Emerging Tax Issues in Asia

The Fifth IMF-Japan High-Level Tax Conference For Asian Countries in Tokyo

Location: Toyko, Japan

April 21-23, 2014

The 5th IMF-Japan High-Level Tax Conference for Asian Countries, held from April 21-23, 2014 in Tokyo, was organized jointly by FAD and Japan’s Ministry of Finance (MOF), with extensive support from the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. It was attended by 37 senior officials from 19 countries in Asia as well as representatives from the OECD and the Asian Development Bank. The conference covered a wide range of emerging tax issues in the region including energy taxation, regional harmonization of tax systems, analytical tools to strengthen tax administration, reform issues and challenges in tax administration, international taxation, and taxation of high wealth individuals. Since its inception in 2009, the annual high-level tax conference has provided participants with a rare opportunity to expand and deepen personal relationships with peer senior officials in the region, promoting further collaboration among tax authorities. This year’s conference followed that tradition, offering a forum for officials in the region to share their experience and freshen their knowledge on the latest and most important issues in tax policy and tax administration areas.

The conference was financed by the Japan Administered Account for Selected IMF Activities (JSA).

group picture

Day 1: Monday, April 21



Opening Ceremony


Opening Address by Mr. Naoyuki Shinohara, Deputy Managing Director, IMF


Welcome Address –Mr. Masatsugu Asakawa, Deputy Vice Minister for Policy Planning and Co-ordination, Ministry of Finance (MOF), Japan


Photo Session and Coffee Break

Energy Taxation


Overview: Mr. Michael Keen, Deputy Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF


Ms. Kate Phipps, Senior Treasury Representative, Australian Embassy

Mr. Tulga Solongo, Specialist, MOF, Mongolia

Dr. Warotai Kosolpisitkul, Director, Tax Policy Bureau, MOF, Thailand


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion

Moderator: Mr. Michael Keen, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

Panelists: Presenters


Lunch Break

Regional Harmonization of Tax System


Principles of and lessons from regional harmonization


Overview: Mr. Kiyoshi Nakayama, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

Lessons from EU: Prof. Masao Yoshimura, Hitotsubashi University


Coffee Break


Tax incentives: Contents and implications of the WTO rule on tax policy


Overview: Mr. Kiyoshi Nakayama, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

WTO rules: Mr. Michael Daly, Consultant


Coffee Break


Revenue mobilizing efforts in Asian countries-- Asian Development Outlook 2014


Dr. Donghyun Park, Principal Economist, Economics and Research Department, Asian Development Bank

Mr. Satoru Araki, Public Management Specialist, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank

Day 2: Tuesday, April 22

Activities of IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP)


Presentation: Mr. Odd Per Brekk, Director, OAP

Analytical Tools to Strengthen Tax Administration


FAD tools to improve tax administration performance and reform


Mr. David Kloeden, Head of TADAT Secretariat, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

TADAT: Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool

RA-FIT: Revenue Administration – Fiscal Information Tool

RA-GAP: Revenue Administration – Gap Analysis Program


Coffee Break

Reform issues and challenges in tax administration in the region



Ms. Kim S. Jacinto-Henares, Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Philippines

Mr. Wong Kuen-fai, Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Hong Kong

Mr. Tun Tun Aung, Director, IRD, Myanmar

Mr. Rajendra Sharma, Deputy Director General, Inland Revenue Department, MOF, Nepal


Lunch Break

Reform issues and challenges in tax administration in the region (cont.)



Dr. Shukor Mahfar, CEO, Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia

Mr. Sun Qun, Director, Tax Reform Division, State Administration of Taxation, China

Mr. Wilson Ong, Assistant Commissioner, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, Singapore

Comments by Mr. Kloeden, FAD, IMF

Day 3: Wednesday, April 23

International taxation



BEPS: Mr. Shigeto Hiki, Director, International Tax Policy, Ministry of Finance, Japan

BEPS-Digital Economy: Mr. Piet Battiau, Head of Consumption Tax Unit, CTPA, OECD

Spillovers in International Taxation: Mr. Michael Keen, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

Mr. A. Sreenivasa Rao, Director, Central Board of Direct Taxes, India

Comments by Professor Masui, University of Tokyo


Coffee Break

Latest tax policy reform



Mr. John Sein Gi, Director, Inland Revenue Department, Myanmar

Ms. Farah Dhiba Binti Ahmed, Principal Assistant Secretary, MOF, Malaysia

Mr. Tulga Solongo, Ministry of Finance, Mongolia


Lunch Break

Taxation of High Income and Wealth Individuals


Tax Policy Aspects: How to achieve progressivity in tax design?


Overview: Mr. Michael Keen, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

Dr. Toshiaki Tachibanaki, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University

Ms. Wang Mingru, Deputy Director, Tax Analysis Division, Tax Policy Department, Ministry of Finance, China


Coffee Break


Countering tax avoidance and evasion by the wealthy


Overview: Mr. Kiyoshi Nakayama, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

Mr. Eimon Ueda, Deputy Commissioner, National Tax Agency, Japan

Ms. Kim Jacinto-Henares, Commissioner of Bureau of Internal revenue, Philippines

Mr. Raden Setyadi Aris Handono, Deputy Director, Directorate General of Tax, Indonesia

Concluding Session


Summing-up and concluding remarks—Mr. Keen, FAD, IMF