Statement of the Managing Director Christine Lagarde on meeting with Argentina President Mauricio Macri

June 27, 2019

Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), met today with President Macri on the margins of the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Managing Director issued the following statement:

“It was a pleasure to meet with President Mauricio Macri in Osaka today. We had a very productive conversation, exchanging views on the global economic outlook and recent developments in Argentina.

“I reiterated the Fund’s support for Argentina’s economic stabilization program and continued policy efforts to address economic vulnerabilities, including reducing the country’s fiscal and current accounts imbalances, and decisively tackling high inflation. These efforts are starting to yield results, and should lay the foundation for the return of confidence and growth.

“The Argentine authorities and the IMF staff team are close to concluding their discussions on the fourth review of the Stand-By Arrangement and I expect to be able to present it to our Executive Board for its approval very soon.”

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