Country Reports

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March 2, 2023

Belgium: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Belgium

Description: Post-pandemic recovery slowed with spillovers from Russia’s war in Ukraine and high inflation, financial conditions tightening, and elevated uncertainty. In response to the spike of energy prices, the federal and regional authorities provided timely and substantial support to households and firms. Along with automatic indexation of wages and benefits, energy support helped cushion impacts, although at significant cost, increasing the fiscal deficit in 2022 and 2023. The labor market has remained tight, with record-high job creation and low unemployment. The external current account swung to a large deficit in 2022, due largely to higher energy imports and lower vaccine exports. Energy consumption is being cut, and gas imports reoriented. A resilient financial sector is facing challenges from the weaker macro-financial environment.

March 2, 2023

Belgium: Selected Issues

Description: Selected Issues

February 22, 2023

Costa Rica: Technical Assistance Report-Upgrading the Rule-Based Fiscal Framework

Description: The fiscal rule that came into force in 2020 has bolstered fiscal discipline and served Costa Rica well. The rule sets ceilings on nominal expenditure growth for current and total expenditures linked to past nominal GDP growth and debt levels. The rule—explicitly identified in the Law 9635—is transparent, relatively simple, and allows flexibility in crises through an escape clause. The rule has been instrumental in the policy framework. It not only guides the fiscal policy in the budget, but also coalesces public opinion on the need for fiscal discipline. Along with other fiscal reforms, the government commitment to the fiscal rule has been instrumental to fiscal adjustment in 2021-22.

February 22, 2023

St. Kitts and Nevis: Technical Assistance Report-Strengthening Core Business Functions Audit Capacity (RTAT)

Description: The Inland Revenue Department, St. Kitts and Nevis, benefited from a remote Capacity Development (CD) activity delivered by CARTAC over the period November 2021 – March 2022 on auditing of financial institutions. The main objective of this CD was to strengthen the capacity of the auditors to perform audits and verify the accuracy of reporting by taxpayers in the Financial Sector. The training included (i) an overview of the financial sector, financial products/instruments and business processes; (ii) guidance in auditing the banks and insurance companies; and (iii) awareness of the key tax risks within this sector. A total of 22 auditors from the large, medium and small taxpayers’ unit, participated in the training. The training was held over a fifteen (15) day period and concluded with the auditors developing an audit schedule and preparation of audit notification letters to taxpayers selected for audit.

February 21, 2023

México: Informe de Asistencia Técnica-la Misión de Cuentas Nacionales

Description: "This title is available in Spanish only" A technical assistance (TA) mission was conducted remotely during February 4-18, 2022, to providing guidance to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) of Mexico in implementing the chain-linked volume measures with previous year weights in their national accounts (NA) statistics. Currently, INEGI compiles Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and related NA economic indicators at constant prices with fixed base year indices of 2013. Chain-linked volume measures provide improved and more accurate estimates of economic growth, especially in periods of structural change. The TA mission also provided extensive training on compiling chained indices with own country examples from the economic surveys and national accounts statistics to a large group of INEGI staff and discussed with INEGI management an action plan for developing and implementing chained indices for the national accounts and short-term indicators.

February 16, 2023

Kyrgyz Republic: Selected Issues

Description: Selected Issues

February 16, 2023

Uganda: Central Bank Transparency Code Review

Description: The Bank of Uganda (BOU) is implementing transparency practices that are broadly aligned with the good practices for central banks. The BOU’s initiatives on a comprehensive communication strategy and broad use of tools underpin the commitment to transparency and its accountability for the price stability mandate. The BOU seeks to improve public accountability and intends to use the results of the CBTC review to further improve its communications and transparency practices.

February 16, 2023

Kyrgyz Republic: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

Description: The Kyrgyz Republic is facing significant policy challenges stemming from multiple shocks: the anticipated spillovers from the projected contraction in Russia; the global slowdown; global financial tightening; and still-high food and energy prices. Strong output growth in 2022 was a positive surprise, but elevated inflation remains persistent, the current account and fiscal deficits have widened, international reserves have declined, and poverty has increased. In view of heightened uncertainty, policy buffers that were eroded in addressing the pandemic need to be rebuilt.

February 16, 2023

Nigeria: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Nigeria

Description: Economic recovery continued to broaden in 2022. Higher oil prices are yet to deliver tangible benefits amid contraction of oil production and costly fuel subsidies. Elevated inflation and lingering external sector pressures, if left unaddressed, may exacerbate macroeconomic instability. This could impact growth, food security and ultimately social cohesion given extreme inequality and high poverty. The upcoming elections provide an opportunity for the new administration to advance structural reforms and offer a more prosperous future.

February 16, 2023

Nigeria: Selected Issues

Description: Selected Issues

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