Reforming EU Fiscal Governance

ECB-IMF conference

Frankfurt, December 13-14, 2012 

The European Central Bank (ECB) and IMF organized a joint conference on reforming EU fiscal governance, in Frankfurt, Germany, on December 13-14, 2012.

The conference brought together more than 60 policymakers, academics, and representatives from the private sector and international organizations. Among the specific topics addressed were recent reform packages (such as the Fiscal Compact) and possible building blocks for a future fiscal union, including lessons that can be drawn from existing federations. The conference also reconsidered the design and economic impact of fiscal consolidations.

The conference program, papers and presentations can be found here.

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Keynote speakers

  • Carlo Cottarelli (IMF, Fiscal Affairs Department)
  • Randall Henning (American University and Peterson Institute for International Economics)
  • Jean Pisani-Ferry (Director of Bruegel and Professor of economics at the Université Paris-Dauphine)