Policy Papers

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December 8, 2023

Thirteenth Periodic Monitoring Report on The Status of Management Implementation Plans in Response to Board-Endorsed IEO Recommendations

Description: Overall, progress has been made since the Twelfth PMR on actions in response to eight IEO evaluations, with the pace of implementation being faster on actions October 31, 2023 THIRTEENTH PERIODIC MONITORING REPORT 2 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND contained in the MIP in Response to the Executive Board-Endorsed Categorization of Open Actions in Management Implementation Plans. It is also worth mentioning that many open actions depend on the implementation of some important reviews/key steps that are expected to be completed in or soon after December 2023, such as the Capacity Development (CD) Strategy Review, the issuance of a new CD Guidance Note, an update of the Small Developing States Staff Guidance Note (SDS-SGN), the Operational Guidance Note (OGN) on Program Design and Conditionality, and a Board paper on Bank-Fund collaboration.

December 5, 2023

2023 Review of The Fund’s Anti-Money Laundering and Combating The Financing of Terrorism Strategy

Description: This paper reviews the Fund’s efforts to safeguard financial integrity and proposes the way forward for the Fund’s Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Strategy. For over 20 years, the IMF has recognized that effective AML/CFT frameworks, and financial integrity more broadly, are key to the soundness and stability of the financial sector and to prevent the negative macroeconomic implications of financial crimes on the broader economy of members, progressively integrating this work across all its core functions and in a broad set of Fund policies. The paper takes stock of the implementation of the IMF's AML/CFT strategy since 2018. It also proposes deepening the integration of financial integrity issues and an enhanced focus on the macroeconomic impact of AML/CFT issues for the way forward.

Notes: 2023 Review of The Fund’s Anti-Money Laundering and Combating The Financing of Terrorism Strategy - Background Papers

December 5, 2023

2023 Review of The Fund's Anti-Money Laundering and Combating The Financing of Terrorism Strategy—Background Papers

Description: The background papers support the stocktaking analysis and the proposed way forward for the 2023 review of the IMF's AML/CFT Strategy. The five background papers provide in-depth discussions on the following key topics: (i) illicit financial flows; (ii) the impact of money laundering in financial stability; (iii) synergies between financial integrity issues and other Fund policies and work; (iv) the Fund’s collaboration with key partners in the AML/CFT global policy architecture; and (v) stakeholders’ views of the effectiveness of the Fund’s AML/CFT engagement.


November 28, 2023

Resilience and Sustainability Facility—Operational Guidance Note

Description: This note provides general guidance on the operationalization of the Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF) for arrangement requests and reviews. The RSF complements the existing IMF lending toolkit by providing longer-term, affordable financing to members to help them address longer-term structural challenges from climate change and pandemic preparedness. The note has benefited from experience gained during early operationalization of the RSF.

November 17, 2023

The Fund’s Income Position for FY 2023— Actual Outcome

Description: This paper reports on the Fund’s income position for FY 2023 following the closing of the Fund’s accounts for the financial year and completion of the external audit. Overall net income of the General Department was SDR 1.7 billion, SDR 0.1 billion lower than estimated in April, mainly reflecting a decrease in the remeasurement gain reported under IAS 19 (the accounting standard for employee benefits) offset partly by higher-than-anticipated returns from the investment subaccounts compared with earlier projections.

November 17, 2023

Central Bank Transparency Code Review— Guidance Note

Description: This document provides guidance and practical suggestions for conducting reviews of the Central Bank Transparency Code (CBT) to IMF staff and experts conducting reviews, as well as to the central banks participating or intending to participate in the CBT review.

November 14, 2023

Central Bank Digital Currency—Initial Considerations

Description: The paper briefs the Executive Board on the initial considerations on CBDC. These cover a framework to guide countries’ CBDC exploration, as well as implications for monetary policy transmission, capital flow management measures, and financial inclusion.

November 6, 2023

Review Of the Fund's Policy on Multiple Currency Practices—Extension of The Effective Date

Description: In July 2022, the Executive Board concluded the review of the Fund’s policy on multiple currency practices (MCPs). The effectiveness date for the new policy was originally envisaged for April 1, 2023 and then delayed to November 1, 2023. Staff proposed and the Board supported an additional extension of the transitional period and a delay of the effectiveness date to February 1, 2024. The extension will allow more time for the authorities to adjust to the new policy and for staff to conduct outreach with stakeholders to raise awareness. Elements of the revised policy which became effective immediately on July 1, 2022 will continue to apply as envisaged during the transitional period.

November 6, 2023

Resilience and Sustainability Trust – 2023 Contribution Agreements with Italy, Luxembourg, Oman, and the United Kingdom

Description: This paper presents Resilience and Sustainability (RST) contribution agreements finalized with four contributors between April 2023 and September 15, 2023. The concluded agreements provide for contributions in a total amount of about SDR 4.7 billion across the three RST accounts – the loan account, deposit account, and reserve account. The new agreements with four members add critical resources that support the continued smooth operations of the RST.

November 3, 2023

FY2023—Output Cost Estimates and Budget Outturn

Description: The paper presents highlights from the FY 2023 budget, followed by a discussion of outputs based on the Fund Thematic Categories and of inputs.

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