Policy Papers

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July 7, 2010

IMF Governance Reform

Description: The broader governance reform debate—which goes beyond quotas to issues such as engagement by high-level policymakers, Fund management selection, Board structure, rules and accountability—has not got very far in garnering a consensus at the Executive Board. This is the case even though, in political circles, including the IMFC, and in civil society, expectations are high that the institution will tackle reforms key to its long-term effectiveness and legitimacy. The impasse reflects many factors. Partly it is a matter of not being convinced that governance is nearly as important as quota shares, partly of disagreement over the specifics of various proposals, and partly of concern that the conflation of quotas with governance—the “package approach”—risks delaying the pivotal quota rebalancing exercise, scheduled to be completed before January 2011. This paper lays out the main governance issues, while putting forward variants of reform proposals that might command broader support. It takes as given that, even if quota reform has its own logic and deadline, this does not preclude parallel consideration of—and possibly decisions on—governance reforms, which can help make the case to domestic and international audiences that a broader reform of the Fund is underway.

July 6, 2010

The Safeguards Policy - Independent Panel's Advisory Report

Description: This report by the external panel of experts (“the panel”) examines the effectiveness and appropriateness of the safeguards policy over the ten years since the inception of the policy, and most particularly in the five years since its last review. Furthermore, the panel, drawing on its research and experience, aims to establish a course for the Executive Board to consider that would help the safeguards policy continually improve, adapt to changing world conditions, and remain viable and relevant for the next decade. In gathering data to form its opinion, the panel (i) consulted with stakeholders in the policy (including central bank authorities, IMF Executive Directors’ offices, Fund and World Bank staff, and international audit firms), (ii) examined safeguards and other Fund-specific documents, and (iii) researched international reference materials.

July 6, 2010

Safeguards Assessments - Review of Experience

Description: This review marks the 10th anniversary of the safeguards policy. Introduced in March 2000, the policy’s main objective is to mitigate potential risks of misuse of resources, including Fund resources, and misreporting of monetary program data. The policy was last reviewed in 2005, when the Executive Board re-affirmed the effectiveness of the policy, and its application to central banks. In keeping with previous reviews, a panel of experts was invited to provide advice for the Executive Board on the implementation of the policy, and recommendations to guide the focus and application of the policy going forward.

June 30, 2010

Report on the Incidence of Longer-Term Program Engagement

Description: Longer-term program engagement (LTPE) occurs when a member has spent at least seven of the past 10 years under Fund-supported financial arrangements. In response to the Executive Board’s request for periodic updates on the incidence of LTPEs, this is the eleventh such report and provides information through end-May 2010.

June 29, 2010

The Fund’s Mandate - The Future Financing Role - Reform Proposals

Description: The global crisis has underscored the need for effective global financial safety nets to protect countries with sound policy frameworks from adverse outcomes. Complementing the traditional crisis resolution role of the IMF, which has been instrumental during the recent crisis and is expected to remain dominant going forward, further strengthening instruments to prevent crises and mitigate contagion in systemic events would contribute to the IMF’s mandate to secure global stability.

This paper proposes specific reforms of crisis prevention instruments, and separately presents further considerations for strengthening the IMF’s toolkit for dealing with systemic crises. The proposals, which have benefited from feedback from policymakers and other stakeholders, build on last year’s major overhaul of the IMF lending toolkit and the reform options considered earlier this year by the IMF Executive Board in the context of a broader review of the institution’s mandate.

June 22, 2010

Fourteenth General Review of Quotas - Realigning Quota Shares - Further Considerations

Description: At its most recent meeting in April 2010, the IMFC pledged to complete the 14th General Review of Quotas before January 2011. This follows an earlier call by G-20 Leaders and the IMFC to bring forward the deadline for completing the 14th Review by two years as part of the multilateral response to the global financial crisis and the recognized need to enhance the Fund’s legitimacy and effectiveness.

June 15, 2010

How Did Emerging Markets Cope in the Crisis?

Description: This paper examines the performance of emerging market economies (EMs) during the recent global crisis and draws policy conclusions. It considers how EMs were affected by the initial impact of the crisis, examines the extent to which they were able to undertake countercyclical policies to moderate the impact, and highlights factors that have influenced the pace and timing of their recovery. Finally, it considers policy challenges facing EMs as the crisis subsides. This paper sheds light on the role of reserves in crises, and provides contextual background for work on the future financing role of the IMF.

June 11, 2010

Resolution of Cross-Border Banks - A Proposed Framework for Enhanced Coordination

Description: The recent financial crisis has given renewed urgency to the need for resolution systems for financial institutions, which both safeguard financial stability and limit moral hazard. However, experience demonstrates that these systems will not be effective unless progress is also made in developing a framework that applies on a cross-border basis. Since many systemically important financial groups operate globally, an uncoordinated application of resolution systems by national authorities will make it much more difficult to both secure the continuity of essential functions (thereby limiting contagion), and ensure that shareholders and creditors bear the financial burden of the resolution process.

June 10, 2010

Technical Assistance Evaluation Program - Findings of Evaluations and Updated Program

Description: Technical Assistance (TA) is one of the IMF’s core activities whose purpose is to help member countries improve the design and implementation of their macroeconomic policies. To ensure that the Fund’s TA meets the needs of the membership, and is efficient and effective, the Executive Board established in 2002 the TA Evaluation Program. Under this program, announced to the Executive Board on a three-year rolling schedule, each year a number of evaluations are carried out. These consist of self-assessments by IMF departments providing TA plus independent assessments of donor-financed TA. Since 2003, more than two dozen TA evaluations were produced, covering all IMF TA departments plus the IMF’s Regional Technical Assistance Centers (RTACs). Periodically the IMF staff submits to the Executive Board a review of the findings of the TA evaluation reports produced during the preceding period.

June 3, 2010

Fourteenth General Review of Quotas - Updated Data Set and Quota Calculations

Description: This paper updates the quota data base through 2008 and discusses implications for members’ calculated quota shares. A subsequent staff paper will review key issues related to the realignment of quota shares and present additional illustrative simulations, for discussion by the Committee of the Whole in early July.

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