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  • 1. Repurchases of the outstanding amount of a member’s currency that results from a purchase under the credit tranches and is subject to charges under Article V, Section 8(b), or under the decision on Compensatory Financing of Export Fluctuations (Decision No. 4912-(75/207), as amended) or the decision on the Problem of Stabilization of Prices of Primary Products (Decision No. 2772-(69/47), as amended), or the decision on Compensatory Financing of Fluctuations in the Cost of Cereal Imports (Decision No. 6860-(81/81), as amended), or the decision on the Compensatory Financing Facility (Decision No. 8955-(88/126), as amended), or the decision on Emergency Assistance (Decision No. 12341-(00/117)), shall be completed, pursuant to Article V, Section 7(c), five years after the date of the purchase, provided that the repurchase shall be made in equal quarterly installments during the period beginning three years and ending five years after the date of the purchase unless the Fund approves a different schedule.

  • 2. Decisions with respect to the timing of repurchases shall be understood to permit a member to combine all repurchases to be made within a calendar month and to complete them not later than the last business day of the month, provided however that the maximum period for use of the Fund’s resources according to the policy under which a repurchase is to be made shall not be exceeded.

  • 3. If a member that has an outstanding obligation to pay gold in repurchase has made an equivalent repurchase with special drawing rights in discharge of a commitment the member shall be regarded as having discharged its obligation in accordance with Schedule B, paragraph 2.

  • 4. If a member that has an outstanding obligation to pay gold in repurchase has made an equivalent repurchase with currencies of other members in discharge of a commitment, the member shall be regarded as having discharged its obligation in accordance with Schedule B, paragraph 2, provided that if the currencies paid are not acceptable in repurchase as of the date of the Second Amendment, the member shall substitute an equivalent amount of the currencies of other members specified by the Fund in accordance with Article V, Section 7(i).

  • 5. If a member that has an outstanding obligation to pay gold in repurchase has not made an equivalent repurchase with special drawing rights or with the currencies of other members in discharge of a commitment, within two months after the date of the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement, the member shall make a repurchase equivalent to the outstanding obligation in gold with special drawing rights or, at its option, with the currencies of other members specified by the Fund in accordance with Article V, Section 7(i). The repurchase shall be regarded as a discharge of the member’s obligation in accordance with Schedule B, paragraph 2.

  • 6. The dates for the payment of special drawing rights or currencies of other members in discharge of any obligation to pay gold to the Fund in repurchase, and for any substitution under paragraph 5 above, after the date of the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement shall be determined in accordance with Schedule B, paragraph 1.

  • 7. Repurchase under Schedule B, paragraph 4 shall be completed four years after the date of the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement. If the Fund’s holdings of a member’s currency that are subject to paragraph 4(ii) are in excess of 10 percent of the member’s quota on the date of the Second Amendment, the member shall be requested to agree to make the repurchase in four equal installments beginning not later than one year after that date.

Decision No. 5703-(78/39),

March 22, 1978, effective April 1, 1978,

as amended by Decision Nos. 6862-(81/81), May 13, 1981,

8955-(88/126), August 23, 1988,

12342-(00/117), November 28, 2000, and


March 24, 2009,

effective April 1, 2009

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