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Technical and Financial Services
Technical Services
Framework Administered Account

Establishment of a New Framework Administered Account for Selected Fund Activities

1. Pursuant to Article V, Section 2(b), the Fund adopts the Instrument to establish an account for the administration by the Fund of resources to be contributed by donors, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Instrument set forth in the Annex to EBS/09/27.

2. The provisions of the Instrument may only be amended by a decision of the Fund, and with the concurrence of the contributors that are financing activities through the account at the time of such decision. Such concurrence may be presumed if contributors do not object within thirty days after the issuance of the proposed amendment to contributors. (EBS/09/27, 3/6/09)

Decision No. 14294-(09/31),

March 27, 2009


Instrument for a Framework Administered Account for Selected Fund Activities

To help fulfill its purposes, the International Monetary Fund (the “Fund”) has adopted this Instrument to establish a framework administered account for Selected Fund Activities, which shall be governed by, and administered in accordance with, the provisions of this Instrument.

1. The Fund hereby establishes an account, the “Framework Administered Account for Selected Fund Activities” (the “SFA Framework Account”), for the purpose of the administration of resources to be contributed by (i) donors and (ii) recipients of technical services in relation to the application of the Fund’s policies on charging for technical assistance (individually referred to as a “Contributor,” collectively referred to as “Contributors”), in order to finance Selected Fund Activities.

2. For purposes of the SFA Framework Account, “Selected Fund Activities” include:

  • (a)technical and financial services provided by the Fund consistent with Article V, Section 2(b) of the Fund’s Articles, including:

    • (i) the provision of technical services in the form of technical assistance and training of officials, and

    • (ii) activities in support of the provision of technical services including, but not limited to research, high-level conferences and international standard setting initiatives, secondments, assignments, and staff exchanges; and

  • (b) such other activities or services for which the Fund may accept external financing under its policies, consistent with the purposes of the Fund.

3. The resources provided by Contributors to the SFA Framework Account shall consist of:

  • (i) grants,

  • (ii) proceeds of grants or loans that have been received by a Contributor from entities other than the Fund, or

  • (iii) amounts paid in connection with the Fund’s policies on country contributions for technical assistance. The resources may be used by the Fund only in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraph 4 of this Instrument.

4. The financing of Selected Fund Activities shall be implemented through the establishment by the Fund of subaccounts within the SFA Framework Account.

  • (a) The establishment of a subaccount shall be subject to prior approval by the Fund, upon the recommendation of the Managing Director, with or without a request from a Contributor. When proposing the establishment of a subaccount, the Managing Director shall specify (i) the essential terms and conditions of the subaccount with respect to the nature, design and implementation of the Selected Fund Activities to be financed from the subaccount in question and (ii) the method by which the costs of the activities will be financed from resources contributed to the subaccount.

  • (b) A subaccount may be used to administer resources from one or more Contributors. The essential terms and conditions of the subaccount may provide for additional Contributors to be added to the subaccount following its establishment, with the consent of the Managing Director and the concurrence of existing Contributors. Each Contributor to a subaccount shall consent to the essential terms and conditions of the subaccount before the Managing Director may accept that the Contributor’s resources flow into the subaccount.

  • (c) Following the establishment of a subaccount, the Managing Director shall be authorized to use the resources in the subaccount in accordance with essential terms and conditions of the subaccount.

5. Costs incurred by the Fund in the performance of Selected Fund Activities and charged to the subaccount shall be based on the prevailing cost system that the Fund employs at the time that relevant activities are financed under the subaccount, unless otherwise agreed between the Fund and the Contributor(s). Each subaccount shall also be charged an amount equivalent to a percentage of costs charged to the subaccount for Selected Fund Activities so as to help cover the expenses incurred by the Fund in the administration of the subaccount in question.

6. Resources held in a subaccount may be used to make disbursements to the Fund’s General Resources Account as required to reimburse the Fund for expenditures incurred by the Fund on account of any Selected Fund Activity financed by resources from such subaccount.

7. All transactions and operations of the SFA Framework Account shall be denominated in U.S. dollars.

8. Resources held in a subaccount pending disbursement shall be invested at the discretion of the Managing Director. Earnings net of any costs associated with such investments shall accrue to the subaccount and shall be available for the purposes of the subaccount.

9. Subject to the requirement of Fund approval specified in paragraph 4, the Managing Director is authorized (i) to make all arrangements, including establishment of accounts in the name of the Fund, as he deems necessary to carry out the operations of the SFA Framework Account; and (ii) to take all other measures he deems necessary to implement the provisions of this Instrument.

10. Assets held in the SFA Framework Account shall be accounted for separately from the assets and property of other accounts of, or administered by, the Fund. The assets and property held in such other accounts shall not be used to discharge or meet any liabilities, obligations, or losses of the Fund incurred in the administration of the SFA Framework Account nor shall the assets of the SFA Framework Account be used to discharge or meet any liabilities, obligations, or losses incurred by the Fund in the administration of such other accounts. Unless otherwise specified in the essential terms and conditions of the subaccount, the assets and property held in each subaccount of the SFA Framework Account shall not be used to discharge or meet any liabilities, obligations, or losses of the Fund incurred in the administration of any other subaccount of the SFA Framework Account. The essential terms and conditions of the subaccount may authorize the Fund to transfer amounts directly to and from the subaccount to other subaccounts under the SFA Framework Account.


  • (a) The Fund shall maintain separate financial records and prepare separate financial statements for the SFA Framework Account. Such records and statements, which shall include a breakdown with respect to each subaccount, will be maintained in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The financial statements for the SFA Framework Account shall be expressed in U.S. dollars. For each subaccount, a report on the subaccount’s expenditures and a review of the activities financed by it shall be prepared by the Fund and furnished to the subaccount’s Contributor(s) annually, or more often if agreed between the Contributor(s) and the Managing Director. The essential terms and conditions of the subaccount may provide for direct reporting on subaccount expenditures by the Fund to specified third parties.

  • (b) The External Audit Firm selected under Section 20 of the Fund’s By-Laws shall audit the operations and transactions conducted through the SFA Framework Account. The audit shall relate to the financial year of the Fund.

  • (c) The Fund shall report on the position of the SFA Framework Account, including a breakdown with respect to each subaccount, in the Annual Report of the Executive Board to the Board of Governors and shall include in that Annual Report the report of the External Audit Firm on the SFA Framework Account.

12. Subject to the provisions of this Instrument, the Fund, in administering the SFA Framework Account, shall apply, mutatis mutandis, the same rules and procedures as apply to the operation of the General Resources Account of the Fund.

13. A Contributor may cease its participation in the subaccount or withdraw from the subaccount at any time without causing the termination of the subaccount. A Contributor’s withdrawal shall become effective on the date that the Fund receives notice of withdrawal, or such later date, if any, as may be specified in the notice of withdrawal.

14. The SFA Framework Account may be terminated by the Fund at any time, upon request of the Managing Director; the termination of the SFA Framework Account shall terminate each subaccount thereof. A subaccount may be terminated by the Fund upon the request of the Managing Director with the concurrence of all Contributors participating in the subaccount at the time of termination. A subaccount may be terminated by the Fund upon the request of a Contributor with the concurrence of the Managing Director and all other Contributors participating in the subaccount at the time of termination.

15. The essential terms and conditions of each subaccount shall specify terms for the disposition upon termination of the subaccount of any balances, net of the amounts of continuing liabilities and commitments under the activities financed, that may remain in the subaccount at the time of termination. The essential terms and conditions of a subaccount shall also specify the terms of distribution of a contribution of a Contributor, net of the amounts of continuing liabilities and commitments under the activities financed, upon the withdrawal by the Contributor from the subaccount. Unless otherwise provided in the essential terms and conditions of a subaccount, any net contribution held in that subaccount shall be retransferred to a Contributor only upon the Contributor’s withdrawal from the subaccount or upon termination of the subaccount.

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