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Technical and Financial Services
Financial Services
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust

Establishment of General Policy to Condition Waiver Decisions Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust on Accuracy of Information Regarding Performance Criteria

Any decision granting a waiver for the nonobservance of a performance criterion under an arrangement under a facility of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust will be made conditional upon the accuracy of data or other information provided by the member to assess observance of the performance criterion in question.

Any decision waiving the applicability of a performance criterion under an arrangement under a facility of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust will be made conditional upon (i) the accuracy of the member’s representation that the information necessary to assess observance of the relevant performance criterion is unavailable, and (ii) the accuracy of data provided by the member to assess observance of the same performance criterion for a preceding period (if applicable for that period).

Decision No. 12254-(00/77),

July 27, 2000,

as amended by Decision No. 12559-(01/85) PRGF, August 23, 2001,

effective September 23, 2001, and

Decision No. 14354-(09/79),

July 23, 2009,

effective January 7, 2010

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