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Technical and Financial Services
Financial Services
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust

Instrument to Establish the Interim Administered Account for Remaining Windfall Gold Sales Profits

1. Pursuant to Article V, Section 2(b), the Fund adopts the Instrument to Establish the Interim Administered Account for Remaining Windfall Gold Sales Profits (the “Administered Account”) that is attached to this decision.

2. In accordance with Article XVII, Section 3, the Fund prescribes that:

  • (a) an SDR Department participant or prescribed holder, by agreement with an SDR Department participant or prescribed holder and at the instruction of the Fund, may transfer SDRs to that participant or prescribed holder in effecting a transfer to or from the Administered Account or in effecting a payment due to or by the Fund in connection with financial operations under the Administered Account.

  • (b) Operations pursuant to these prescriptions shall be recorded in accordance with Rule P-9.

3. Pursuant to Article XII, Section 6(d), an amount equivalent to SDR 1.75 billion of the general reserve shall be distributed to all members in proportion to their quotas. The payment of the distribution shall be made in SDRs or, if the Fund or a member so decides, in the member’s own currency, provided that payment to a member with overdue repurchase obligations in the General Resources Account shall be made in the member’s own currency.

4. In accordance with Article XII, Section 6(f)(vi) and Article XII, Section 6(f)(ix), the Fund decides to reduce the amount of investment in the Investment Account by an amount equivalent to SDR 1.75 billion and to transfer the proceeds from this reduction to the General Resources Account for immediate use in the Fund’s operations and transactions.

5. Paragraphs 1 through 4 above shall become effective when the Managing Director has notified the Executive Board that, in her assessment, satisfactory financing assurances exist regarding the availability of at least SDR 1.575 billion for new subsidy contributions to the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust based upon: (a) the amount that members have requested in writing be transferred as subsidy contributions to the PRGT from their share in the partial distribution of the general reserve provided for in paragraph 3 of this decision; (b) the amount of other new contributions that members have provided as subsidy contributions to the PRGT in light of this decision; and (c) the amount of other subsidy contributions that members have given written assurances that they will provide to the PRGT in light of this decision. (SM/12/244, 09/17/12)

Decision No. 15228-(12/95),

September 28, 2012,

as amended by Decision No. 16039-(16/75), August 17, 2016,

16246-(17/69), July 26, 2017, and


July 27, 2018


Instrument to Establish the “Interim Administered Account for Remaining Windfall Gold Sales Profits”

To help fulfill its purposes, the International Monetary Fund (the “Fund”) has adopted this Instrument to establish the Interim Administered Account for Remaining Windfall Gold Sales Profits in accordance with Article V, Section 2(b) (the “Account”), which shall be governed and administered by the Fund in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Instrument.

1. The purpose of the Account is to serve as an interim vehicle for the holding and administration of contributions representing all or a portion of members’ shares of the partial distribution the general reserve provided for in Decision No. 15228-(12/95), pending instruction from each such contributing member as to the subsequent disposition of its share of such resources.

2. The SDR shall be the unit of account. Resources provided to the Account shall be in SDRs or currencies as paid to the relevant contributing member by the Fund in the context of the distribution of the general reserve provided for in Decision No. 15228-(12/95).

3. Upon the instruction of a contributing member, the Fund shall transfer all or part of the resources in the Account that are attributable to that member, including the member’s pro rata share of any investment returns, to one or more of the Subsidy Accounts of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT), or as otherwise specified by the member.

4. The resources held in the Account and not immediately needed for operations of the Account shall be invested at the discretion of the Managing Director. Investments pursuant to this paragraph may be made in any of the following: (i) marketable obligations issued by international financial organizations and denominated in SDRs or in the currency of a member of the Fund, (ii) marketable obligations issued by a member or by a national official financial institution of a member and denominated in SDRs or in the currency of that member, and (iii) deposits with a commercial bank, a national official financial institution of a member, or an international financial institution that are denominated in SDRs or in the currency of a member.

5. The assets held in the Account shall be kept separate from the assets and property of all other accounts of, or administered by, the Fund. The assets and property held in such other accounts shall not be used to discharge or meet any liabilities, obligations or losses incurred in the administration of the Account; nor shall the assets of the Account be used to discharge or meet any liabilities, obligations or losses incurred in connection with any such other accounts of, or administered by, the Fund.

6. The Fund shall maintain separate financial records and prepare financial statements for the Account. The financial statements for the Account shall be expressed in SDRs and prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

7. The external audit firm selected under Section 20 of the Fund’s By-Laws shall audit the operations and transactions of the Account. The audit shall relate to the financial year of the Fund.

8. The Fund shall report on the assets and property and on the operations and transactions of the Account in the Annual Report of the Executive Board to the Board of Governors and shall include in that Annual Report the audit report of the external audit firm on the Account.

9. Subject to the provisions of this Instrument, the Fund, in administering the Account, shall apply, mutatis mutandis, the same rules and procedures as apply to operations of the General Resources Account of the Fund.

10. The Managing Director is authorized (a) to make all arrangements, including the establishment of accounts in the name of the Fund, with such depositories as she deems necessary to carry out the operations of the Account, and (b) to take all other measures she deems necessary to implement the provisions of this Instrument.

11. No charge shall be levied in respect of the services rendered by the Fund in the administration, operation, and termination of this Account. All investment costs, including but not limited to costs associated with the exchange of currencies, purchase of securities, and hiring of external asset managers and custodian banks, shall be borne by, and deducted from, the Account.

12. The Account shall be terminated (a) on October 9, 2020, or (b) as promptly as practicable following the receipt of instructions from every contributing member regarding the distribution of its resources in the Account, whichever is earlier.

13. The provisions of this Instrument may be amended by a decision of the Fund and with the concurrence of each contributing member with resources remaining in the Account at the time of such decision.

14. Any questions arising under this Instrument between a contributing member and the Fund shall be settled by mutual agreement between the contributing member and the Fund.

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