The Global Economy and Financial Turmoil: Finding Our Footing


The CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies invites you to a discussion with:
John Lipsky
First Deputy Managing Director,
International Monetary Fund

The world economy has faced unprecedented challenges in the wake of the U.S. sub-prime mortgage market collapse and the sudden rise of fuel and food prices. Policy makers worldwide have been forced to address both slowing growth and rising inflation against the backdrop of crisis in the financial markets. In the face of these challenges, developed and developing country governments alike are working to formulate policies aimed at restoring confidence to markets and ensure that the economic slowdown is short-lived.

The IMF has played a key role in helping countries devise policies to weather the storm. IMF First Deputy Managing Director John Lipsky will offer the Fund's outlook for world economy, analyze the steps taken so far, and offer some perspectives on what policymakers can do over the coming months.

Charles Freeman
CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies


The Global Economy and Financial Turmoil:
Finding Our Footing
Thursday, September 18, 2008

3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1800 K Street, NW, CSIS B1 Conference Center
Invitation is non-transferable
Seating is limited; Please RSVP


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