Country Reports

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July 27, 2022

Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Financial Safety Nets and Crisis Management

Description: This paper discusses Ireland’s technical note on financial safety nets and crisis management. This note assesses the bank recovery, resolution, and crisis preparedness regime in Ireland. It analyzes laws, policies, procedures, institutional capacity and coordination arrangements for bank failure resolution and for managing financial distress and crises. The assessment is focused on banks under the direct remit of the Central Bank of Ireland and does not evaluate the role played by the European Central Bank and the Single Resolution Board for Ireland’s largest banks. The note also assesses steps toward adopting a recovery and resolution regime for insurers. Substantive efforts have been made to propose a resolution regime for insurers and to identify scope for improving the existing insolvency framework as it applies to insurers. This note recommends that the Department of Finance should explore providing statutory protections to persons selected by the Central Bank albeit appointed by the Court for resolution purposes. It also recommends that the Central Bank and Department of Finance should seek the views of the competition authority on the extent to which resolution regime legislation overrides national competition rules.

July 27, 2022

Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Banking Supervision

Description: This Technical Note discusses Ireland’s report on Banking Supervision. Supervision of less significant institutions is largely effective in Ireland. The Central Bank’s supervisory approach to LSIs is intrusive and well-developed supervisory tools are appropriately applied. The prudential regulation of banks has improved greatly since the 2016 Financial System Assessment Program. The EU framework has largely managed to embrace international regulatory reforms, following up on the causes of the Global Financial Crisis. The banking supervision has been tested by severe headwinds, with the final outcomes still in play. Supervision went through a period of major challenges for the economy and the financial system, namely from Brexit and the pandemic. The continued effectiveness of banking supervision in Ireland will depend on its success in solving several complicated problems. This note provides the main recommendations to enhance the supervision of the banking activities conducted in Ireland with a direct bearing on its financial stability.

July 27, 2022

Botswana: 2022 Article IV Consultation -Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Botswana

Description: This 2022 Article IV Consultation discusses that a successful vaccination campaign, prudent macroeconomic management, and strong demand for diamonds have allowed Botswana to recover to its pre-pandemic output level. Implementing the planned medium-term fiscal consolidation will rebuild buffers and financial assets for future generations. The consolidation plan will achieve fiscal surplus over the medium term and rebuild the Government Investment Account to shield the economy against shocks and build an asset base. Bringing inflation back within the Bank of Botswana’s objective range will require additional monetary tightening. In the absence of further tightening, the broad-based rise in inflation risks de-anchoring inflation expectations and requiring even sharper tightening later with negative effects on growth. A successful implementation of the Reset Agenda will enhance Botswana’s resilience and ensure sustained high-job rich growth. Implementation of the plan will diversify the economy toward financial services (facilitated by fintech), manufacturing, and tourism, and transform Botswana into a high-income status as per Vision 2036. Reforms should include enhancing accountability, competition, and governance, deepening trade integration, and a faster energy transition.

July 27, 2022

Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Oversight of Market-Based Finance: Investment Funds and Special Purpose Entities

Description: This considers the regulation and supervision of the market-based finance (MBF) sector in Ireland. Ireland has made good progress in implementing MBF-relevant recommendations from the 2014 and 2016 Financial Sector Assessment Programs, but some gaps remain. As the integrated regulator for the financial services sector, the Central Bank would benefit from greater formal legal independence, stronger enforcement powers and more flexibility on individual compensation to attract and retain scarce talent. There is scope for the Central Bank to leverage its expertise and experience to promote further EU convergence on MBF oversight. Closing data gaps would further enhance the Central Bank’s robust regulation and supervision of the MBF sector. The Central Bank should intensify its work to assess and mitigate financial stability risks of MBF. Finalization of work already under way on investment fund pricing errors should be prioritized, while oversight of SPEs deserves regulatory and supervisory attention. The introduction of a comprehensive framework for pricing errors will lay the foundations for greater investor protection and more consistent industry practices. Oversight of special purpose entities has improved from the perspective of statistical analysis, but more efforts are needed to strengthen governance practices.

July 27, 2022

Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Oversight of Fintech

Description: This Technical Note on Oversight of Fintech explains that Ireland’s fintech sector is growing in importance through the entry of innovative new players and digital transformation of incumbents’ business models and products. This note seeks to identify risks arising from fintech as well as policy responses by authorities. The Irish Government has adopted a Strategy implemented by annual action plans for the development of Ireland’s international financial services sector that includes several initiatives of relevance to fintech. The Central Bank has an Innovation Hub that provides a single point of contact for stakeholders on fintech-related issues. Under the EU’s passporting framework host regulators receive limited information on the activities that passporting entities carry out in their jurisdiction. Incumbent retail banks in Ireland are dedicating significant resources to digital transformation, while fintechs are enlarging consumer choice through innovative new services. The Central Bank should further intensify its efforts to monitor developments on crypto-assets through systematic data collection within the scope of its powers and, where unacceptable risks remain, issue carefully targeted warnings and investor communications.

July 27, 2022

Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Insurance Regulation and Supervision

Description: This Technical Note highlights Ireland’s Insurance Regulation and Supervision. Ireland’s insurance sector is characterized by high penetration and density in both the life and the non-life sector, which, however, stems largely from outward cross-border business. Irish insurers have proved to be resilient during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, although the full effects have yet to be seen. Primary drivers of solvency ratios have been financial market and interest rate movements affecting insurers’ investment portfolios and liability valuations. The Central Bank has been expanding its analysis of climate risks and corresponding risk management practices in the financial sector. There is scope for the Central Bank to leverage its expertise and experience to promote further EU convergence on insurance oversight. The Central Bank has been very active in policy discussions at the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and is well placed to take a leading role in the efforts to achieve consistent application of EU legislation, and generally supervisory convergence, on the supervision of cross-border business; the supervision of intra-group transactions and group concentrations; and the supervision of captives.

July 26, 2022

Paraguay: Technical Assistance Report-Bank Resolution Framework and the Deposit Guarantee Fund

Description: This paper discusses Paraguay’s Technical Assistance report on bank resolution framework and the deposit guarantee fund. The mission identified several areas where the existing deposit guarantee fund and bank resolution framework could be enhanced. The Central Bank of Paraguay should consider developing an ongoing process of recovery and resolution planning and underpin it in its regulatory framework, in line with international modern practices Coordination with members of the financial safety net of other jurisdictions is key to ensuring adequate crisis preparedness during normal times and enabling adequate coordination of crisis management measures if there are concerns about the viability of a foreign-owned bank with operations in Paraguay. A one-voice method of communication with the public should be considered, and advance preparation is paramount to ensure a smooth process for communications in the event of a crisis situation. The resolution framework should stipulate clear and expeditious access to temporary funding, based on financial stability considerations, in situations where private sector funding has been exhausted or cannot achieve resolution objectives.

July 26, 2022

Seychelles: 2022 Article IV Consultation, Second Review Under the Extended Fund Facility Arrangement, and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria and Indicative Targets-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Seychelles

Description: This paper presents Seychelles’ 2022 Article IV Consultation, Second Review under the Extended Fund Facility Arrangement, and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria and Indicative Targets. Seychelles’ economic recovery in 2021 vastly outperformed projections, fueled by a faster-than-expected rebound of the tourism sector. The authorities are committed to reducing debt vulnerabilities and creating fiscal space to address future risks. The structural reform agenda will continue to focus on revenue administration, public financial management, and governance, including digitalization, state-owned-enterprise reform, and climate change adaptation and mitigation policies. Monetary policy remains appropriately accommodative, and the authorities are committed to closely monitoring inflationary pressures. The authorities are committed to reducing debt vulnerabilities and creating fiscal space to address future risks. The structural reform agenda will continue to focus on revenue administration, public financial management, and governance, including digitalization, state-owned enterprise reform, and climate change adaptation and mitigation policies. The country remains vulnerable to climate change.

July 26, 2022

Seychelles: Selected Issues

Description: This Selected Issues paper considers the containment and closure policies implemented in Seychelles—a Small Island Developing State (SID) highly dependent on tourism—and the resultant impact on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2020–21. The assessment compares the economic performance of Seychelles against a set of other SIDS also dependent on tourism. The study adopts two econometric methods. The first method constructs a reference country to allow comparison against Seychelles, while the second method is a panel data regression. The analysis indicates that containment and closure policies contribute to a stronger GDP decline, as would be the case without such policies. In the following sections, the paper first explores how coronavirus disease 2019 evolved in Seychelles and describes the authorities' key responses. Secondly, we review the economic indicators of Seychelles. Thirdly, the methodology and the results are explained, followed by some conclusions. The authorities need to be mindful that containment and closure policies adversely impact economic activity should they be implemented again for a prolonged period—both within and across countries.

July 26, 2022

Arab Republic of Egypt: Ex-Post Evaluation of Exceptional Access Under the 2020 Stand-By Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Arab Republic of Egypt

Description: This paper highlights Arab Republic of Egypt’s Ex-Post Evaluation of Exceptional Access under the 2020 Stand-By Arrangement (SBA). In early 2020, the Egyptian authorities launched a broad policy response to address the immediate and severe economic disruption caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which threatened to reverse Egypt’s hard-won achievements in regaining macroeconomic stability. The SBA achieved its primary objective of maintaining macroeconomic stability in the context of the disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic. Policy implementation under the SBA was broadly in line with program objectives, even as exchange rate variability remained limited. While the Egyptian economy has successfully weathered the COVID-19 shock, the external and debt vulnerabilities that existed prior to the crisis remain high. The focused structural reform agenda supported by the SBA was fully executed, but decisive progress on deeper reforms is needed to foster private sector development, improve governance, and reduce the role of the state. The program design contributed to the successful completion of the SBA, yet certain aspects could have been reconsidered.

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