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Technical and Financial Services
Financial Services
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries

Establishment of a Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations (PRG-HIPC Trust)

1. The Fund adopts the Instrument to Establish a Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations, which is annexed to this decision.

2. The Fund shall conduct semi-annual reviews of the financing of the Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations.

Decision No. 11436-(97/10),

February 4, 1997,

as amended by Decision Nos.11492-(97/45), April 24, 1997,

11861-(98/131) ESAF, December 18, 1998,

12087-(99/118) PRGF, October 21, 1999,

effective November 2, 1999,

12132-(00/9) PRGF, January 27, 2000,

12349-(00/118), December 1, 2000,

12561-(01/85) PRGF, August 23, 2001,

effective September 19, 2001,

12680-(02/17) PRGF, February 20, 2002,

12696-(02/27) PRGF, March 15, 2002,

12777-(02/65), June 20, 2002,

12874-(02/110), October 25, 2002,

13224-(04/33), April 1, 2004,

13367-(04/98) PRGF, October 18, 2004,

13373-(04/105) PRGF, November 9, 2004,

13588-(05/99) MDRI and 13590-(05/99) ESF,

November 23, 2005,

effective January 5, 2006,

13775-(06/78), August 30, 2006,

13797-(06/88), October 13, 2006,

13849-(06/108), December 20, 2006,

14039-(08/3), January 14, 2008,

14354-(09/79), July 23, 2009, effective January 7, 2010,

15018-(11/112), November 21, 2011, and


November 30, 2011


Instrument to Establish a Trust for Special Poverty and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations

Introductory Section

To help fulfill its purposes, and in furtherance of the purposes of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (“PRGT”) as described in the Instrument to Establish the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust adopted by Decision No. 8759-(87/176) ESAF, December 18, 1987, as amended (“the PRGT Instrument”), the International Monetary Fund (“the Fund”) has adopted this Instrument to Establish a Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and for Interim ECF Subsidy Operations (“the Trust”), which shall be administered by the Fund as Trustee (“the Trustee”). The Trust shall be governed by and administered in accordance with the provisions of this Instrument.

Section I. General Provisions

Paragraph 1. Definitions 11

Wherever used in this Instrument, unless the context otherwise requires:

  • (i) “Initiative” means the program of action endorsed by the Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Bank”) in September 1996 and the enhancement of this program agreed in September 1999 for reducing the external debt burden of heavily indebted poor countries to a sustainable level;

  • (ii) “DSA” means a debt sustainability analysis jointly prepared by the staffs of the Fund and the Bank and the concerned member to provide the basis for determining the member’s qualification for assistance under the Initiative;

  • (iii) “decision point” means the time when the Trustee decides whether a member qualifies for assistance under the Initiative, that is, normally at the end of the initial three-year performance period and decides on the amount of assistance to be provided under the Initiative;

  • (iv) “completion point” means the time when a decision will be taken by the Trustee to disburse remaining undisbursed assistance committed for a qualifying member, excluding any additional amount committed for a member pursuant to the second sentence of Section III, paragraph 3(e);

  • (v) “debt sustainability” means the achievement of a sustainable level of external debt which shall be 150 percent for the present value of debt-to-exports ratio calculated on the basis of data available at the decision point. In the special case of a country that has, at the decision point, (i) an exports-to-GDP ratio of at least 30 percent, and (ii) a fiscal revenues-to-GDP ratio of at least 15 percent, a “debt sustainability” target of below 150 percent for the present value of debt-to-exports ratio at the decision point may be set with the specific target determined so as to reduce the present value of debt-to-revenue ratio to 250 percent at the decision point. For the purposes of these calculations, amounts that are subject to an early repurchase or repayment expectation established under the Misreporting Guidelines shall not constitute external debt.

  • (vi) “traditional debt relief mechanisms” means the application of Naples terms by Paris Club creditors, including the assumption of a stockof-debt operation, involving a 67 percent present value reduction of the eligible debt of a member at the decision point, and at least comparable treatment by other official bilateral and commercial creditors;

  • (vii) “interim PRGF subsidy operations” means operations to subsidize the interest rate on interim PRGF financing to be made following full commitment under PRGF arrangements of resources available under borrowing agreements for the current phase of PRGF operations which is expected by about December 31, 2001; interim PRGF operations are expected to take place during the period 2001/02–2014/15;

  • (viii) “self-sustained PRGF operations means PRGF-type operations financed on a revolving basis from Special Disbursement Account (SDA) resources through the retransfer of resources from the PRGF Trust Reserve Account, when they are no longer needed to cover the total liabilities of the 1987 PRGF Trust to lenders;

  • (ix) “PRSP” means a Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper prepared by the member concerned in a participatory process involving a broad range of stakeholders and setting out a comprehensive three-year poverty reduction strategy; and

  • (x) “I-PRSP” means an Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper prepared by the member concerned setting out a preliminary reduction strategy as a precursor to a full PRSP; and

  • (xi) “PRSP preparation status report” means a report prepared by the member concerning updating the preliminary poverty reduction strategy set out in an I-PRSP in anticipation of a full PRSP; and

  • (xii) “APR” means an Annual Progress Report prepared by the member concerned reporting on the implementation of a PRSP and updating it as appropriate; and

  • (xiii) “Joint Staff Advisory Note” means a document prepared by the staff of the Bank and the Fund containing an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the poverty reduction strategy of the member concerned and identifying priority action areas for strengthening the poverty reduction strategy during implementation; and

  • (xiv) “Misreporting Guidelines” means the Guidelines on Corrective Action for Misreporting and Noncomplying Purchases in the General Resources Account (Decision No. 12249-(00/77), adopted July 27, 2000), and the Provisions on Corrective Action for Misreporting and Noncomplying Disbursements in Arrangements under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and the Exogenous Shocks Facility (Appendix I of the Instrument to Establish the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and Exogenous Shocks Facility Trust annexed to Decision No. 8759-(87/176) ESAF, adopted December 18, 1987).

Paragraph 2. Purposes

The Trust shall assist in fulfilling the purposes of the Fund by providing balance of payments assistance to low-income developing members by:

  • (a) making grants (“Trust grants”) and/or loans (“Trust loans”) to eligible members that qualify for assistance under the terms of this Instrument for purposes of the Initiative; and

  • (b) subsidizing the interest rate on interim PRGF operations to PRGF-eligible members.

Paragraph 3. Trust Account and resources

The operations and transactions of the Trust shall be conducted through an account (“the Account”). Within the Account, the Trustee may establish such sub-accounts as it deems necessary for the administration of the resources in the Account.

The resources held in the Account shall consist of:

  • (a) grant contributions made to the Trust for the purposes of paragraph 2;

  • (b) loans, deposits and other types of investments made by contributors with the Trust to generate income to be used for the purposes of paragraph 2;

  • (c) transfers from the Special Disbursement Account for the purposes of paragraph 2; and

  • (d) net earnings from investment of resources held in the Account.

Paragraph 4. Unit of account

The SDR shall be the unit of account for commitments and all other operations and transactions of the Trust, provided that commitments for contributions may also be made in currency.

Paragraph 5. Media of payment of contributions and exchange of resources

  • (a) Resources provided to the Trust may be received in any currency.

  • (b) Payments by the Trust shall be made in U.S. dollars or such other media as may be agreed between the Trustee and the payee.

  • (c) Contributions to the Trust may also be made in or exchanged for SDRs in accordance with such arrangements as may be made by the Trust for the holding and use of SDRs.

  • (d) The Trustee may exchange any of the resources of the Trust, provided that any balance of a currency held in the Trust may be exchanged only with the consent of the issuer of such currency.

Section II. Contributions to the Trust

The Trustee may accept contributions of resources for the Account on such terms and conditions as may be agreed between the Trustee and the respective contributors, subject to the provisions of this Instrument. For this purpose, the Managing Director of the Trustee is authorized to accept grants and enter into loan, deposit or other types of investment agreements with the contributors to the Trust.

Section III. Trust Grants and Loans

Paragraph 1. Eligibility for assistance

In order to be eligible for assistance from the Trust under Section I, paragraph 2(a) of this Instrument, a member shall meet the following requirements:

  • (a) the member is PRGF-ESF eligible, i.e., it is included in the list of members annexed to Decision No. 8240-(86/56) SAF, as amended;

  • (b) the member was pursuing a program of adjustment and reform by October 1, 1996, or the member shall have adopted such a program in the period beginning October 1, 1996 and ending December 31, 2006, that is either (i) supported by the Fund through ECF, SCF, PRGF, ESF or Extended Arrangements, or, on a case-by-case basis as determined by the Trustee, a Stand-By Arrangement, a decision on rights accumulation, or financial support under the Fund’s emergency assistance policy in post conflict countries or under the Rapid Credit Facility or under the Rapid Financing Instrument; or (ii) monitored by the staff, in the circumstances specified in paragraph 2(c) below; and

  • (c) in support of the member’s adjustment and reform program, the member shall have received or is eligible to receive assistance to the full extent available under traditional debt relief mechanisms.

  • (d) after the assumed full application of traditional debt relief mechanisms, the member’s external debt situation, based on both end-2004 and end-2010 data, is unsustainable, as determined by the debt sustainability thresholds in Section I, Paragraph 1(v) of this Instrument.

Paragraph 2. Qualification for assistance

The Trustee shall determine whether an eligible member qualifies for assistance under the Initiative in accordance with the criteria set out below:

  • (a) At the decision point, the DSA shall indicate that the member’s external debt situation, even after the assumed full application of traditional debt relief mechanisms, would not be sustainable. Moreover, the member shall have in place a satisfactory poverty reduction strategy set out in an I-PRSP, PRSP preparation status report, PRSP, or APR, that has been issued to the Executive Board normally within the previous 12 months but in any case within the previous 18 months, and has been the subject of an analysis in a Joint Staff Advisory Note also issued to the Executive Board.

  • (b) The member has not agreed on an exit operation with Paris Club creditors on Naples terms after September 1999.

  • (c) The member has established a track record of strong policy performance under programs covering macroeconomic policies and structural and social policy reforms. This requirement shall normally be satisfied by an initial three-year performance period leading up to the decision point, followed by a second performance period leading up to the completion point, which shall be satisfied when a member has satisfactorily implemented a set of predefined key policy reforms, has a stable macroeconomic position, and has kept on track with its Fund-supported program. In addition, the member country concerned shall have prepared a PRSP and implemented satisfactorily the strategy therein described for at least one year by the completion point as evidenced by an APR that has been issued to the Executive Board normally within the previous 12 months but in any case within the previous 18 months, and has been the subject of an analysis in a Joint Staff Advisory Note also issued to the Executive Board. In the case of the first three-year period, such programs shall be programs supported by ECF, SCF, PRGF, ESF, or Extended arrangements, or, on a case-by-case basis as determined by the Trustee, Structural Adjustment Facility (SAF) arrangements, Stand-By Arrangements, decisions on rights accumulations (RAPs), programs, programs supported by the Fund under the policy on emergency assistance for post-conflict countries, programs supported by the Fund under the Rapid Credit Facility or under the Rapid Financing Instrument, or programs monitored by the staff (SMPs) in cases where the Executive Board agrees with the staff’s assessment that the macroeconomic and structural policies under the SMP meet the policy standards associated with programs supported by arrangements in the upper credit tranches or under the PRGT. For these purposes, an SMP will qualify as of the time of the Executive Board determination referenced in the preceding sentence (including determinations that precede the adoption of this provision), but will qualify only if (i) the member, if not eligible for a RAP, remains current with respect to all obligations to the Fund during the period of the SMP, and (ii) the member, if eligible for a RAP, remains current at least with respect to new obligations falling due to the Fund during the period of the SMP, except that a post-conflict RAP-eligible member that has severely limited payments capacity may, to the extent its payments capacity requires it, be allowed to accumulate new arrears to the Fund during the period of the SMP. In the case of the second performance period, such programs shall be programs supported by ECF, SCF, PRGF, ESF or Extended Arrangements. It is expected that the member shall have a track record of strong and sustainable policy performance when the completion point is reached. The required period shall be evaluated flexibly by the Trustee. Members could receive credit toward the decision point for programs that were underway prior to the adoption of the Initiative. (EBS/07/152, 12/21/07)

  • (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (c)above and paragraph 6 below, for a member that has reached a decision point or a completion point prior to January 27, 2000, a commitment of assistance under the revised provisions of this instrument, and delivery of that assistance, may be made by the Trustee on the basis of assessments by the Trustee regarding satisfactory adjustment and reform efforts and overall progress in poverty reduction that is broadly acceptable.

  • (e) All other creditors (holding debt claims above a de minimis amount) of the member shall have agreed to take action under the initiative.

Paragraph 3. Amount of assistance

  • (a) At the decision point, and in consultation with the Bank, the eligible member and its other creditors, the Trustee shall make a determination of the amount of resources that could be made available from the Trust to achieve a reduction in the present value of debt owed to the Fund by the member. The amount to be committed shall be confirmed by the Trustee in the context of satisfactory assurances regarding the exceptional assistance to be provided under the initiative by the member’s other creditors.

  • (b) At the decision point, based on the external debt sustainability targets established for the member, the Trustee shall commit the amount to be provided from the Trust to a member to permit a reduction in the present value of debt owed by it to the Fund. The specific amount of assistance to be committed by the Trustee will be based on (i) the Fund’s share in the present value of the multilateral debt of the member at the decision point; and (ii) the assistance to be provided by multilateral creditors, in terms of a reduction in the present value of the debt owed to them by the member sufficient to achieve the debt sustainability targets, taking into account the exceptional assistance to be provided by Paris Club creditors and at least comparable action by other official bilateral and commercial creditors under te Initiative. The Trustee shall, subject to the conditions specified below, adjust the amount of assistance committed to a member under this provision, whether or not disbursed to the account established under paragraph 5 below, if the Trustee, on the basis of revised information, recalculates the member’s debt sustainability position used for the purposes of reaching the decision point and determines that the recalculated amount of relief to be provided under the Initiative exceeds or falls short of the amount originally committed by more than one percentage point of the targeted net present value of debt as defined in section I paragraph 1(v) above. In such circumstances, the amount of the commitment shall be increased or reduced as necessary to reach the amount to which the member, on the basis of such recalculation, would be entitled under the terms of this Instrument. No such adjustment shall be made: (i) after the completion point; or (ii) in the case of an excess of more than one percentage point, if such excess is attributable to incorrect information on exports, gross domestic product, or fiscal revenues that was not provided by or at the behest of the member. If the amount already disbursed by the Trustee to the account established under paragraph 5 below for the benefit of the member exceeds the adjusted amount of assistance, the Trustee shall retransfer to the Trust any amount remaining in the account equivalent to such excess.

  • (c) In case of protracted delays by a member in reaching the completion point because of problems in policy implementation, the Trustee may reassess that member’s eligibility and qualification for assistance, including the amount of assistance committed at the decision point.

  • (d) Following commitment of the assistance at the decision point, the Trustee may advance to the member as interim assistance a portion of such committed assistance not to exceed (i) 20 percent of the total assistance committed for each 12-month period following the decision point, and (ii) a maximum of 60 percent of the total assistance committed prior to the member reaching the completion point, provided that the amount of such assistance in any 12-month period does not exceed the amount of debt service falling due to the Fund during that period. In exceptional circumstances, interim assistance could be raised to 25 percent and 75 percent, respectively. Where the Trustee has made a disbursement of resources under this paragraph to the account established under paragraph 5 below for the benefit of the member on the understanding that all performance-related conditions specified for such disbursement have been met and subsequently determines that any such condition was not met, the Trustee shall retransfer to the Trust any amount remaining in such account from such disbursement up to the total amount of such disbursement as well as all net investment income accrued on the amounts disbursed on the basis of incorrect information provided, however, that no retransfer shall be made if (i) the member’s completion point has been reached, (ii) the Trustee decides that such disbursement remains appropriate in view of the member’s record of policy implementation and its poverty reduction efforts, or (iii) in cases where the Executive Board finds the nonobservance of the relevant performance-related condition to be de minimis in nature as defined in paragraph 1 of Decision No. 13849 (hereinafter “de minimis”). The retransfer of these amounts will not affect the amount of commitment in NPV terms to the member as established at the decision point. Where the Managing Director or the Trustee, as the case may be, believes the nonobservance of a performance-related condition to be de minimis in nature, (i) any communications with the member respecting such nonobservance may be made by a representative of the relevant Area Department, and (ii) the Executive Board shall be informed of the misreporting in a staff report which deals with issues other than the misreporting; in those rare cases where such a staff report cannot be issued to the Executive Board promptly after the Managing Director concludes that misreporting has taken place, the Managing Director shall consult Executive Directors and, if deemed appropriate by the Managing Director, a stand-alone report on the misreporting will be prepared for consideration by the Executive Board normally on a lapse-of-time basis. The Fund shall issue press releases on its decisions regarding the circumstances of a misreporting and the applicable remedies. except with respect to instances of misreporting involving the nonobservance of performance-related conditions which the Fund considers to be de minimis in nature.

  • (e) At the completion point, the Trustee shall disburse the amount committed to the member at the decision point, as such amount may have been subsequently adjusted on the basis of revised information on the member’s debt sustainability position, less any disbursements made after the decision point. To the extent that the Trustee, in determining the amount committed to the member under paragraph 3(b) above, included in the member’s external debt amounts that, after the decision point, were found to be subject to an early repurchase or repayment expectation under the Misreporting Guidelines, the Trustee shall recalculate and adjust the amount of its commitment, excluding from the member’s external debt the amount that was subject to the repurchase or repayment expectation. The Trustee retains the right to commit additional assistance at the completion point, beyond that already committed, but only so as to bring the ratio of the net present value of debt-to-exports to 150 percent (or debt-to-fiscal revenue to 250 percent), if the deterioration in the member’s debt sustainability is primarily attributable to a fundamental change in the member’s economic circumstances due to exogenous factors. The disbursement of any such additional assistance shall be approved at the completion point or thereafter, whenever the assurances specified in subparagraph (f) below with respect to such assistance have been obtained.

  • (f) Approval of the disbursements shall be given in the context of satisfactory assurances regarding the exceptional assistance to be provided under the Initiative by the member’s other creditors.

Paragraph 4. Terms of assistance

  • (a) The assistance to be provided by the Trust to a qualifying member shall be either through a Trust grant or a Trust loan, or both. The choice of a Trust grant, a Trust loan, or a combination thereof, shall be made by the Trustee on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the objective of bringing the debt-service-to-exports ratio (after assistance under the Initiative from the Fund and other creditors) to the debt sustainability target agreed for the member at the decision point. The maturity of a Trust loan shall be determined by the Trustee on a case-by-case basis, subject to paragraph 4(c) below, taking into account the need to smooth the time profile of the member’s total external debt service and its debt service to the Fund (after assistance under the Initiative from the Fund and other creditors). The schedule for using the proceeds of the Trust grant or the Trust loan by the member shall be agreed by the Trustee and the member taking into account the same criteria for deciding among a Trust grant, a Trust loan, or a combination thereof and the maturity of such loan.

  • (b) Trust grants and Trust loans (including any income from investment of their proceeds) advanced to a member as interim assistance shall be used to meet the member’s debt service payments on its existing debt to the Fund as they fall due, in accordance with the schedule for using the proceeds of such grants and loans as determined under the provisions of (a) above. Trust grants and Trust loans (including any income from investment of their proceeds) disbursed to a member at the completion point, along with any amounts previously advanced to the member as interim assistance that remain unused at the completion point, shall be used to effect the early repayment of the member’s qualifying debt to the Fund, in accordance with the schedule for using the proceeds of such grants and loans as determined under the provisions of (a) above. Notwithstanding paragraph 6 below, the preceding sentence shall also apply to Trust grants and Trust loans (including any income from investment of their proceeds) that, prior to January 5, 2006, had been disbursed to a member at the completion point or had been advanced to the member as interim assistance and remained unused at the completion point, once agreement is reached between the Trustee and the member on a modified schedule for using the proceeds of the Trust grant or Trust loan as provided for in (a) above.

  • (c) Trust loans shall be provided to members interest-free and shall have a maturity of no less than ten (10) years and up to twenty (20) years, including a grace period of no less than five-and-a-half (5½) years and up to ten-and-a-half (10½) years. The Trustee may not reschedule the repayment of Trust loans.

Paragraph 5. Disbursements

  • (a) Any disbursement of Trust grants and Trust loans shall be subject to the availability of resources to the Trust.

  • (b) The proceeds of a Trust grant or Trust loan (or both) shall be paid into a separate account for the benefit of the member and administered by the Trustee. The Trustee shall use these proceeds (including any income from investments of such proceeds) in accordance with paragraph 4(b) above. The terms and conditions for the operation of such account shall be determined by the Trustee.

Paragraph 6. Modifications

Any modification of these provisions will affect only Trust grants or Trust loans made after the effective date of the modification, provided that any modification of the interest rate shall apply to interest accruing after the effective date of the modification.

Section III bis. Subsidies for Interim PRGF Operations

For purposes of Section I, paragraph 2(b) of this Instrument, and to the extent that resources in the ECF Subsidy Account and General Subsidy Account of the PRGT are insufficient for interim ECF subsidy operations, the Trustee shall transfer to the ECF Subsidy Account of the PRGT, as needed, resources in the Trust Account not earmarked for assistance under Section III of this Instrument. Any such transfers shall be limited to the amounts needed for subsidy payments.

Section IV. Administration of the Trust

Paragraph 1. Trustee

  • (a) The Trust shall be administered by the Fund as Trustee. Decisions and other actions taken by the Fund as Trustee shall be identified as taken in that capacity.

  • (b) Subject to the provisions of this Instrument, the Fund in administering the Trust shall apply the same rules as apply to the operation of the General Resources Account of the Fund.

  • (c) The Trustee, acting through its Managing Director, is authorized:

  • (i) to make all arrangements, including establishment of accounts in the name of the International Monetary Fund, which shall be accounts of the Fund as Trustee, with such depositories of the Fund as the Trustee deems necessary; and

  • (ii) to take all other administrative measures that the Trustee deems necessary to implement the provisions of this Instrument.

Paragraph 2. Separation of assets and accounts, audits and reports

  • (a) The resources of the Trust shall be kept separate from the property and assets of all other accounts of the Fund, including other administered accounts, and shall be used only for the purposes of the Trust in accordance with this Instrument.

  • (b) The property and assets held in the other accounts of the Fund shall not be used to discharge liabilities or to meet losses arising out of the administration of the Trust. The resources of the Trust shall not be used to discharge liabilities or to meet losses arising out of the administration of the other accounts of the Fund.

  • (c) The Fund shall maintain separate financial records and prepare separate financial statements for the Trust.

  • (d) The audit committee selected under Section 20 of the Fund’s By-Laws shall audit the financial transactions and records of the Trust. The audit shall relate to the financial year of the Fund.

  • (e) The Fund shall report on the resources and operations of the Trust in the Annual Report of the Executive Board to the Board of Governors and shall include in the Annual Report the report of the audit committee on the Trust.

Paragraph 3. Investment of resources

  • (a) Any balance held by the Trust and not immediately needed in operations shall be invested.

  • (b) Investments may be made in any of the following: (i) marketable obligations issued by international financial organizations and denominated in SDRs or in the currency of a member of the Fund; (ii) marketable obligations issued by a member or by a national official financial institution of a member and denominated in SDRs or in the currency of that member; and (iii) deposits with a commercial bank, a national official financial institution of a member, or an international financial institution that are denominated in SDRs or in the currency of a member. Investment which does not involve an exchange of currency shall be made only after consultation with the member whose currency is to be used, or, when an exchange of currency is involved, with the consent of the issuers of such currencies.

Section V. Period of Operation and Liquidation

Paragraph 1. Period of operation

The Trust established by this Instrument shall remain in effect for as long as is necessary, in the judgment of the Fund, to conduct and to wind up the business of the Trust.

Paragraph 2. Liquidation of the Trust

If the Trustee decides to wind up the operations of the Trust, the resources in the Account shall be used first to discharge all the liabilities of the Trust. Any amount remaining in the Account after the discharge of all the liabilities of the Trust shall be used first to reimburse the SDA for transfers made in accordance with Decision No. 11434-(97/10), adopted February 4, 1997, and any remaining amount shall then be made available for self-sustained PRGF operations, except that at the request of the contributor, its pro rata share in any unused resources contributed to finance the operations referred to in Section I, Paragraph 2(a) of this Instrument, after the completion of such operations, shall be distributed to the contributor.

Section VI. Amendment of the Instrument

The Fund may amend the provisions of the Instrument, except that any amendment of Section I, paragraph 2, Section IV, Section V and this Section shall require the consent of all contributors to the Trust.

1 Ed. Note: Section A.5 of Decision No. No. 14354-(09/79), July 23, 2009, effective January 7, 2010, states: “Except as otherwise specifically provided, references in other Fund decisions, instruments, agreements or documents to the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and Exogenous Shocks Facility Trust, PRGF, PRGF Trust, PRGF/ESF eligibility or PRGF/ESF Instrument shall be understood to be, respectively, references to the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust, ECF, PRGT, PRGT eligibility and PRGT Instrument.” Further, section B.6(c) of the same decision states: “Except as otherwise specifically provided, references in the PRG-HIPC Trust Instrument to ‘interim PRGF’ shall be understood to be references to ‘interim ECF’, and references to ‘self-sustained PRGF’ shall be understood to be references to “self-sustained ECF.”

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