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General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade:
Title: Committing to Grow: The Full Impact of WTO Accessions
Series: Working Paper No. 2024/207
Date: September 27, 2024
Subject: Econometric analysis Estimation techniques General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade International trade Tariffs Taxes Trade barriers Trade policy
Title: Industrial Policy: Trade Policy and World Trade Organization Considerations in IMF Surveillance
Series: How-To Note No 2024/002
Date: March 11, 2024
Subject: Economic sectors Exports General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade International trade International trade organizations Tariffs Taxes Trade policy
Title: Geopolitics and International Trade: The Democracy Advantage
Series: Working Paper No. 2024/021
Date: February 2, 2024
Subject: Econometric analysis General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Globalization Gravity models International trade Plurilateral trade Trade balance
Title: Long Live Globalization: Geopolitical Shocks and International Trade
Series: Working Paper No. 2023/225
Date: October 27, 2023
Subject: Econometric analysis General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Globalization Gravity models International trade Plurilateral trade Trade balance
Title: Is the WTO a World Tax Organization?: A Primer for WTO Rules for Policy Makers
Series: Technical Notes and Manuals No. 2016/003
Date: March 29, 2016
Subject: Consumption taxes Exports General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Income and capital gains taxes International trade Tariffs Taxes
Title: IMF Research Bulletin, December 2006
Series: IMF Research Bulletin No. 2006/004
Date: December 5, 2006
Subject: Commodities Comparative advantage Education General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Globalization International trade Labor Trade policy
Title: The Uruguay Round and the Arab Countries
Series: Books
Date: June 20, 1996
Subject: Agricultural commodities Commodities Exports General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade International trade Tariffs Taxes Trade barriers
Title: Ireland: Background Papers
Series: Country Report No. 1995/076
Date: August 17, 1995
Notes: These background papers on Ireland were prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Current spending Expenditure Foreign exchange General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade International trade Output gap Production Real exchange rates Taxes Transfer pricing
Title: The Burden of Sub-Saharan African Own Commitments in the Uruguay Round: Myth or Reality?
Series: Working Paper No. 1995/048
Date: May 1, 1995
Subject: Agricultural sector Economic sectors Exports General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade International trade Tariffs Taxes Trade policy
Title: International Trade Policies: The Uruguay Round and Beyond, Volume I. Principal Issues
Series: World Economic Outlook No. 1994/002
Date: February 8, 1995
Subject: Exports General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade International trade Tariffs Taxes Trade liberalization Trade policy
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