Book Launch and Panel Discussion: 'Integrating Europe's Financial Markets', September 24, 2007

Hosted by the Delegation of the European Commission to the United States

September 24, 2007

Integrating Europe's Financial Markets, edited by Jörg Decressin, Hamid Faruqee and Wim Fonteyne, and published by the International Monetary Fund

Date: Monday, September 24th, 2007

Time: 2pm

Location: Delegation of the European Commission, 2300 M Street, NW Washington DC, 20037

Panelists: Adam S. Posen and Nicolas Véron.

The recent credit market turmoil has demonstrated just how interconnected financial markets are on both sides of the Atlantic. This timely book by experts from the IMF's European Department looks at the progress that the European Union has made in integrating its financial markets and the challenges that lie ahead. It also examines key issues related to financial stability, including the risk profiles of financial institutions, the role of internationally active large banking groups, prudential supervision and crisis prevention.

The panel discussion will feature two leading experts from the policy community. Adam S. Posen, Deputy Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, is a widely-cited commentator on macroeconomic policy, central banking and European integration. He was the editor of 'The Euro at Five: Ready for a Global Role?', published by the Peterson Institute in 2005. His latest book, Reform and Growth in a Rich Country: Germany, will be published in early 2008.

Nicolas Véron, Resident Scholar at the Bruegel think-tank in Brussels, is a leading European expert on financial market issues, and a former advisor to the French government. He is the author of a recent Bruegel policy brief entitled Is Europe Ready for a Major Banking Crisis? as well as a recent Financial Times op-ed piece entitled Europe Must Get Ready for a Banking Crisis.

With welcoming remarks by Angelos Pangratis, Minister and Deputy Head of Delegation, Delegation of the European Commission to the United States. Light refreshments will be served.

Space is limited, so please RSVP at your earliest convenience to Sven Bates at (202) 862 9557 or email: