IMF Publications by Subject
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Title: Migration, Human Capital, and Poverty in a Dual-Economy Model of a Developing Country
Series: Working Paper No. 2001/128
Date: September 1, 2001
Subject: Human capital Income Labor Migration National accounts Population and demographics Unemployment Wages
Title: Convergence of Per Capita Output Levels Across Regions of Bangladesh, 1982-97
Series: Working Paper No. 2000/121
Date: June 1, 2000
Subject: Migration National accounts Personal income Population and demographics Population growth Production Production growth Technology
Title: Three Million Foreigners, Three Million Unemployed? Immigration and the French Labor Market
Series: Working Paper No. 1999/124
Date: September 1, 1999
Subject: Labor Labor force Labor markets Migration Population and demographics Unemployment Unemployment rate
Title: Migration and Pension
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/165
Date: December 1, 1998
Subject: Aging Labor Labor supply Migration Pension spending
Title: How Big is the Brain Drain?
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/102
Date: July 1, 1998
Subject: Aging Education Migration Population and demographics
Title: Immigration Flows and Regional Labor Market Dynamics
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/047
Date: April 1, 1998
Subject: Labor Labor markets Migration Population and demographics Real wages Unemployment Unemployment rate
Title: Tax Burden and Migration: A Political Economy Perspective
Series: Working Paper No. 1997/078
Date: June 1, 1997
Subject: Consumption Education Migration National accounts Population and demographics Tax incidence Tax policy
Title: Cape Verde: Recent Economic Developments
Series: Country Report No. 1996/103
Date: October 15, 1996
Subject: Economic sectors Income Labor Migration National accounts Population and demographics Public enterprises Public sector Wages
Title: Israel: Recent Economic Developments
Series: Country Report No. 1995/105
Date: November 7, 1995
Notes: This report on recent economic developments in Israel was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Banking Budget planning and preparation Currencies Expenditure Imports Inflation International trade Migration Money Population and demographics Prices Public financial management (PFM)
Title: Internal Migration, Center-State Grants and Economic Growth in the States of India
Series: Working Paper No. 1995/066
Date: July 1, 1995
Notes: Examines the growth experience of twenty states of India during the period 1961-91, using cross-sectional estimation and the analytical framework of the Solow-Swan neoclassical growth model. Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 43, No. 1, March 1996.
Subject: Disposable income Expenditure Migration National accounts Personal income Population and demographics Public expenditure review