Macroprudential Policies to Achieve Financial Stability

Hosted by the Banco Central del Uruguay and the IMF
Punta del Este, Uruguay
February 29–March 2, 2012

High Level Conference on Macroprudential Policies

A key lesson from the global financial crisis is the need to
preserve financial stability through the adoption of macroprudential policies that would complement sound macroeconomic policies.

This conference brings together senior policymakers from key Latin American countries as well as selected advanced countries to exchange views on the best design of financial stability institutions as well as macroprudential policies.

In the first session, Mr. Min Zhu, Deputy Managing Director, IMF, will present his views on the global outlook, followed by comments and a roundtable discussion. The subsequent sessions will consist of 15-minute presentations by invited speakers, followed by a period for questions and discussion.

February 29, 2012
8:00–10:00 pm Dinner

Welcome speech by the Honorable Danilo Astori, Vice President, Uruguay

Design of Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability Frameworks
March 1, 2012
8:30–9:00 am Registration
9:00–9:15 am Opening Remarks:

Min Zhu, Deputy Managing Director International Monetary Fund

Read Min Zhu's Opening Remarks Speech
9:00–10:30 am Session I: Global Challenges to Financial Stability

Opening Remarks: Mario Bergara, President, Central Bank of Uruguay

Speaker: Min Zhu, Deputy Managing Director, IMF

10:30–10:45 am Coffee Break
11:00–12:30 pm Session II: Financial Stability Institutions—International Experience

Moderator: José Viñals, Financial Counselor and Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF


  • Tae Soo Kang, Director General, Financial Stability, Bank of Korea

    View Tae Soo Kang's Presentation Presentation

  • Alexander Barrett, Senior Advisor, Financial Stability Department, Bank of England

    View Alexander Barrett's speech Speech

  • John Schindler, Chief, Macroprudential Analysis, Office of Financial Stability, Federal Reserve Board of Governors

    View John Schindler's Presentation Presentation

  • Gavin Bingham, Former Secretary General of Central Bank Governance Forum, BIS

    View Gavin Bingham's Presentation Presentation

12:30–12:45 pm Official photographs
12:45–2:00 pm Lunch

Speaker: Fernando Lorenzo, Minister of Finance, Uruguay

2:15–3:45 pm Session III: Financial Stability Institutions—Latin American Experience

Moderator: Nicolás Eyzaguirre, Director, Western Hemisphere Department, IMF


  • Mario Bergara, President, Banco Central del Uruguay
  • Angelo Duarte, Economic Advisor, Governor’s Office, Central Bank of Brazil

    View Angelo Duarte's Presentation Presentation

  • José Darío Uribe Escobar, Governor, Central Bank of Colombia

    View José Darío Uribe Escobar's speech Speech

  • Carlos Acevedo, President, Central Bank of El Salvador
3:45–4:00 pm Coffee Break
4:00–5:30 pm Session IV: Financial Stability and Macroprudential Policies in Countries with Foreign Banks, including G-SIFIs

Moderator: Gavin Bingham, Former Secretary General of Central Bank Governance Forum, BIS


  • Juan Pablo Graf Noriega, Director of Financial Stability, Bank of Mexico

    View Juan Pablo Graf Noriega's Presentation Presentation

  • Raphael Bergoeing, Superintendent of Banks and Financial Institutions, Chile

    View Raphael Bergoeing's Presentation Presentation

  • Grant Spencer, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of New Zealand

    View Grant Spencer's Presentation Presentation

Operationalizing Macroprudential Policies
March 2, 2012
9:00–10:30 am Session I: Effectiveness of Policies to Address Systemic Financial Risk

Moderator: Jorge Ottavianelli, Superintendent of Financial Services, Central Bank of Uruguay


  • Daniel Schydlowsky, Superintendent of Banking, Insurance, and Private Pension Funds Administrators of Peru

    View Daniel Schydlowsky's Presentation Presentation

  • Jesus Saurina, Director of Financial Stability, Bank of Spain

    View Jesus Saurina's Presentation Presentation

  • Enrique Marshall Rivera, Member, Monetary Board, Central Bank of Chile

    View Enrique Marshall Rivera's Presentation Presentation

  • Gerardo Hernandez Correa, Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Colombia

    View Gerardo Hernandez Correa's speech Speech

10:30–10:45 am Coffee Break
11:00–12:30 pm Session II: How the Fund can Help the Region in Developing these Policies—The Role of the FSAP, Technical Assistance, and Article IV Consultations

Moderator: Min Zhu, Deputy Managing Director, IMF and Mario Bergara, Governor Central Bank of Uruguay


  • Renzo Rossini, General Manager, Central Reserve Bank of Peru

    View Renzo Rossini's speech Speech

  • Jorge Corvalan, Governor, Central Bank of Paraguay

    View Jorge Corvalan's Presentation Presentation

  • Mario Guillén Suarez, Vice Minister of Pensions and Financial Services, Bolivia
  • Miguel Messmacher, Head of the Economic Planning Unit, Ministry of Finance, Mexico

    View Miguel Messmacher's Presentation Presentation

12:45–2:00 pm Lunch
2:00–2:30 pm Press Conference