Back To Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP)

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Date : May 31, 2012

Lecture hosted by the Hokuriku Local Finance Branch Bureau

Lecturer: Shogo Ishii

Kanazawa, Japan

Date : May 25, 2012

Lecture hosted by the Bank of Japan Sendai Branch

Lecturer: Shogo Ishii

Sendai, Japan

Date : May 15, 2012

Lecture at Sophia University

Lecturer: Shogo Ishii

Tokyo, Japan

Date : May 14, 2012

Lecture at Waseda University: Global Leadership Program

Lecturer: Shogo Ishii

Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Date : May 9, 2012


Presentation by Chad Steinberg
World Economic Outlook (WEO), April 2012
Global Financial Stability Report, April 2012

Tokyo, Japan

Date : April 27, 2012

IMF Seminar: Balancing Fiscal Policy Risk

Martine Guerguil, Assistant Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

Tokyo, Japan

Date : April 26, 2012 - April 27, 2012

IMF seminar on “Countercyclical Fiscal Policy in Asia”

Seminar Program

Tokyo, Japan

Date : April 3, 2012

Lecture at Japan Center for Economic Research

Naoyuki Shinohara, Deputy Managing Director, IMF

Tokyo, Japan

Date : March 22, 2012 - March 23, 2012

IMF conference on "Monetary Policy Workshop On Strengthening Macroprudential Frameworks"

Conference Program
Article on the conference

Tokyo, Japan

Date : March 11, 2012

MD Christine Lagarde’s message on Tsunami Anniversary


Date : March 1, 2012

Lecture hosted by the Bank of Japan Nagoya Branch

Speaker:Shogo Ishii

Date : February 28, 2012

Lecture hosted by the Bank of Japan Osaka Branch

Speaker:Shogo Ishii

Date : February 22, 2012

Lecture hosted by the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau

Speaker:Shogo Ishii

Date : February 20, 2012

"The Global Economic Outlook and Its Implications for Asia"

Presentation by Steven Barnett, Assistant Director, OAP
Japan-IMF Macroeconomic Seminar for Asia

GRIPS, Tokyo, Japan

Date : February 13, 2012

"World Economic Outlook: Euro-Area Crisis, China’s Risks and Japan’s Outlook"

Presentation by Pelin Berkmen, Senior Economist, Asia and Pacific Department
JISPA Seminar Series

Tokyo, Japan

Date : February 9, 2012

Temple University Japan Career Fair

On-Campus Career Fair Spring 2012

Date : February 3, 2012

"Asia’s Dual Balancing Acts: External Rebalancing and the Quest for Inclusive Growth"

Presentation by Chad Steinberg, Senior Economist, OAP

IUJ, Niigata, Japan

Date : January 27, 2012

Seminar on "Global Career Development" at Keio University

Presentation by Shogo Ishii(Japanese)

Date : December 22, 2011

Mynavi Global Career EXPO 2011 Tokyo Winter

Tokyo, Japan

Date : December 20, 2011

Invitation of Tender

Tender for the macroeconomic seminar management

Date : December 6, 2011

RIETI BBL seminar on "China: Economic Developments and Outlook"

Presentation by Steven Barnett
Assistant Director, OAP

Date : November 21, 2011

“Engaging Talent through International Cooperation in key International Financial Institutions"


Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Date : November 4, 2011

OAP seminar on "Vietnamese Economy"(Japanese only)

Tokyo, Japan

Date : November 2, 2011

"Macro-Financial Linkages: Interactions Between Business and Financial Cycles"

Presentation by Stijn Claessens, Assistant Director, Research Department, IMF
A series of occasnional seminars for the JISPA scholars

Date : November 1, 2011 - November 2, 2011

Hitotsubashi University and OAP jointly organized a seminar on "Challenges in Monetary Policy".

Tokyo, Japan

Date : October 29, 2011

Career seminar

at Kyushu University

Fukuoka, Japan

Date : October 27, 2011

“Economic Classroom” column, Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Published in

Pertinent material
by Naoyuki Shinohara, Deputy Managing Director, IMF

Date : October 26, 2011

“Investor roundtable: Why Mongolia? Perspectives on investing in Mongolia from across the investor community”

Mongolia 2011 investment summit, Hong Kong
Panelist: Mr. Steven Barnett, Mission Chief for Mongolia, Assistant Director, OAP

Date : October 20, 2011

Career seminar at the University of Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan

Date : October 13, 2011 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Seminar on "Regional Economic Outlook: Asia and the Pacific"

Place: Kazan Kaikan

Date : October 3, 2011

IMF conference on "Public Health Care Reform in Asia"

Date : October 1, 2011 - October 2, 2011 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Global Festa Japan 2011

@ Hibiya Park

Date : September 9, 2011

"Raising the Consumption Tax in Japan: Why, When, How?"

Presentation by the IMF
Presentation by Mr. Fujita
Presentation by Prof. Sato

Date : June 25, 2011 - June 26, 2011

OAP participated in the Mynavi Global Career EXPO 2011 Tokyo Summer

Tokyo, Japan

Date : June 20, 2011

"Financial Cooperation in Asia: Policy Efforts and Challenges"

Presentation by Dr. Shinobu Nakagawa, Head of Center for Monetary Cooperation in Asia (CeMCoA), International Department, Bank of Japan
A Series of Occasional Seminars for the JISPA Scholars

Date : June 8, 2011

Japan: IMF Team Completes the 2011 Article IV Consultation Discussions

Press Release No.11/222

Date : June 6, 2011

Press Release: IMF and World Bank Group to Hold 2012 Annual Meetings in Japan

Press Release No.11/222

Date : June 2, 2011 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

“Global Economic Prospects and Oil”

Speaker:Jörg Decressin, Senior Advisor, Research Department

Date : June 1, 2011

OAP is accepting applications for 2011 Summer Internship Program (closed)

More Details

Date : May 30, 2011

IMF is planning a Global Recruitment Mission to East Asia and will be visiting China, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and South Korea between April 9 to 19, 2011.

More Details

Date : April 28, 2011 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM

OAP held a seminar on latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) and Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR)


Date : April 14, 2011

Romuald Semblat, Senior Economist, OAP made a presentation for G8 Youth Summit Japan.

Date : March 11, 2011

"IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn Extends Condolences to the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan"

Press Release

Date : February 25, 2011

"Japan: Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges"

Mr. Stephan Danninger, Deputy Division Chief, Asia and Pacific Department, IMF
A Series of Occasional Seminars for the JISPA Scholars

Tokyo, Japan

Date : January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011, “Economic Classroom” column, Nihon Keizai Shimbun

(Published origianly in Japanese)
"Reviving the Animal Spirits - A Strategy for Promoting Growth in Japan"by Anoop Singh, Director for the Asia Pacific Department, IMF

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