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Exchange Arrangements and Surveillance
Surveillance Procedures

Extension of Consultation Cycles Due to COVID-19 Pandemic—Regional Institutions Responsible for Common Policies in Currency Unions

1. Staff hold annual discussions with the regional institutions responsible for common policies of each of: (i) the Central African Economic and Monetary Union; (ii) the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union; and (iii) the West African Economic and Monetary Union pursuant to Decision No. 13654-(06/1), Decision No. 13655-(06/1), and Decision No. 13656-(06/1), as amended, respectively. Further, there is an annual staff report and Board discussion on common policies of each of the currency unions. The next Board discussion with the regional institutions of each of the currency unions will take place within six months following the expected deadline established at the time of the last Board discussion for the respective currency union.

2. Pursuant to Decision No. 12899-(02/119), as amended, staff holds twice-yearly staff discussions with EU institutions responsible for common policies in the euro area, in the context of Article IV consultations with member countries. Further, there is an annual staff report and Board discussion on Euro Area Policies in the context of Article IV consultations with member countries. The next Board discussion on Euro Area Policies will be held within six months following the expected deadline established at the time of the last Board discussion on Euro Area Policies. (SM/20/89, 04/14/20)

Decision No. 16768-(20/49),

April 22, 2020

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