Country Reports

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April 12, 2022

People’s Republic of China—Macao Special Administrative Region: 2022 Article IV Consultation Discussions

Description: Macao SAR’s recovery is expected to continue in 2022, but it will take several years before the economy returns to its pre-crisis level. Although strong fiscal support and the financial strength of Macao SAR’s casino groups cushioned employment and consumption, the sharp contraction in activity exposed Macao SAR’s vulnerability to external forces affecting the inflow of tourists. Short-term risks to the outlook include a re-intensification of the COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in Macao SAR’s financial sector stress. The heavy impact of the pandemic on Macao SAR’s growth highlights the need to diversify the economy beyond the gaming industry. The high exposure to climate-related shocks poses long-term concerns.

April 12, 2022

Seychelles: Technical Assistance Report-External Sector Statistics

Description: A remote external sector statistics (ESS) technical assistance (TA) was provided to the Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) during October 4–13, 2021. The main objectives of the mission were to (i) assist the authorities in improving the quality of ESS by focusing on actions undertaken by the CBS for collecting data from corporate service providers (CSPs) and their inclusion in the balance of payments and international investment position (IIP) statistics; (ii) assess the data reported by the CSPs and their fit into the ESS framework; (iii) prepare the basis for Seychelles’ participation in the IMF’s survey “Resident Special Purpose Entities: Cross Border Flows and Positions) (IMF’s SPEs Survey); and (iv) review and assess the adequacy of estimated travel services.

April 12, 2022

Montenegro: Technical Assistance Report-External Sector Statistics

Description: The International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Statistics Department (STA) conducted a technical assistance (TA) mission to the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBM) for the compilation of external sector statistics (ESS) during April 28–May 13, 2021. The mission was funded by Eurostat to meet the European Union (EU)’s acquis1 from the ESS perspective. The mission focused on the compilation of quarterly international investment position (IIP),2 and assisted the CBM in preparing the Reserves Data Template (RDT) as well as in recording of financial intermediary services indirectly measured (FISIM) in balance of payments statistics.

April 11, 2022

Republic of Kazakhstan: Selected Issues

Description: Selected Issues

April 11, 2022

Republic of Kazakhstan: 2021 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; Staff Statement; and Statement by the Executive Director for Kazakhstan

Description: Activity returned to its pre-COVID level in 2021. Inflation remains well above the NBK’s 4–6 percent target band, and spillovers from sanctions on Russia will exacerbate price pressures and weaken economic growth in 2022. Kazakhstan benefits from strong fiscal and external buffers but risks to the outlook are elevated due to the uncertain impact on Kazakhstan of the sanctions on Russia and heightened domestic tensions since the January social unrest episode. In the medium term, non-oil growth under the baseline is expected to converge to about 4 percent. Sustainable growth will require greater economic diversification. Climate-related challenges are acute for Kazakhstan given its outsized hydrocarbon sector, high per-capita greenhouse gas emissions, and low domestic energy prices.

April 8, 2022

United Kingdom: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Vulnerabilities in NBFIs, Market-Based Finance, and Systemic Liquidity

Description: The Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) carried out a focused review of the non-banks in the United Kingdom and systemic liquidity. It reviewed five areas: (i) The overall NBFI system, its links to banks and the rest of the world; (ii) NBFI direct lending to the U.K. economy; (iii) Sterling investment funds (OEFs, AIFs, and MMFs); (iv) CCPs; and (v) Systemic liquidity. The NBFIs are defined as all non-deposit-taking corporations, listed in Figure 1, and with the following limited coverage: Pension Funds and Insurance Companies are covered to the extend they lend to the economy and interact with CCPs; Investment funds only to the extent of Sterling Funds; and broker-dealers only to the extent they interact with CCPs. Regulatory aspects of NBFIs are covered in a parallel Technical Note (TN).

April 8, 2022

United Kingdom: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Select Issues in Systemic Risk Oversight and Macroprudential Policy

Description: The United Kingdom’s macroprudential policy framework has proven its effectiveness. After the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2007–09, the United Kingdom assigned the Bank of England (BOE) a clear financial stability mandate, created a new Financial Policy Committee (FPC) to set macroprudential policy, and shifted to a “twin peaks” model of financial oversight. The 2016 Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) concluded that the new framework appeared appropriate for effectively conducting macroprudential policy. However, the framework was then relatively new. The 2021 FSAP represents an opportunity to review its performance in building systemic resilience through the financial cycle, including the market volatility resulting from the Brexit vote and the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 8, 2022

United Kingdom: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Systemic Stress, and Climate-Related Financial Risks: Implications for Balance Sheet Resilience

Description: The FSAP started in an important macro-financial phase right after the second Covid wave and a third lockdown. The balance sheet resilience of major institutional sectors was at the center of policy considerations. Against this backdrop, the FSAP analyzed the pandemic’s potential “scarring” of banks, insurers, corporates, and households balance sheets, focusing on the interplay of macro-financial/structural conditions and financial vulnerabilities.

April 8, 2022

United Kingdom: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Select Issues in Financial Safety Net Arrangements and Financial Crisis Preparedness

Description: The United Kingdom (U.K.) bank resolution and financial crisis readiness arrangements are sound but with opportunities for continued and accelerated enhancements. The U.K. authorities’ individual and collective crisis readiness—including with other major jurisdictions—continues to improve. Mid-2022, all major U.K. banks and the authorities will issue the first public statements about these banks’ resolvability. This is supported by a comprehensive special resolution regime (SRR) and resolvability assessment framework (RAF) for banks. Yet, there is space—and a need—to further enhance the SRR, including its application to central counterparties (CCPs), and to introduce one for insurance companies. Furthermore, elements of the deposit insurance system and firm-specific resolution decision-making should be strengthened, and implementation and reputation risk addressed.

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