IMF Publications by Subject
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Title: The Impact of Demographics on Productivity and Inflation in Japan
Series: Working Paper No. 2016/237
Date: December 8, 2016
Subject: Aging Inflation Labor Labor force participation Population and demographics Population growth Prices Production Total factor productivity
Title: Brazil: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2016/349
Date: November 15, 2016
Subject: Aging Exchange rates Expenditure Financial institutions Foreign exchange Futures Inflation Pension spending Population and demographics Prices
Title: Bulgaria: Selected Issues Paper
Series: Country Report No. 2016/345
Date: November 10, 2016
Subject: Aging Bond yields Economic sectors Financial institutions Financial sector policy and analysis Population and demographics Public enterprises Solvency
Title: Impact of Migration on Income Levels in Advanced Economies
Series: Spillover Notes No 2016/008
Date: October 24, 2016
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Subject: Aging Labor productivity Migration National accounts Personal income Population and demographics Production
Title: National Insurance Scheme Reforms in the Caribbean
Series: Working Paper No. 2016/206
Date: October 17, 2016
Subject: Aging Expenditure Income Labor National accounts Pension spending Pensions Population and demographics Retirement
Title: Fading Ricardian Equivalence in Ageing Japan
Series: Working Paper No. 2016/194
Date: September 27, 2016
Subject: Aging Asset and liability management Consumption taxes Fiscal policy Liquidity Population and demographics Public debt Taxes
Title: How to Assess Fiscal Implications of Demographic Shifts: A Granular Approach
Series: How-To Note No 2016/002
Date: September 27, 2016
Subject: Aging Demographic change Expenditure Health care spending Labor Labor force participation Population and demographics
Title: Portugal: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2016/301
Date: September 22, 2016
Subject: Aging Banking Expenditure Health care spending Migration Pension spending Population and demographics
Title: Growing Apart, Losing Trust? The Impact of Inequality on Social Capital
Series: Working Paper No. 2016/176
Date: August 22, 2016
Subject: Aging Disposable income Education Income inequality National accounts Personal income Population and demographics
Title: Singapore: 2016 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Singapore
Series: Country Report No. 2016/263
Date: July 29, 2016
Subject: Aging Banking Expenditure Financial institutions Fiscal policy Inflation Loans National accounts Population and demographics Prices Private investment