
Washington DC

September 2, 2010

IMF Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Economic Forums

Book Discussion Event - September 2, 2010

Anatomy of a Crisis

The crisis that shook global markets two years ago and sent many economies into a tailspin has been well documented. The unraveling of complex financial transactions based on home mortgages was the obvious spark images/books_sm.jpgthat ignited the fire, but were deeper forces at work? And what role did individuals play in shaping the crisis?

At the Fund Book Discussion on September 2, authors Raghuram Rajan and Sebastian Mallaby discussed their books on the root causes of the turmoil and the consequences of the crisis for the future. Watch highlights of the event above.


Raghuram G.Rajan

Author-Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy

    Eric J. Gleacher Distinguished Service Professor of Finance Booth School of Business, University of Chicago


Sebastian Mallaby

Author-More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite

    Paul Volcker Senior Fellow in International Economics, Council on Foreign Relations



    Opening Remarks

      Min Zhu, Special Advisor to the Managing Director



      Caroline Atkinson, Director, External Relations Department



    Event Details

    • When- 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m, Thursday, September 2, 2010
    • Where- International Monetary Fund, HQ2
    • Address- 1900 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC, 20431
    • Room- Conference Hall 1

    • -For questions, please email at FundStaffEvents@imf.org.