Assistance under the ECF

(1) Assistance under the ECF shall be committed and made available to a qualifying member under a single arrangement of no less than three years and up to five years (hereinafter called an “ECF arrangement”) in support of a macroeconomic and structural adjustment program presented by the member. It would be expected that ECF arrangements would normally be approved for a period of three years, although arrangements for up to five years may also be approved, where appropriate, and if the member so requests. The member shall also present a detailed statement of the policies and measures it intends to pursue for the first twelve months of the arrangement, and indicate how the program advances the member’s poverty reduction and growth objectives, in line with the objectives and policies of the program. The ECF arrangement will prescribe the total amount of resources committed to the member, the amount to be made available during the first year of the arrangement, the phasing of disbursements during that year, and the overall amounts to be made available during the subsequent years of the arrangement. Disbursements shall be phased at regular intervals no more than six months apart (one upon approval and at normally regular intervals thereafter) with performance criteria applicable specifically to each disbursement and appropriate monitoring of key financial variables in the form of quantitative benchmarks and structural benchmarks for critical structural reforms. Structural benchmarks may be targeted for implementation either by a specific date or by the time of a specific review under the ECF arrangement. The ECF arrangement shall also provide for reviews by the Trustee of the member’s program scheduled at intervals that are the same as those applicable to disbursements to evaluate the macroeconomic and structural reform policies of the member and the implementation of its program and reach new understandings if necessary. The determination of the phasing of, and the conditions applying to, disbursements after the first year of the ECF arrangement will be made by the Trustee in the context of reviews of the program with the member. At each review, the member will present a detailed statement describing progress made under the program, the policies it will follow during the next 12 months or up to the remaining period of the arrangement to further the realization of the objectives of the program, and how the program advances the country’s poverty reduction and growth objectives, with such modifications as may be necessary to assist it to achieve its objectives in changing circumstances.

(2) Before approving an ECF arrangement, the Trustee shall be satisfied that the member has a protracted balance of payments problem and is making an effort to strengthen substantially and in a sustainable manner its balance of payments position under a policy program that supports significant progress toward a stable and sustainable macroeconomic position consistent with strong and durable poverty reduction and growth.

  • (3)(i) Subject to subparagraph (ii) below, the Trustee shall not complete the second or any subsequent review under an ECF Financial Services arrangement unless it finds that: (A) the member concerned has a poverty reduction strategy that has been developed and made publicly available normally within the previous 5 years but no more than 6 years, and covers the period leading up to and covering the date of the completion of the relevant review; and (B) the poverty reduction strategy has been issued to the Executive Board and has been the subject of a staff analysis in the staff report on a request for an ECF arrangement or a review under an ECF arrangement. A Poverty reduction strategy issued to the Executive Board on or after May 24, 2019 shall be named Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy (PRGS) and a poverty reduction strategy that has been issued to the Executive Board as an Economic Development Document shall be deemed a PRGS. A PRGS shall comprise any of the following: (a) a document developed by a member country on its national development plan or strategy that is already in existence and publicly available, and documents its poverty reduction strategy; or (b) a document newly prepared by a member country documenting its poverty reduction strategy. A PRGS shall be accompanied by a cover letter from the member country concerned to the Managing Director, and shall be issued to the Executive Board with the cover letter. As such, the cover letter shall be deemed to constitute part of the PRGS.

  • (ii) In cases where a member has limited institutional capacity for meeting the PRGS requirement specified in subparagraph (i) above, the member may request approval by the Executive Board of an extension of the deadline for issuance of the PRGS up until the fourth review under the ECF arrangement. Any request for an extension shall be made no later than the time of the request for completion of the second review. A member may request approval of a further extension of the deadline for issuance of the PRGS up until the sixth review under the ECF arrangement, provided that: (A) the member can provide adequate justifications based on persistent limited institutional capacity for meeting the PRGS requirement and other urgent priorities; and (B) the member’s arrangement has a duration of at least four years, or an extension of the arrangement to at least four years is requested. Any request for such additional extension of the deadline for issuance of the PRGS shall be made no later than the time of the request for completion of the review corresponding to the extended deadline for the PRGS requirement.

  • (iii) For purposes of this Instrument, subject to the terms of Section II, paragraphs 1(b)(3)(i)-(ii) above, the terms I-PRSP, PRSP, PRSP preparation status report and APR shall have the meaning given to each of them in Section I, paragraph 1 of the PRG-HIPC Trust Instrument (Annex to Decision No. 11436-(97/10), adopted February 4, 1997, as amended).

(4) A member may cancel an ECF arrangement at any time by notifying the Fund of such cancellation. An ECF arrangement for a member approved after the date of adoption of this decision will automatically terminate before its term if no program review under the arrangement has been completed over a period of eighteen months. The Trustee, at the authorities’ request, may decide to delay the termination of the arrangement by up to three months in cases where the reaching of understandings between the authorities and the Trustee on targets and measures to put the ECF-supported program back on track within the term of the arrangement, appears imminent. The ECF arrangement will automatically terminate at the end of the extended period unless a program review under the arrangement is completed within this period. After the expiration of an ECF arrangement for a member, the cancellation of the ECF arrangement by the member, or the automatic termination of the ECF arrangement, the Trustee may approve additional ECF arrangements for an eligible member in accordance with this Instrument.

(c) Assistance under the SCF

(1) Assistance under the SCF shall be committed and made available to a qualifying member under an arrangement (hereinafter called an “SCF arrangement”) in support of a macroeconomic and structural adjustment program presented by the member. The period for an SCF arrangement shall range from one to three years. The member shall present a detailed statement of the policies and measures it intends to pursue during the first year of the arrangement, and how the program advances the member’s poverty reduction and growth objectives. In addition, the member will make an explicit statement, where applicable, about its intention to treat the SCF arrangement as precautionary. The SCF arrangement will prescribe the total amount of resources committed to the member and the phasing of disbursements during the period of the arrangement; provided that in cases where the period of a SCF arrangement exceeds one year, the arrangement may prescribe the amount to be made available during the first year of the arrangement and the phasing of disbursements during that year. Disbursements shall be phased at regular intervals no more than six months apart (one upon approval and at approximately regular intervals thereafter) with performance criteria applicable specifically to each disbursement and appropriate monitoring of key financial variables in the form of quantitative benchmarks and structural benchmarks for critical structural reforms. The SCF arrangement shall also provide for reviews by the Trustee of the member’s program scheduled at intervals that are the same as those applicable to disbursements to evaluate the macroeconomic and structural reform policies of the member and the implementation of its program and reach new understandings if necessary. In cases where the period of a SCF arrangement exceeds one year, the determination of the phasing of, and the conditions applying to, disbursements during the period of the arrangement following the first year may be made by the Trustee in the context of reviews of the program with the member. At the time of each review, the member will present a detailed statement describing progress made under the program, the policies it will follow during the next twelve months or up to the remaining period of the arrangement to further the realization of the objectives of the program, and how the program advances the country’s poverty reduction and growth objectives, with such modifications as may be necessary to assist it to achieve its objectives in changing circumstances. The member may request at any time any previously scheduled and undrawn disbursement under an SCF arrangement, provided that the most recently scheduled review under the arrangement prior to the request has been completed. After the expiration of an SCF arrangement for a member, or the cancellation of the SCF arrangement by the member, or the automatic termination of the SCF arrangement, the Trustee may approve additional SCF arrangements for that member in accordance with the Instrument provided that, normally, no SCF arrangement shall be approved that could result in a member having had SCF arrangements in place for more than three years out of any six-year period, assessed on a rolling basis. In applying this limitation, the Trustee shall not include previously approved SCF arrangements that have expired with no disbursement having taken place or new SCF arrangements whose approval the member has requested and for which the Trustee, at the time of consideration of the request, assesses that the member does not have an actual balance of payments need.

(2) Before approving a SCF arrangement, the Trustee shall be satisfied (a) that the member does not have a protracted balance of payments problem, and has an actual or potential short-term balance of payment need that is expected (or in the case of a potential balance of payments need, would be expected) to be resolved within two years and in any event not later than three years; (b) that the member’s balance of payments difficulties are not predominantly caused by a withdrawal of financial support by donors; and (c) that the member is implementing, or is committed to implement, policies aimed at resolving the balance of payments difficulties it is encountering or could encounter, and at achieving, maintaining or restoring a stable and sustainable macroeconomic position consistent with strong and durable poverty reduction.

(3) Notwithstanding subparagraph 2 above, no SCF arrangement shall be approved before January 1, 2010, based solely on the existence of a potential balance of payments need.

(4) The Trustee shall not complete the second or any subsequent review under an SCF arrangement with an initial duration exceeding two years unless it finds that: (A) the member concerned has a poverty reduction strategy that has been developed and made publicly available normally within the previous 5 years but no more than 6 years, and covers the period leading up to and covering the date of the completion of the relevant review; and (B) the poverty reduction strategy has been issued to the Executive Board and has been the subject of a staff analysis in the staff report on a request for an SCF arrangement or a review under an SCF arrangement. A poverty reduction strategy issued to the Executive Board on or after May 24, 2019 shall be named Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Financial Services (PRGS) and shall comprise any of the following: (a) a document developed by a member country on its national development plan or strategy that is already in existence and publicly available, and documents its poverty reduction strategy; or (b) a document newly prepared by a member country documenting its poverty reduction strategy. A PRGS shall be accompanied by a cover letter from the member country concerned to the Managing Director, and shall be issued to the Executive Board with the cover letter. As such, the cover letter shall be deemed to constitute part of the PRGS.

(5) A member may cancel an SCF arrangement at any time by notifying the Fund of such cancellation. An SCF arrangement for a member approved after the date of adoption of this decision, which has an initial duration of more than 24 months or is extended to more than 24 months, will automatically terminate before its term if no program review under the arrangement has been completed over a period of eighteen months. The Trustee, at the authorities’ request, may decide to delay the termination of the arrangement by up to three months in cases where the reaching of understandings between the authorities and the Trustee on targets and measures to put the SCF-supported program back on track within the term of the arrangement, appears imminent. The SCF arrangement will automatically terminate at the end of the extended period unless a program review under the arrangement is completed within this period.

(d) Assistance under the RCF

(1) Assistance under the RCF shall be made available to a qualifying member through outright loan disbursements. A member requesting assistance under the RCF shall describe in a letter the general policies it plans to pursue to address its balance of payment difficulties, how its policies advance its poverty reduction and growth objectives, and its intention not to introduce measures or policies that would compound its balance of payments difficulties. The member shall also commit to undergoing a safeguard assessment, provide staff with access to its central bank’s most recently completed external audit reports and authorize its external auditors to hold discussions with staff. The Trustee will approve support under the RCF only where it is satisfied that the member will cooperate with the Trustee in an effort to find, where appropriate, solutions for its balance of payments difficulties. In exceptional cases, the Managing Director may request that the member implement upfront measures before recommending that the Trustee approve a disbursement under the RCF.

(2) Before approving a disbursement under the RCF, the Trustee shall be satisfied (a) that the member is experiencing an urgent balance of payments need characterized by a financing gap that, if not addressed, would result in an immediate and severe economic disruption; (b) that the member’s balance of payments difficulties are not predominantly caused by a withdrawal of financial support by donors; and (c) normally, that the member either (i) has a balance of payments need that is expected to be resolved within one year with no major policy adjustments being necessary, or (ii) lacks capacity to implement an upper credit tranche-quality economic program owing to its limited policy implementation capacity or the urgent nature of its balance of payments need. If a member has received a disbursement under the RCF within the preceding three years, then any additional disbursements under the RCF may be approved only where the Trustee is satisfied that: (i) the member’s balance of payments need was caused primarily by a sudden and exogenous shock, or (ii) the member has established a track record of adequate macroeconomic policies for a period of normally about six-months prior to the request; provided that (A) effective as of January 1, 2022, a member may not receive more than two disbursements under the RCF during any 12-month period; (B) any disbursements between July 13, 2020 and December 31, 2021 shall not count towards the limit set forth in (A) above, and (C) any disbursements made to address an urgent balance of payments need under Section II, Paragraph 2(b)(iv) shall not count towards the limit set forth in (A) above.

(e) General Provisions

(1) A member may not obtain assistance from the Trust under the ECF, SCF or ESF at the same time. So long as the requirements under the Instrument for approval of such assistance have been met, a member may obtain assistance under the RCF when it has an ECF, ESF, or SCF arrangement in place, if (a) disbursements under the relevant arrangement are delayed due to delays in program implementation, the nonobservance of conditions attached to such disbursements or delays in reaching new understandings when necessary, and (b) the member’s balance of payments need giving rise to the request for assistance under the RCF is caused primarily by a sudden and exogenous shock.

(2) Commitments under arrangements under this Instrument may be made for the period through December 31, 2024.

(3) The Managing Director shall not recommend for approval, and the Trustee shall not approve, a request for a disbursement under the RCF or an arrangement under this Instrument whenever the member has an overdue financial obligation to the Fund in the General Resources Account, the Special Disbursement Account, or the SDR Department, or to the Fund as Trustee (including as Trustee of the Resilience and Sustainability Trust), or while the member is failing to meet a repurchase expectation to the Fund pursuant to Decision No. 7842-(84/165) on the Guidelines on Corrective Action, or is failing to meet a repayment expectation pursuant to Section II, paragraph 3(c) or the provisions of Appendix I to this Instrument, or is failing to meet a repayment expectation pursuant to the provisions of Appendix I of the Instrument to Establish the Resilience and Sustainability Trust, Annex to Decision No. 17231-(22/37).

(4) The Trustee shall not complete a review under an arrangement under this Instrument unless and until all other conditions for the disbursement of the corresponding loan have been met or waived.

Paragraph 2. Amount of Assistance

(a)(A) Except as specified in sub-paragraph (B) below, the overall access of each eligible member to the resources of the Trust under all facilities of the Trust as specified in Section I, Paragraph 1(a) shall be subject to (i) an annual limit of 145 percent of quota; and (ii) a cumulative limit of 435 percent of quota, net of scheduled repayments. The Trustee may approve access in excess of these limits if all of the following criteria are satisfied:

(1) The member is experiencing or has the potential to experience exceptional balance of payments pressures on the current account or capital account, resulting in a need for resources under the Trust that cannot be met within the normal limits.

(2) Risks to the sustainability of public debt are adequately contained, which shall be evidenced by, and subject to, the standards set forth below:

  • I. A rigorous and systematic analysis indicates that there is a high probability that the member’s public debt is sustainable in the medium term. This is generally considered to be met for countries that are assessed under the Bank-Fund Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries (the “LIC-DSF”) to be at low or moderate overall risk of public debt distress; or

  • II. Where the member’s public debt is assessed to be sustainable but not with high probability (which includes cases where the member’s overall risk of public debt distress is assessed to be high or in debt distress), or where the member’s debt is assessed to be unsustainable ex ante, access to resources in excess of the normal limits will only be made available if the combination of the member’s policies and financing from sources other than the Fund, which may include debt restructuring, restores public debt sustainability with high probability (generally considered to be met for countries that are assessed under the LIC-DSF to be at low or moderate overall risk of public debt distress) (i) within 36 months from Board approval in the case of a new arrangement under this Trust or a loan under the RCF, or within the period of the new arrangement, whichever is longer, or (ii) within the remaining period of an arrangement, in cases where the Board approves a request for an augmentation or a rephasing of access under the arrangement;

(3) The member does not meet the income criterion for presumed blending, as set forth in paragraph 1(a) of Decision No. 17082-(21/71), adopted July 14, 2021, at the time of making a request for resources under this Trust in excess of the access limits set forth in paragraph 2(a)(A) above; and

(4) The policy program of the member provides a reasonably strong prospect of success, including not only the member’s adjustment plans but also its institutional and political capacity to deliver that adjustment.

(a)(B)(i) During the period from March 22, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (the “Applicable Period”), the annual access limit shall be 245 percent of quota for financing approved through December 31, 2021 (the “Eligible Financing”). For the computation of the annual access under the above specified “Eligible Financing”, the annual access limit of 245 percent of quota shall apply for any 12-month period that includes any part of the “Applicable Period”.

(a)(B)(ii) Notwithstanding the increase in access limits set forth in Paragraphs 2(a)(A) and 2(a)(B)(i) above, a member’s access to PRGT resources approved under an arrangement in place prior to September 9, 2020 that was exempted from the application of Policy Safeguards for High Combined GRA and PRGT Credit set forth in Decision No. 16873-(20/91) will remain subject to observance of the access limits and criteria for exceptional access to the PRGT that were in effect at the time of approval of such arrangement; if access under such an arrangement is augmented, the provisions in paragraphs 2(a)(A) and 2 (a)(B)(i) shall apply to such an arrangement.

(b) Subject to the provisions in subparagraphs (i) to (v) below the access of each eligible member under the RCF shall be subject to an annual limit of 50 percent of quota, and a cumulative limit of 100 percent of quota, net of scheduled repayments, including where the assistance is requested to address an urgent balance of payments need resulting primarily from a sudden and exogenous shock and the member’s existing and prospective policies are sufficiently strong to address the exogenous shock:

  • (i) each disbursement shall not exceed 25 percent of quota except where the member requests assistance under the RCF to address an urgent balance of payments need resulting primarily from a sudden and exogenous shock (including a large natural disaster under (ii) below);

  • (ii) the annual and cumulative access limits under the RCF shall be 80 percent of quota and 133.33 percent of quota, net of scheduled repayments, respectively, where (a) the member requests assistance under the RCF to address an urgent balance of payments need resulting from a natural disaster that occasions damage assessed to be equivalent to or to exceed 20 percent of the member’s gross domestic product (GDP) and (b) the member’s existing and prospective policies are sufficiently strong to address the natural disaster shock. For the period from June 21, 2021 to December 31, 2021, the above annual access limit shall be 130 percent of quota and for the period June 21, 2021 to the date the Executive Board decision completing the next Comprehensive Review of PRGT facilities in 2024/25, the above cumulative access limit shall be183.33 percent of quota, net of scheduled repayments;

  • (iii) a member’s request for assistance under the RCF to address an urgent balance of payments need resulting primarily from a sudden and exogenous shock shall be subject to an annual access limit of 100 percent of quota for the period from April 6, 2020 to December 31, 2021, and to a cumulative access limit of 150 percent of quota, net of scheduled repayments for the period from April 6, 2020 to the date the Executive Board decision completing the next Comprehensive Review of PRGT facilities in 2024/25;

  • (iv) for a period from September 30, 2022 to March 32, 2024, the Fund may approve financing of up to 50 percent of quota to help a member address an urgent balance of payments need associated with acute food insecurity, increased costs of cereal and fertilizer imports, or cereal exports shortfalls. Access under this subparagraph (iv) shall be fully additional to the annual access limits established under this subparagraph 2(b). A member’s access to financing under this subparagraph shall increase the cumulative access limit referred to in subparagraph 2(b)(iii) above to 175 percent of quota until the date of the Executive Board decision completing the next Comprehensive Review of PRGT Facilities in 2024/25. Before approving financing under this window, the Fund shall be satisfied that the member has an urgent balance of payments need associated with one of the following:

    • (1) acute food insecurity that is inflicting serious economic disruption within the member on such a scale as to warrant a concerted international effort to support the member. In assessing the qualification of members under this subparagraph (iv)(1), the Executive Board would take into account whether the member faces acute food insecurity as defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) or a major food crisis per the United Nations Global Report on Food Crisis (UNGRFC), in both cases, based on the most recent publicly available data; or

    • (2) increased prices of cereal or fertilizer imports that negatively impact the member’s external current account where such negative impact amounts to at least 0.3 percent of GDP over a 12-month period, as specified in more detail in SM/22/229; or

    • (3) cereal exports shortfalls, where the projected negative shock to cereal exports, benchmarked against the previous year, exceeds 0.8 percent of projected GDP for the compensable year1; and

(v) outstanding credit by a member under the rapid-access component of the ESF or outstanding purchases from the General Resources Account under emergency post conflict/natural disaster assistance covered by Decision No. 12341-(00/117), shall count towards the annual and cumulative limits applicable to access under the RCF. With effect from July 1, 2015, any purchases from the General Resources Account under the Rapid Financing Instrument shall count towards the annual and cumulative limits applicable to access under the RCF.

(c) [Ed. Note: The sub-limit on precautionary use of the SCF was repealed by Decision No. 16516-(19/42), May 24, 2019.]

(d) These access limits shall be subject to review from time to time by the Trustee.

(e) To the extent that a member has notified the Trustee that it does not intend to make use of the resources available from the Trust, the member shall not be included in the calculations of the access limits on Trust loans.

(f) The access for each member that qualifies for assistance from the Trust under the ECF, SCF, RCF or ESF shall be determined on the basis of an assessment by the Trustee of the actual or potential balance of payments need of the member, the strength of its adjustment program and capacity to repay the Fund, the amount of the member’s outstanding use of credit extended by the Fund, and its record in using Fund credit in the past. The access for each member that qualifies for assistance under the RCF and ESF shall also take into account the size and likely persistence of the shock (where applicable, in the case of the RCF).

(g) The amount of resources committed to a qualifying member under an ECF, SCF or ESF arrangement may be increased at the time of any review contemplated under the arrangement, to help meet a larger balance of payments need or in the case of an ECF or SCF arrangement, to support a strengthening of the program. The amount committed to a member under an ECF arrangement shall not be reduced because of developments in its balance of payments, unless such developments are substantially more favorable than envisaged at the time of approval of the arrangement and the improvement for the member derives in particular from improvements in the external environment.

(h) The amount of resources committed to a qualifying member under an ECF or SCF arrangement may also be increased by the Trustee in an ad-hoc review between scheduled reviews under the arrangement to address an increase in the underlying balance of payments problems of the qualifying member where the problem is so acute that the augmentation cannot await the next scheduled review under the arrangement. The Trustee, however, shall not approve requests for augmentation at an ad hoc review if the scheduled review associated with the most recent availability date preceding the augmentation request has not been completed. In support of a request for augmentation between scheduled reviews under an ECF or SCF arrangement, the member will describe in a letter of intent the nature and size of its balance of payment difficulties, and any information relevant to program implementation, including exogenous developments. Before approving such augmentation, the Trustee shall be satisfied that the program remains on track to achieve its objectives at the time of the augmentation, based on the information provided by the member, and, in particular, that the member is in compliance with any continuous performance criteria or that a waiver of nonobservance is justified and that all prior actions have been met. Requests for augmentation of access that do not exceed 15 percent of quota would be considered for approval on a lapse-of-time basis as provided for in Decision/A/13207, as amended. Following its approval by the Trustee, the augmentation of access under the arrangement will not exceed the amount immediately needed by the member in light of its balance of payments difficulties and will become available to the member in a single disbursement, which the member may request at any time until the availability date of the next scheduled disbursement under the ECF or SCF arrangement. A program review following an augmentation of access under the arrangement between scheduled reviews would be expected to include a comprehensive review of policies under the program. In order to allow the Trustee to undertake such a comprehensive assessment of the member’s policies, this review may not be completed on a lapse of time basis.

(i) Any commitment shall be subject to the availability of resources to the Trust.

Paragraph 3. Disbursements

(a) Any disbursement shall be subject to the availability of the resources to the Trust.

(b) Disbursements under an arrangement under this Instrument must precede the expiration of the arrangement period. If phased amounts under an arrangement do not become available as scheduled due to delays in program implementation, nonobservance of conditions attached to such disbursements or delays in reaching new understandings when necessary, the Trustee may rephase those amounts over the remaining period of the arrangement. The Trustee may also extend the original period of (i) an ECF arrangement to allow for the disbursement of rephased amounts or to provide additional resources in light of projected developments in the member’s balance of payments position, subject to appropriate conditions consistent with the terms of assistance under the ECF, provided that the total period of the arrangement shall not exceed five years overall, and (ii) an SCF or ESF arrangement for up to the overall maximum two-year period referred to in Section II, paragraph 1 (c)(1) and Appendix III, respectively, to allow for the disbursement of rephased amounts or to provide additional resources subject to appropriate conditions consistent with the terms of assistance under the ESF or SCF.

(c) When requesting a disbursement under the SCF, RCF or ESF, the member shall represent that it has a need because of its balance of payments or its reserve position or developments in its reserves. The Trustee shall not challenge this representation of need prior to providing the member with the requested disbursement. If, after a disbursement is made, the Trustee determines that the disbursement took place in the absence of a need, the Trustee may decide that the member shall be expected to repay an amount equivalent to the disbursement, together with any interest accrued thereon, normally within a period of 30 days from the date of the Executive Board decision establishing that the member is expected to make an early repayment. If the member fails to meet a repayment expectation within the period established by the Trustee, (i) the Managing Director shall promptly submit a report to the Executive Board together with a proposal on how to deal with the matter, and (ii) interest shall be charged on the amount subject to the repayment expectation at the rate applicable to overdue amounts under paragraph 4 of this Section.

(d) Following a member’s qualification for a disbursement, the disbursement shall be made on the soonest value date for which the necessary notifications and payment instructions can be issued by the Trustee.

(e) No disbursement to a member shall be made after the expiration of the period referred to in Section III, paragraph 3.

(f) In cases of misreporting and noncomplying disbursements of Trust loans, the provisions of Appendix I, which is incorporated at the end of this Instrument, shall apply.

(g) Disbursements under an arrangement to a qualifying member shall be suspended in all the cases specified in Paragraph 1(e)(3) of this Section.

(h) The Trustee’s approval of a loan disbursement under the RCF after March 22, 2021 shall automatically expire after 60 days following the date of such approval (the “automatic expiration date”) if the Trustee has not received the member’s authenticated instructions to request the disbursement of the approved RCF loan. The Trustee, at the member’s request made prior to the automatic expiration date, may decide to delay such expiration date for an additional period not exceeding 60 days from the automatic expiration date.

Paragraph 4. Terms of Loans

(a) Effective August 1, 2021, and subject to the provisions of Section IV.A, paragraph 5, interest on the outstanding balance of Trust loans shall be charged at the rate of zero percent per annum on loans under the ECF, the SCF, the ESF, and the RCF.

(b) The interest rates for loans outstanding under the ECF and the SCF as specified under paragraph (a) shall be subject to periodic reviews to take account of developments in world interest rates, with such first review to be completed by July 31, 2025, and subsequent reviews every two years thereafter. In the context of such reviews, and subject to the provisions of Section IV.A, paragraph 5, the interest rate on the outstanding balances of loans under the ECF and SCF shall normally be determined by the Trustee as follows:

  • (i) If the SDR interest rate (average rate over the most recently observed 12-month period) is less than 2 percent, the interest rate shall be established or maintained, as the case may be, at zero percent per annum for ECF and SCF loans;

  • (ii) If the SDR interest rate (average rate over the most recently observed 12-month period) is between 2 percent and 5 percent, the interest rate shall be established or maintained, as the case may be, at 0.25 percent per annum for ECF and SCF loans;

  • (iii) If the SDR interest rate (average rate over the most recently observed 12-month period) is greater than 5 percent, the interest rate shall be established or maintained, as the case may be, at 0.5 percent per annum for ECF and SCF loans. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) or any interest rate determined in terms of the provisions of paragraph (b), interest at a rate equal to the SDR interest rate shall be charged on the amounts of any overdue interest on or overdue repayments of Trust loans.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) or any interest rate determined in terms of the provisions of paragraph (b), interest at a rate equal to the SDR interest rate shall be charged on the amounts of any overdue interest on or overdue repayments of Trust loans.

(d) Trust loans shall be disbursed in a freely usable currency as decided by the Trustee. They shall be repaid, and interest paid, in U.S. dollars or other freely usable currency as decided by the Trustee. The Managing Director is authorized to make arrangements under which, at the request of a member, SDRs may be used for disbursements to the member or for payment of interest or repayments of loans by the member to the Trust.

(e) The Trustee may not reschedule the repayment of loans from the Trust.

(f) Trust loans under the ECF, RCF and ESF shall be repaid in ten equal semi-annual installments beginning not later than five and a half years from the date of each disbursement and completed at the end of the tenth year after that date. Trust loans under the SCF shall be repaid in nine equal semi-annual installments beginning not later than four years from the date of each disbursement and completed at the end of the eighth year after that date.

Paragraph 5. Availability Fee

A charge in the amount of 0.15 percent per annum shall be payable on the full amount of disbursements available during each six-month period under an SCF arrangement, or any shorter period that is remaining under an SCF arrangement, to the extent that such available disbursements were not drawn by the member. The charge shall be paid to the SCF Subsidy Account five days after the end of each relevant period. Payment of the availability fee shall normally be made in SDRs but can also be made in a freely usable currency as decided by the Trustee. The Managing Director shall make the necessary arrangements for the use of SDRs for payment of the availability fee.

Paragraph 6. Modifications

Any modification of these provisions will affect only loans made after the effective date of the modification, provided that modification of the interest rate shall apply to interest accruing after the effective date of the modification.

Section III. Borrowing for the Loan Account

Paragraph 1. Resources

(a) For purposes of this Section III, the term “borrowing agreements” shall comprise loan and note purchase agreements, and the term “Trust borrowing” shall comprise loans made to the Trust and notes issued by the Trust, including loans made and notes issued for the purposes set forth in Section III, paragraph 4(b) of this Instrument.

(b) The resources held in the General Loan Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of Trust borrowing for the General Loan Account; and

  • (ii) payments of principal and interest on Trust loans funded with drawings under borrowing agreements to the General Loan Account, subject to the provisions of Section IV.A, paragraph 4(g) and Section V, paragraph 3 of this Instrument.

(c) The resources held in the ECF Loan Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of loans made to the Trust for the Loan Account of the Trust as of January 7, 2010, unless a lender notifies the Trustee by January 22, 2010, that it wishes to transfer the proceeds of its share in the amounts not yet committed under PRGF and ESF arrangements to another Loan Account.

  • (ii) the proceeds of Trust borrowing for the ECF Loan Account; and

  • (iii) payments of principal and interest on Trust loans funded with drawings under borrowing agreements to the ECF Loan Account, subject to the provisions of Section IV.A, paragraph 4(g) and Section V, paragraph 3 of this Instrument.

(d) The resources held in the SCF Loan Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of Trust borrowing for the SCF Loan Account; and

  • (ii) payments of principal and interest on Trust loans funded with drawings under borrowing agreements to the SCF Loan Account, subject to the provisions of Section IV.A, paragraph 4(g) and Section V, paragraph 3 of this Instrument.

(e) The resources held in the RCF Loan Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of Trust borrowing for the RCF Loan Account; and

  • (ii) payments of principal and interest on Trust loans funded with drawings under borrowing agreements to the RCF Loan Account, subject to the provisions of Section IV.A, paragraph 4(g) and Section V, paragraph 3 of this Instrument.

Paragraph 2. Borrowing Authority

The Trustee may borrow resources for the Loan Accounts on such terms and conditions as may be agreed between the Trustee and the respective creditors, subject to the provisions of this Instrument. For this purpose, the Managing Director of the Trustee is authorized to enter into borrowing agreements and agree to their terms and conditions with creditors to the Loan Accounts of the Trust.

Paragraph 3. Commitments

Commitments for drawings under borrowing agreements to the Loan Accounts of the Trust that were entered into before November 30, 1993, shall extend through December 31, 1997, and under borrowing agreements that are entered into after November 30, 1993, shall extend through December 31, 1999. The drawdown period under borrowing agreements to the Loan Accounts of the Trust entered into or amended after September 19, 2001, shall normally extend through December 31, 2018. The drawdown period under borrowing agreements to the Loan Accounts of the Trust entered into or amended after May 31, 2014, shall normally extend through December 31, 2029. The drawdown period may be extended by mutual agreement between the Trustee and the creditor. The Managing Director is authorized to conclude such agreements on behalf of the Trustee.

Paragraph 4. Drawings under Borrowing Agreements

(a) The Trustee may draw under borrowing agreements to the General Loan Account for purposes of loan disbursements under any of the facilities of the Trust, provided that it shall draw first (i) under borrowing agreements to the ECF Loan Account for purposes of ECF and ESF loan disbursements, (ii) under borrowing agreements to the SCF Loan Account for purposes of SCF loan disbursements, and (iii) under borrowing agreements to the RCF Loan Account for purposes of RCF loan disbursements, and provided further that before calling on commitments made under new borrowing agreements entered into, or augmented under existing borrowing agreements amended, after May 31, 2014, for disbursements under a facility of the Trust, the Trustee shall aim to first draw resources available for that facility under borrowing agreements entered into before that date, including from the General Loan Account if, and to the extent that, commitments of loan resources for all facilities are considered adequate by the Managing Director. Drawings on the commitments of individual creditors over time shall be made so as to maintain broad proportionality of these drawings relative to commitments to each Loan Account, provided that commitments under borrowing agreements entered into or augmented after May 31, 2014, shall only be taken into account after borrowing agreements entered into before that date have been fully drawn. Drawings under paragraph 4(b) below will not be taken into account for purposes of the proportionality requirement set forth in this paragraph 4(a).

(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a) above, the Trustee may draw under one or more borrowing agreements to any Loan Account of the Trust to fund the early repayment of outstanding Trust borrowing under another borrowing agreement to any Loan Account of the Trust (“encashment”), where (i) the terms of all such borrowing agreements permit the Trustee to make drawings to fund such early repayments, and (ii) the creditor requesting early repayment represents that its balance of payments and reserve position (the balance of payments and reserve position of the relevant member if the creditor is the central bank or other official institution of a member) justify the early repayment, and the Trustee, having given this representation the overwhelming benefit of any doubt, agrees. As from the effective date of such early repayment, the creditor or creditors whose borrowing agreements have been drawn to fund the early repayment shall have the same rights to repayment as the creditor receiving the early repayment had with respect to the encashed claim, including all rights to payments of principal and interest pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Section III. For purposes of Section IV.A of this Instrument, drawings under this paragraph 4(b) shall be considered resources borrowed for the Trust loans for which the disbursements related to the encashed claims were made. Borrowing agreements allowing for encashment shall provide for the same effective maturity dates for drawings under this paragraph 4(b) as apply to encashed claims. Drawings on the commitments of individual creditors under this paragraph 4(b) shall be made with the aim of maintaining broad proportionality of these drawings relative to the commitments of these creditors.

(c) Calls on commitments under borrowing agreements shall be suspended temporarily if, at any time prior to June 30, 1997, in case of a commitment under a borrowing agreement entered into before November 30, 1993, or prior to June 30, 1999, in case of a commitment under a borrowing agreement entered into after November 30, 1993, or prior to June 30, 2018, in case of a commitment under a borrowing agreement entered into after August 31, 2001, or prior to June 30, 2029, in case of a commitment under a loan agreement entered into after May 31, 2014, the creditor represents to the Trustee that it has a liquidity need for such suspension and the Trustee, having given this representation the overwhelming benefit of any doubt, agrees. The suspension shall not exceed three months, provided that it may be extended for further periods of three months by agreement between the creditor and the Trustee. No extension shall be agreed which, in the judgment of the Trustee, would prevent drawing of the full amount of the commitment.

(d) Following any suspension of calls with respect to the commitment of a creditor, calls will be made on that commitment thereafter so as to restore as soon as practicable the proportionality of drawings contemplated pursuant to this paragraph 4.

Paragraph 5. Payments of Principal and Interest

(a) The Trust shall make payments of principal and interest on its borrowing for the Loan Accounts from the payments into these accounts of principal and interest made by borrowers under Trust loans. Payments of the authorized subsidy shall be made from the Subsidy Accounts in accordance with Section IV.A of this Instrument, and, as required, payments shall be made from the Subsidy Reserve Account and Reserve Account in accordance with Section IV.A and Section V of this Instrument.

(b) The Trust shall pay interest on outstanding borrowing for Trust loans promptly after June 30 and December 31 of each year, unless the particular modalities of a borrowing agreement make it necessary for the Trustee to agree with the creditor on interest payments at other times; provided however that interest on outstanding drawings under borrowing agreements that provide for disbursements in SDRs will normally be paid promptly after April 30, July 31, October 31, and January 31 of each year.

Section IV.A. Subsidy Accounts

Paragraph 1. Resources

(a) The resources held in the General Subsidy Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of donations made to the Trust for the General Subsidy Account;

  • (ii) the proceeds of loans made to the Trust for the General Subsidy Account;

  • (iii) transfers from the Special Disbursement Account in accordance with Section F of Decision No. 14354-(09/79);

  • (iv) transfers from the Reserve Account in accordance with Section V, Paragraph 5(b)(ii) of this Instrument.

  • (v) net earnings from investment of resources held in that Account.

(b) The resources held in the ECF Subsidy Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of donations made to the Trust for the PRGF-ESF Subsidy Account and the PRGF Subsidy Account as of January 7, 2010, unless a donor notifies the Trustee that it wishes to transfer the proceeds of its outstanding donation to another Subsidy Account by January 22, 2010;

  • (ii) the proceeds of loans made to the Trust for the PRGF-ESF Subsidy Account and the PRGF Subsidy Account as of January 7, 2010, unless a lender notifies the Trustee that it wishes to transfer the proceeds of its outstanding loan to another Subsidy Account by January 22, 2010;

  • (iii) the proceeds of donations made to the Trust for the ECF Subsidy Account;

  • (iv) the proceeds of loans made to the Trust for the ECF Subsidy Account;

  • (v) transfers from the Special Disbursement Account in accordance with Decision No. 10531-(93/170);

  • (vi) transfers from the Special Disbursement Account in accordance with paragraph 5(c) of Decision No. 13588-(05/99) MDRI;

  • (vii) transfers from the Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations (PRG-HIPC Trust), in accordance with Section III bis of the Instrument establishing that Trust; and

  • (viii) net earnings from investment of resources held in that Account.

(c) The resources held in the SCF Subsidy Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of donations made to the Trust for the SCF Subsidy Account;

  • (ii) the proceeds of loans made to the Trust for the SCF Subsidy Account;

  • (iii) proceeds from availability fees in accordance with Section II, paragraph 5 of this Instrument; and

  • (iv) net earnings from investment of resources held in that Account.

(d) The resources held in the RCF Subsidy Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of donations made to the Trust for the RCF Subsidy Account;

  • (ii) the proceeds of loans made to the Trust for the RCF Subsidy Account; and

  • (iii) net earnings from investment of resources held in that Account.

(e) The resources held in the ESF Subsidy Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of donations made to the Trust for the ESF Subsidy Account as of January 7, 2010, unless a donor notifies the Trustee that it wishes to transfer the proceeds of its outstanding donation to another Subsidy Account by January 22, 2010;

  • (ii) the proceeds of loans made to the Trust for the ESF Subsidy Account as of January 7, 2010, unless a lender notifies the Trustee that it wishes to transfer the proceeds of its outstanding loan to another Subsidy Account by January 22, 2010; and

  • (iii) net earnings from investment of resources held in that Account.

(f) The resources held in the Subsidy Reserve Account shall consist of:

  • (i) the proceeds of donations made to the Trust for the Subsidy Reserve Account;

  • (ii) the proceeds of loans made to the Trust for the Subsidy Reserve Account;

  • (iii) transfers from the Deposit and Investment Account in accordance with Section IV.B, paragraph 3 of this Instrument;

  • (iv) net earnings from investment of resources held in that Account;

  • (v) payments of overdue principal or interest or interest thereon under Trust loans, and payments of interest under Trust loans to the extent that payment has been made to a creditor from the Subsidy Reserve Account; and

  • (vi) repayments of the principal under Trust loans, to the extent that resources in the Subsidy Reserve Account have been used to make payments to a creditor due to a difference in timing between scheduled principal repayments to the creditor and principal repayments under Trust loans.

Paragraph 2. Donations

The Trustee may accept donations of resources for any of the Subsidy Accounts on such terms and conditions as may be agreed between the Trustee and the respective donors, subject to the provisions of this Instrument. To the extent possible, annual contributions should be made before April 30 of each year. For this purpose, the Managing Director of the Trustee is authorized to accept donations of resources and agree to their terms and conditions with donors to the Subsidy Accounts of the Trust.

Paragraph 3. Borrowing

The Trustee may, in exceptional circumstances, borrow resources for any of the Subsidy Accounts from official lenders on such terms and conditions as may be agreed between the Trustee and the lenders, in order:

(a) to prefinance an amount that is firmly committed to be donated to the Trust for the relevant Subsidy Account; repayment of principal and any payments of interest on such borrowing shall be contingent upon the receipt by the relevant Subsidy Account of the donation that has been prefinanced; and

(b) that the relevant Subsidy Account may benefit from net investment earnings on the proceeds of a loan extended at a concessional interest rate; repayment of principal and any payment of interest on such borrowing shall be made exclusively from the proceeds of liquidation of the investment and the earnings thereon. For this purpose, the Managing Director of the Trustee is authorized to enter into borrowing agreements and agree to their terms and conditions with lenders to the Subsidy Accounts of the Trust.

Paragraph 4. Authorized Use of Subsidy Accounts

(a) The Trustee shall draw upon the resources available in the General Subsidy Account to pay the difference, with respect to each interest period, between the interest due by the borrowers and the interest due on resources borrowed for loans under the facilities of the Trust specified in Section I, Paragraph 1 of the Instrument, provided that resources available in the General Subsidy Account shall be drawn upon for these purposes only if there are no other resources immediately available in the ECF Subsidy Account, SCF Subsidy Account, RCF Subsidy Account or ESF Subsidy Account, as the case may be, for these purposes. For purposes of the preceding sentence, resources in the PRG-HIPC Trust that are transferable to the ECF Subsidy Account shall not be considered resources immediately available in the ECF Subsidy Account. The Trustee may also draw upon resources available in the General Subsidy Account for transfer to the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account, if there are no other resources immediately available in the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account for purposes of the subsidies of post-conflict and/or natural disaster emergency assistance purchases provided by that Account. Any such transfers shall be limited to the amounts needed for subsidy payments.

(b) The Trustee shall draw upon the resources available in the ECF Subsidy Account to pay the difference, with respect to each interest period, between the interest due by the borrowers and the interest due on resources borrowed for loans under the ECF and ESF, provided that resources in the ESF Subsidy Account shall be drawn first, with respect to the interest on ESF loans, before resources in the ECF Subsidy Account are drawn to subsidize ESF loans.

(c) The Trustee shall draw upon the resources available in the SCF Subsidy Account to pay the difference, with respect to each interest period, between the interest due by the borrowers and the interest due on resources borrowed for loans under the SCF.

(d) The Trustee shall draw upon the resources available in the RCF Subsidy Account to pay the difference, with respect to each interest period, between the interest due by the borrowers and the interest due on resources borrowed for loans under the RCF.

(e) The Trustee shall draw upon the resources available in the ESF Subsidy Account to pay the difference, with respect to each interest period, between the interest due by the borrowers and the interest due on resources borrowed for loans under the ESF.

(f) The Trustee shall draw upon the resources available in the Subsidy Reserve Account to:

(i) pay the difference, with respect to each interest period, between the interest due by the borrowers and the interest due on resources borrowed for loans under the facilities of the Trust specified in Section I, Paragraph 1 of the Instrument, provided that resources available in the Subsidy Reserve Account shall be drawn only if there are no other resources available in the relevant Subsidy Accounts for these purposes; or

(ii) to make payments of principal and interest on its borrowing for Trust loans, to the extent that the amounts available from receipts of repayments and interest from borrowers under Trust loans, together with the authorized subsidy under Section IV.A, paragraph 4, are insufficient to cover the payments to creditors as they become due and payable, provided that resources available in the Subsidy Reserve Account shall be drawn upon for these purposes only if there are no other resources immediately available in the Reserve Account.

(g) Any repayment of principal under Trust loans, to the extent that repayment to a creditor has been made from the Subsidy Reserve Account due to differences in timing between scheduled principal repayments to the creditor and principal repayments under Trust loans, any payments of overdue principal or interest or interest thereon under Trust loans, and any payments of interest under Trust loans to the extent that payment has been made to a creditor from the Subsidy Reserve Account, shall be made to the Subsidy Reserve Account.

Paragraph 5. Calculation of Subsidy

(a) The amount of the subsidy shall be determined by the Trustee in the light of (i) the objective of ensuring that the facilities of the Trust are highly concessional facilities and, to the extent possible, of reducing the rate of interest charged on Trust loans in accordance with Section II, paragraphs 4(a), (b), and (c), as well as the objective of subsidizing, as needed, the rate of charge on purchases from the General Resources Account (“GRA”) in accordance with the terms of the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account; (ii) the rate of interest on resources available to the Loan Accounts and the rate of charge on GRA purchases covered by the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account; and (iii) the availability and prospective availability of resources to the Subsidy Accounts of the Trust and the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account.

(b) The Trustee shall keep the operation of the Subsidy Accounts under review. If at any time it determines that resources available or committed are likely to be insufficient to reduce the rate of interest on Trust loans in accordance with Section II, paragraphs 4(a), (b), and (c) throughout the operation of the Trust, and to fund needed transfers to the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account to subsidize the rate of charge on GRA purchases in accordance with the terms of that Account, then the Trustee shall seek such additional resources as may be necessary to achieve this objective.

(c) Should adequate additional resources not be forthcoming to reduce the rate of interest on Trust loans in accordance with Section II, paragraphs 4(a), (b), and (c), or to fund needed transfers to the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account to subsidize the rate of charge on GRA purchases in accordance with the terms of that Account, then the Trustee shall recalculate the subsidy with a view to reducing those interest rates to the lowest feasible rates and funding those transfers to the maximum extent that could be applied throughout the remaining life of the Trust. The rate of interest charged on all outstanding loans by the Trust under the relevant facility shall be adjusted accordingly in the succeeding interest periods, and the level of transfers to the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account shall be calculated to achieve the new level of subsidization. Borrowers shall be notified promptly of such adjustments. Further recalculations and adjustments shall be made in subsequent interest periods, as necessary in light of relevant developments, including the rate of interest on resources available to the Loan Accounts, the rate of charge on purchases covered by the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account and the availability of resources to the Subsidy Accounts and the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account.

(d) If the interest due to creditors for an interest period has exceeded the interest due by borrowers under the relevant facility, together with the authorized subsidy under paragraph 4 of this Section for that period, and payment to creditors of that difference has been made from the Reserve Account in accordance with Section V, paragraph 2, then an amount equivalent to that difference shall be added to the interest due by the relevant borrowers for the succeeding interest period. Payment of that amount shall be made to the Reserve Account in accordance with Section V, paragraph 3. The additional interest due shall not be taken into account in the calculation of the authorized subsidy for that same interest period.

Paragraph 6. Termination arrangements

(a) The ESF Subsidy Account shall be terminated after its resources as of January 7, 2010 have been used for subsidy operations in accordance with paragraphs 4(b) and 4(e) of this Section or transferred to other Subsidy Account in accordance with paragraph 1(e) of this Section.

(b) Upon completion of the subsidy operations authorized by this Instrument, the Fund shall wind up the affairs of the Subsidy Accounts. The Fund may also wind up the affairs of any Subsidy Account other than the General Subsidy Account prior to the completion of the overall subsidy operations authorized by this Instrument, if the Fund deems this to be appropriate. In case of termination of a Subsidy Account in accordance with this subparagraph, the remaining resources shall be used as follows:

  • (i) Any resources remaining in the General Subsidy Account shall be used in a manner consistent with paragraph 4(a) of this Section (i) to reduce to the fullest extent possible the interest rate paid by borrowers in accordance with Section II, paragraphs 4(a), (b), and (c) on loans from the PRGT, by means of payments to such borrowers, and (ii) to fund transfers to the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account needed to subsidize the rate of charge on any remaining outstanding GRA purchases in accordance with the terms of the ENDA/EPCA Subsidy Account. Any resources remaining after that subsidization and transfer shall be distributed to the Fund, donors, and creditors that have contributed to the General Subsidy Account, in proportion to their contributions, including donors and creditors of resources transferred from other Subsidy Accounts upon their termination. The resources representing the Fund’s share in such distribution shall be transferred to the Special Disbursement Account. Any resources attributable to transfers from the Deposit and Investment Account shall be transferred to that account.

  • (ii) Any resources remaining in the ECF Subsidy Account shall be used to reduce to the fullest extent possible the interest rate paid by borrowers on ECF and ESF loans in accordance with Section II, paragraphs 4(a), (b), and (c), by means of payments to such borrowers. Any resources remaining after that subsidization shall be transferred to the General Subsidy Account, provided that a contributor may request that its share in any remaining resources be returned to it.

  • (iii) Any resources remaining in the SCF Subsidy Account shall be used to reduce to the fullest extent possible the interest rate paid by borrowers on SCF loans in accordance with Section II, paragraphs 4(a), (b), and (c), by means of payments to such borrowers. Any resources remaining after that subsidization shall be transferred to the General Subsidy Account, provided that a contributor may request that its share in any remaining resources be returned to it.

  • (iv) Any resources remaining in the RCF Subsidy Account shall be used to reduce to the fullest extent possible the interest rate paid by borrowers on RCF loans in accordance with Section II, paragraphs 4(a), (b), and (c), by means of payments to such borrowers. Any resources remaining after that subsidization shall be transferred to the General Subsidy Account, provided that a contributor may request that its share in any remaining resources be returned to it.

  • (v) Any resources remaining in the ESF Subsidy Account shall be used to reduce to the fullest extent possible, in accordance with Section II, paragraphs 4(a), (b), and (c), the interest rate paid by borrowers on ESF loans, by means of payments to such borrowers. Any resources remaining after that subsidization shall be transferred to the General Subsidy Account, provided that a contributor may request that its share in any remaining resources be returned to it.

  • (vi) Any resources remaining in the Subsidy Reserve Account shall be used in a manner consistent with paragraph 4(f) of this Section to reduce to the fullest extent possible the interest rate paid by borrowers in accordance with Section II, paragraphs 4(a), (b), and (c) on loans from the PRGT, by means of payments to such borrowers. Any resources remaining after that subsidization and not attributable to the Deposit and Investment Account shall be transferred to the General Subsidy Account, provided that a contributor may request that its share in any remaining resources be returned to it. Any resources attributable to transfers from the Deposit and Investment Account shall be transferred to that Account.

  • (vii) For the purposes of the distributions provided for in this paragraph 6, account will be taken of donations, the net earnings from investment of the proceeds of concessional loans extended to the Subsidy Accounts under paragraph 3(b) above, and the subsidy element of concessional loans extended to the Trust under Section III; the subsidy element associated with such loans shall be calculated as the difference, if positive, between the SDR rate of interest and the interest on such loans, applied to the amount of the loans during the period they were outstanding.

Section IV.B. Deposit and Investment Account

Paragraph 1. Purpose and Resources

The purpose of the Deposit and Investment Account is to provide a separate vehicle under which the Trust can borrow resources to generate net investment earnings for the benefit of the Subsidy Reserve Account or, at the request of a contributor, the General Subsidy Account. The resources held in the Deposit and Investment Account shall consist of the proceeds from deposit and other investment agreements with contributors and the net earnings on the investment proceeds.

Paragraph 2. Borrowing for the Deposit and Investment Account

(a) The Trustee may enter into deposit and other investment agreements for the benefit of the Deposit and Investment Account with the aim of generating net investment earnings from the investment of the resources borrowed. For this purpose, the Managing Director of the Trustee is authorized to enter into deposit and other investment agreements and agree to their terms and conditions with contributors to the Deposit and Investment Account. The borrowed resources shall be invested in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Trustee.

(b) The agreements may provide for the right of a contributor to request the early repayment of the principal amount under its deposit or investment agreement upon representation of a balance of payments need. The contributor shall reconstitute any withdrawn amount as its balance of payments and reserve position improves.

Paragraph 3. Use of Resources

(a) Resources in the Deposit and Investment Account derived from net investment earnings shall be transferred to the Subsidy Reserve Account at the final maturity of the deposit and investment agreement such resources are attributable to; provided that, with the consent of the contributor, the Managing Director is authorized to transfer to the Subsidy Reserve Account at an earlier time resources attributable to that contributor’s deposit or investment agreement, to meet the subsidization needs of the Trust.

(b) A contributor may prescribe that investment earnings in the Deposit and Investment Agreement attributable to that contributor’s investment be directed to the General Subsidy Account instead of the Subsidy Reserve Account.

Paragraph 4. Termination Arrangements

Upon completion of the subsidy operations authorized by this Instrument, the Trustee shall wind down the affairs of the Deposit and Investment Account. Contributors shall be repaid the principal of their deposits or investments and any remaining investment earnings or losses attributed to it.

Paragraph 5. Repayment of the principal amount and payment of interest to a contributor

Repayment of the principal amount and any payment of interest to a contributor on any borrowing for the Deposit and Investment Account, including repayment upon maturity, early repayment in accordance with Section IV.B, paragraph 2(b), or repayment in accordance Section IV.B, paragraph 4, shall be made exclusively from resources attributed to the deposit or other investment of this principal amount and the net investment earnings thereon, net of the cumulative interest previously paid to the contributor.

Section V. Reserve Account

Paragraph 1. Resources

The resources held in the Reserve Account shall consist of:

(a) transfers by the Fund from the Special Disbursement Account in accordance with Decision No. 8760-(87/176), adopted December 18, 1987, as amended by Decision No. 10531-(93/170), adopted December 15, 1993;

(b) net earnings from investment of resources held in the Reserve Account;

(c) net earnings from investment of any resources held in the Loan Accounts pending the use of these resources in operations;

(d) payments of overdue principal or interest or interest thereon under Trust loans, and payments of interest under Trust loans to the extent that payment has been made to a creditor from the Reserve Account;

(e) transfers by the Fund from the Special Disbursement Account in accordance with Decision No. 10286-(93/23) ESAF, adopted February 22, 1993; and

(f) repayments of the principal under Trust loans, to the extent that resources in the Reserve Account have been used to make payments to a creditor due to a difference in timing between scheduled principal repayments to the creditor and principal repayments under Trust loans.

Paragraph 2. Use of resources

(a) The resources held in the Reserve Account shall be used by the Trustee to make payments of principal and interest on its borrowing for Trust loans, to the extent that the amounts available from receipts of repayments and interest from borrowers under Trust loans, together with the authorized subsidy under Section IV.A, paragraph 4, are insufficient to cover the payments to creditors as they become due and payable.

(b) The Trustee may decide to use income from the investment of the resources in the Reserve Account for subsidy purposes by transferring such income to the General Subsidy Account if the Trustee determines that additional subsidy resources are required for the subsidization of outstanding PRGT lending or new lending commitments. The amount of any transfers shall be decided by the Trustee following consultations with all creditors to the Loan Accounts on the adequacy of the Reserve Account to protect claims of the creditors to the PRGT Loan Accounts.

Paragraph 3. Payments to the Reserve Account

Any repayment of principal under Trust loans, to the extent that repayment to a creditor has been made from the Reserve Account due to differences in timing between scheduled principal repayments to the creditor and principal repayments under Trust loans, any payments of overdue principal or interest or interest thereon under Trust loans, and any payments of interest under Trust loans to the extent that payment has been made to a creditor from the Reserve Account, shall be made to the Reserve Account.

Paragraph 4. Review of resources

If resources in the Reserve Account are, or are determined by the Trustee likely to become, insufficient to meet the obligations of the Trust that may be discharged from the Reserve Account as they become due and payable, the Trustee shall review the situation in a timely manner.

Paragraph 5. Reduction of resources and liquidation

(a) Whenever the Trustee determines that amounts in the Reserve Account of the Trust exceed the amount that may be needed to cover the total liabilities of the Trust to creditors that are authorized to be discharged by the Reserve Account, the Trustee shall retransfer such excess amount to the Fund’s Special Disbursement Account.

(b) Notwithstanding (a) above, the equivalent of up to SDR 250 million may be transferred from the Reserve Account to the Special Disbursement Account to be used to provide Trust Grants or Trust loans, as defined in the Instrument to Establish a Trust for Special PRG Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations. These transfers will be made only when and to the extent that the Trustee of the Trust established by that Instrument determines that there are no other resources immediately available for this purpose.

(c) Upon liquidation of the Trust, all amounts in the Reserve Account remaining after discharge of liabilities authorized to be discharged by the Reserve Account shall be transferred to the Special Disbursement Account.

Section VI. Transfer of Claims

Paragraph 1. Transfers by creditors

(a) Any creditor shall have the right to transfer at any time all or part of any claim to any member of the Fund, to the central bank or other fiscal agency designated by any member for purposes of Article V, Section 1 (“other fiscal agency”), or to any official entity that has been prescribed as a holder of SDRs pursuant to Article XVII, Section 3 of the Fund’s Articles of Agreement.

(b) The transferee shall, as a condition of the transfer, notify the Trustee prior to the transfer that it accepts all the obligations of the transferor relating to the transferred claim with respect to renewal and new drawings, and shall acquire all the rights of the transferor with respect to repayment of and interest on the transferred claim, except that any right to encashment pursuant to Section III, paragraph 4(b) of this Instrument shall be acquired only if the transferee is a member or the central bank or other fiscal agency of a member and, at the time of transfer, the balance of payments and reserve position of the member is considered sufficiently strong in the opinion of the Fund for its currency to be usable in transfers under the Fund’s Financial Transactions Plan.

Paragraph 2. Transfers among electing creditors

(a) Any creditor to one of the Loan Accounts (“electing creditors”) may inform the Trustee that it stands ready, upon request by the Trustee, to purchase claims on the Trust from any other electing creditor, provided that the holdings of claims so acquired shall at no time exceed the amount communicated to the Trustee and subject to the other provisions of this section. A list of electing creditors and the amounts communicated by them shall be established separately by the Trustee. This list may be extended and the amounts therein increased in accordance with communications received subsequently.

(b) An electing creditor shall have the right to transfer temporarily to other electing creditors part or all of any claim arising from its loans to the Trust or note purchases under Section III, if the electing creditor represents to the Trustee that it has a liquidity need to make such transfer and the Trustee, having given this representation the overwhelming benefit of any doubt, agrees.

(c) The Trustee shall allocate each transfer by an electing creditor under this provision to all other electing creditors in proportion to the amounts by which the respective maximum holdings listed in the attachment exceed actual holdings of claims acquired under this provision; provided, however, that no allocation shall be made to an electing creditor if it represents to the Trustee that it has a liquidity need for exclusion from an allocation and the Trustee agrees, in which case allocations to the remaining electing creditors shall be adjusted accordingly.

(d) The purchaser of any claim transferred under this provision shall assume, as a condition of the transfer, any obligation of the transferor, relating to the transferred claim, with respect to the renewal of drawing on Trust borrowing and to new drawings in the event a renewal, having been requested, is not agreed by the transferor.

(e) Transfers of claims under this provision shall be made in exchange for freely usable currency and shall be reversed in the same media within three months, provided that such transfers may be renewed, by agreement between the transferor and the Trustee, for further periods of three months up to a total of one year. Notwithstanding the above, the transferor shall reverse a transfer under this provision not later than the date on which the transferred claim is due to be repaid by the Trust.

(f) Interest on claims transferred under this Section shall be paid by the Trust to the transferor in accordance with the provisions of the transferor’s borrowing agreement with the Trust. The transferor shall pay interest to the transferee(s) on the amount transferred, so long as the transfer remains outstanding, at a daily rate equal to that set out in Rule T-1 of the Fund’s Rules and Regulations; such interest shall be payable three months after the date of a transfer or of its renewal, or on the date the transfer is reversed, whichever is earlier.

Section VII. Administration of the Trust

Paragraph 1. Trustee

(a) The Trust shall be administered by the Fund as Trustee. Decisions and other actions taken by the Fund as Trustee shall be identified as taken in that capacity.

(b) Subject to the provisions of this Instrument, the Fund in administering the Trust shall apply the same rules as apply to the operation of the General Resources Account of the Fund.

(c) The Trustee, acting through its Managing Director, is authorized:

  • (i) to make all arrangements, including establishment of accounts in the name of the International Monetary Fund, which shall be accounts of the Fund as Trustee, with such depositories of the Fund as the Trustee deems necessary; and

  • (ii) to take all other administrative measures that the Trustee deems necessary to implement the provisions of this Instrument.

Paragraph 2. Separation of assets and accounts, audit and reports

(a) The resources of the Trust shall be kept separate from the property and assets of all other accounts of the Fund, including other trusts and administered accounts, and shall be used only for the purposes of the Trust in accordance with this Instrument; provided however that for investment purposes, resources of the Trust may be pooled with resources of other trusts or accounts administered by the Fund for the benefit of others under arrangements that allow for the attribution of pooled investments to each relevant trust or account.

(b) The property and assets held in the other accounts of the Fund shall not be used to discharge liabilities or to meet losses arising out of the administration of the Trust. The resources of the Trust shall not be used to discharge liabilities or to meet losses arising out of the administration of the other accounts of the Fund.

(c) The Fund shall maintain separate financial records and prepare separate financial statements for the Trust.

(d) The external audit firm selected under Section 20 of the Fund’s By-Laws shall audit the financial transactions and records of the Trust. The audit shall relate to the financial year of the Fund.

(e) The Fund shall report on the resources and operations of the Trust in the Annual Report of the Executive Board to the Board of Governors and shall include in that Annual Report the report of the external audit firm on the Trust.

Paragraph 3. Investment of resources

(a) Any balances held by the Trust and not immediately needed in operations shall be invested. Investments shall be made as determined by the Trustee in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Trustee from time to time.

Section VIII. Period of Operation and Liquidation

Paragraph 1. Period of operation

The Trust established by this Instrument shall remain in effect for as long as is necessary, in the judgment of the Fund, to conduct and to wind up the business of the Trust.

Paragraph 2. Liquidation of the Trust

(a) Termination and liquidation of the Subsidy Accounts shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section IV.A, paragraph 6. Termination and liquidation of the Deposit and Investment Account shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section IV.B, paragraph 4.

(b) All other resources, if any, shall be used to discharge any liabilities of the Trust, other than those incurred under Section IV.A, and any remainder shall be transferred to the Special Disbursement Account of the Fund.

Section IX. Amendment of the Instrument

The Fund may amend the provisions of the Instrument, except this Section and Section I, paragraphs 1 and 2; Section III, paragraphs 4 and 5; Section IV.A, paragraphs 4 and 6; Section IV.B; Section V; Section VI; Section VII, paragraph 2(a) and (b); and Section VIII, paragraph 2(b).


Misreporting and Noncomplying Disbursements Under Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust Facilities—Provisions on Corrective Action

a. A noncomplying disbursement occurs when (i) the Trustee makes a disbursement to a member in accordance with the Instrument on the basis of a finding by the Trustee or the Managing Director that all applicable conditions established for that disbursement under the terms of the decisions on the disbursement have been observed, and (ii) that finding later proves to be incorrect. For the purposes of these provisions, a condition established under the terms of a decision on a disbursement means a condition specified in the arrangement for the relevant disbursement; in a decision approving the arrangement or approving an outright disbursement; in a decision approving an augmentation of access under an ECF or SCF arrangement during an ad-hoc review, or in a decision completing a scheduled review, or granting a waiver of applicability or for the nonobservance of a performance criterion under the arrangement.

b. Whenever evidence comes to the attention of the staff of the Trustee indicating that a member may have received a noncomplying disbursement, the Managing Director shall promptly inform the member concerned.

c. If, after consultation with the member, the Managing Director determines that the member did receive a noncomplying disbursement, the Managing Director shall promptly notify the member and submit a report to the Executive Board together with recommendations.

d. In any case where the noncomplying disbursement was made no more than four years prior to the date on which the Managing Director informed the member, as provided for in paragraph (b), the Executive Board may decide either (i) that the member will be called upon to make an early repayment, or (ii) that the nonobservance will be waived.

e. If the decision of the Executive Board is to call upon the member to make an early repayment as provided for in paragraph (d)(i), the member will be expected to repay an amount equivalent to the noncomplying disbursement, together with any interest accrued thereon, normally within a period of 30 days from the date of the Executive Board decision.

f. A waiver under paragraph (d)(ii) will normally be granted only if the deviation from the relevant performance criterion or other condition was minor or temporary, or if, subsequent to the disbursement, the member had adopted additional measures appropriate to achieve the objectives supported by the relevant decision on the disbursement.

g. If a member fails to meet a repayment expectation under these guidelines within the period established by the Executive Board, (i) the Managing Director shall promptly submit a report to the Executive Board together with a proposal on how to deal with the matter, and (ii) interest shall be charged on the amount subject to the repayment expectation at the rate applicable to overdue amounts under Section II, Paragraph 4 of the Instrument.

h. For the purposes of this decision:

  • (i) whenever the Managing Director considers there is evidence indicating that a member may have received a noncomplying disbursement, but the nonobservance of the relevant performance criterion or other specified condition was de minimis in nature, as defined in paragraph 1 of Decision No. 13849, the communication referred to in paragraph (b) may be made by a representative of the relevant Area Department;

  • (ii) if the Managing Director determines that a member has received a noncomplying disbursement and considers that the nonobservance of the relevant performance criterion or other specified condition was de minimis in nature, as defined in paragraph 1 of Decision No. 13849, the notification referred to in paragraph (c) may be made by a representative of the relevant Area Department, and the report of the Managing Director contemplated in paragraph (c) shall, wherever possible, be included in a staff report on the relevant member that deals with issues other than the noncomplying disbursement and shall include a recommendation that the related nonobservance be considered to be de minimis in nature, and that a waiver for nonobservance be granted. In those rare cases when such a staff report cannot be issued to the Board promptly after the Managing Director concludes that a noncomplying disbursement has been made, the Managing Director shall consult Executive Directors and, if deemed appropriate by the Managing Director, a stand-alone report on the noncomplying disbursement will be prepared for consideration by the Executive Board, normally on a lapse-of-time basis; and

  • (iii) whenever the Executive Board finds that a noncomplying disbursement has been made but that the nonobservance of the relevant performance criterion or other specified condition was de minimis in nature as defined in paragraph 1 of Decision No. 13849, a waiver for nonobservance shall be granted by the Executive Board.


Procedures for Addressing Overdue Financial Obligations to the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust

The following procedures aim at preventing the emergence or accumulation of overdue financial obligations to the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (the “Trust”) and at eliminating existing overdue obligations. These procedures will be implemented whenever a member has failed to make a repayment of principal or payment of interest to the Trust (“financial obligation”).

1. Whenever a member fails to settle a financial obligation on time, the staff will immediately send a communication urging the member to make the payment promptly; this communication will be followed up through the office of the Executive Director concerned. At this stage, the member’s access to the Fund’s resources, including Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust, Resilience and Sustainability Trust, and HIPC resources, will have been suspended.

2. When a financial obligation has been outstanding for two weeks, management will send a communication to the Governor for that member stressing the seriousness of the failure to meet obligations to the Trust and urging full and prompt settlement.

3. The Managing Director will notify the Executive Board normally one month after a financial obligation has become overdue, and will inform the Executive Board of the nature and level of the arrears and the steps being taken to secure payment.

4. When a member’s longest overdue financial obligation has been outstanding for six weeks, the Managing Director will inform the member concerned that, unless all overdue obligations are settled, a report concerning the arrears to the Trust will be issued to the Executive Board within two weeks. The Managing Director will in each case recommend to the Executive Board whether a written communication should be sent to a selected set of Fund Governors, or to all Fund Governors. If it were considered that it should be sent to a selected set of Fund Governors, an informal meeting of Executive Directors will be held to consider the thrust of the communication. Alternatively, if it were considered that the communication should be sent to all Fund Governors, a formal Board meeting will be held to consider a draft text and preferred timing.

5. A report by the Managing Director to the Executive Board will be issued two months after a financial obligation has become overdue, and will be given substantive consideration by the Executive Board one month later. The report will request that the Executive Board limit the member’s use of Trust resources. A brief factual statement noting the existence and amount of arrears outstanding for more than three months will be posted on the member’s country-specific page on the Fund’s external website. This statement will also indicate that the member’s access to the Fund’s resources, including Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust, Resilience and Sustainability Trust, and HIPC resources, has been and will remain suspended for as long as such arrears remain outstanding. A press release will be issued following the Executive Board decision to limit the member’s use of the Trust resources. A similar press release will be issued following a decision to lift such limitation. Periods between subsequent reviews of reports on the member’s arrears by the Executive Board will normally not exceed six months. The Managing Director may recommend advancing the Executive Board’s consideration of the reports regarding overdue obligations. The Managing Director may also recommend postponing for up to one-year periods the Executive Board’s consideration of a report regarding a member’s overdue obligations in exceptional circumstances where the Managing Director judges that there is no basis for an earlier evaluation of the member’s cooperation with the Fund.

6. The Annual Report and the financial statements will identify those members with overdue obligations to the Trust outstanding for more than six months.

Removal from the list of PRGT-eligible countries

7. When a member’s longest overdue financial obligation has been outstanding for six months, the Executive Board will review the situation of the member and may remove the member from the list of PRGT eligible countries. Any reinstatement of the member on the list of PRGT eligible countries will require a new decision of the Executive Board. The Fund shall issue a press release upon the decision to remove a member from the list of PRGT eligible countries. A similar press release shall be issued upon reinstatement of the member on the list. The information contained in such press releases, where pertinent, shall be included in the Annual Report for the year concerned.

Declaration of noncooperation with the Trust

8. A declaration of noncooperation with the Trust may be issued by the Executive Board whenever a member’s longest overdue financial obligation has been outstanding for twelve months. The decision as to whether to issue such a declaration would be based on an assessment of the member’s performance in the settlement of its arrears to the Trust and of its efforts, in consultation with the Fund, to follow appropriate policies for the settlement of its arrears. Three related tests would be germane to this decision regarding (i) the member’s performance in meeting its financial obligations to the Trust, taking account of exogenous factors that may have affected the member’s performance; (ii) whether the member had made payments to creditors other than the Fund while continuing to be in arrears to the Trust; and (iii) the preparedness of the member to adopt comprehensive adjustment policies. The Executive Board may at any time terminate the declaration of noncooperation in view of the member’s progress in the implementation of adjustment policies and its cooperation with the Fund in the discharge of its financial obligations. Upon a declaration of noncooperation, the Fund could also decide to suspend the provision of technical assistance. The Managing Director may also limit technical assistance provided to a member, if in his judgment that assistance was not contributing adequately to the resolution of the problems associated with overdues to the Trust. The Fund shall issue a press release upon the declaration of noncooperation and upon the termination of the declaration. The information contained in such press releases shall be included in the Annual Report(s) for the year(s) concerned.

1 Ed. Note: Paragraph 5 of Decision No. 17327-(22/83), September 30, 2022, provides: “It is expected that the Fund will review the application of Section II, Paragraph 2(b)(iv) of the PRGT Trust Instrument by end-June 2023.”

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