Independent Evaluation Office Reports

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September 3, 2003

The IMF and Recent Capital Account Crises: Indonesia, Korea, Brazil

Description: This report evaluates the role of the IMF in three capital account crises, in Indonesia (1997-98), Korea (1997-98), and Brazil (1998-99), and the lessons to be drawn from the experience. It also recommends steps aimed at making the IMF’s surveillance and program design more effective in the prevention and management of future capital account crises. Annexes contain the three country case studies that form the basis for the judgments for the report.

July 28, 2003

The IMF and Recent Capital Account Crises: Indonesia, Korea, Brazil [Advance Copy]

Description: The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) was established by the IMF’s Executive Board in 2001. It provides objective and independent evaluation of issues related to the IMF. The IEO operates independently of IMF management and at arm’s length from the IMF Executive Board. For more information on the IEO’s activities, visit the IEO website:

April 10, 2003

Evaluation of Prolonged Use of IMF Resources

Description: This evaluation report covers such topics as the definition and scope of prolonged use, the evolution of IMF policies on prolonged use, characteristics of prolonged users, the effectiveness and design of prolonged users’ IMF-supported programs, and implications of prolonged use of IMF resources for the member country and the IMF. The report also contains detailed case studies on Jamaica, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Senegal.

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