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Agricultural commodities:
Title: Senegal: Background Papers and Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 1995/071
Date: July 24, 1995
Notes: This background report and statistical appendix on Senegal was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Commodities Economic sectors Exports International trade Labor Public enterprises Terms of trade
Title: Central African Republic: Statistical Annex
Series: Country Report No. 1995/074
Date: July 24, 1995
Notes: This statistical annex on the Central African Republic was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Commercial banks Commodities Credit Current spending Expenditure Exports Financial institutions International trade Money
Title: Guyana: Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 1995/068
Date: July 24, 1995
Notes: This statistical appendix on Guyana was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Banking Capital spending Commercial banks Commodities Economic sectors Expenditure Financial institutions Public debt Public sector
Title: Mozambique: Statistical Annex
Series: Country Report No. 1995/070
Date: July 24, 1995
Notes: This statistical annex on Mozambique was prepared by a staff team of the International Monatary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Agricultural sector Commodities Economic sectors Exports Gasoline International trade National accounts Public sector Transportation
Title: Dominica: Recent Economic Developments
Series: Country Report No. 1995/069
Date: July 24, 1995
Notes: This report on recent economic developments in Dominica was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Commercial banks Commodities Credit Expenditure Exports External debt Financial institutions International trade Public investment spending
Title: Sri Lanka: Statistical Tables
Series: Country Report No. 1995/061
Date: July 20, 1995
Notes: These statistical tables on Sri Lanka were prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Business enterprises Commercial banks Commodities Economic sectors Exports Financial institutions International trade Public sector
Title: Sao Tomé and Príncipe: Background Papers and Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 1995/065
Date: July 20, 1995
Notes: This background report and statistical appendix on Sao Tome and Principe was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Banking Commercial banks Commodities Credit Economic sectors Financial institutions Foreign exchange Money Public enterprises
Title: Benin: Statistical Annex
Series: Country Report No. 1995/055
Date: July 20, 1995
Notes: This statistical annex on Benin was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this mwmber country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Banking Commodities Economic sectors Exports International trade National accounts Oil Public enterprises Transportation
Title: Guatemala: Recent Economic Developments
Series: Country Report No. 1995/057
Date: July 20, 1995
Notes: This report on recent economic developments in Guatemala was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Banking Commodities Credit Economic sectors Exports External debt International trade Money Public sector
Title: Sri Lanka: Background Papers
Series: Country Report No. 1995/060
Date: July 20, 1995
Notes: This report on background information on Sri Lanka was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Commodities Duties Exports Imports International trade Tariffs Taxes