IMF Executive Board Calendar Archive

This list includes formal meetings and seminars. A list of
scheduled meetings is also available.

Last Update: September 26, 2024 16:35:25 ET

December 22, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Angola

Title: Angola - Sixth Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and Article IV Consultation

Country: Argentina

Title: Argentina - Ex Post Evaluation of Exceptional Access Under the 2018 Stand-By Arrangement

Country: Suriname

Title: Suriname - Request for an Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility

December 20, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Review of Temporary Modification of the Fund's Access Limits in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Country: Jordan

Title: Jordan - Third Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility

Country: Moldova, Republic of

Title: Republic of Moldova - ECF/EFF program request and 2021 Article IV Consultation

December 17, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Kenya

Title: Kenya - 2021 Article IV Consultation and Second Reviews of Arrangements Under the Extended Fund Facility and the Extended Credit Facility

Country: Seychelles

Title: Seychelles - First Review Under the Extended Fund Facility

December 15, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust—The Fifth Tranche of Debt Service Relief in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Title: Democratic Republic of the Congo - First Review Under the Extended Fund Facility Arrangement and Requests for Modification of Performance Criteria

Country: Barbados

Title: Barbados - 2021 Article IV Consultation and Sixth Review Under the Extended Arrangement, Requests for Augmentation of Access and Modification of Performance Criteria

December 13, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Interim Review of the Adequacy of the Fund’s Precautionary Balances

Country: Malawi

Title: Malawi - 2021 - Article IV Consultation

December 10, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Central African Economic and Monetary Community - Common Policies in Support of Member Countries Reform Programs

Country: Chad

Title: Chad - 2021- New ECF Request

December 8, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Niger

Title: Niger - Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility

December 6, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Albania

Title: Albania - 2021 Article IV Consultation and Post Financing Assessment

November 29, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Fiji, Republic of

Title: Republic of Fiji - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Palau, Republic of

Title: Republic of Palau - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Uruguay

Title: Uruguay - Article IV Consultation

November 24, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Liberia

Title: Liberia - Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement

Country: Gambia, The

Title: The Gambia - 2021 Article IV consultation and Third Review under the Extended Credit Facility arrangement

November 22, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Australia

Title: Australia - 2021 Article IV

Country: United Arab Emirates

Title: United Arab Emirates - Article IV Consultation

Country: Ukraine

Title: Ukraine - First Review under the Stand-by Arrangement

November 19, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Algeria

Title: Algeria - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Mongolia

Title: Mongolia - 2021 Article IV Consultation

November 12, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Tanzania, United Republic of

Title: United Republic of Tanzania - Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility

November 10, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Netherlands, Kingdom of The Netherlands

Title: Kingdom of the Netherlands - the Netherlands - 2021 Article IV Consultation

November 3, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Mexico

Title: Mexico - 2021 Article IV Consultation

October 27, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Micronesia, Federated States of

Title: Federated States of Micronesia - 2021 Article IV Consultation

October 25, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Burundi

Title: Burundi - Request for Disbursement under the Rapid Credit Facility

September 29, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Ecuador

Title: Ecuador - Restricted Meeting

September 28, 2021 Back to Top

Title: World Economic Outlook; Global Financial Stability Report; Fiscal Monitor

September 24, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Congo, Republic of

Title: Republic of Congo - Article IV Consultation

September 22, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Eleventh Periodic Monitoring Report on the Status of Management Implementation Plans in Response to Board-Endorsed IEO Recommendations

September 20, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Turkmenistan

Title: Turkmenistan - 2021 Article IV Consultation

September 17, 2021 Back to Top

Country: India

Title: India - 2021 Article IV Consultation

September 15, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Malta

Title: Malta - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Georgia

Title: Georgia - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Equatorial Guinea, Republic of

Title: Republic of Equatorial Guinea - Request for Purchase Under the Rapid Financing Instrument

September 13, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Honduras

Title: Honduras - Fourth Reviews Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Arrangement Under the Standby Credit Facility, Requests for Augmentation, Extension, and Rephasing, Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria

Country: St. Kitts and Nevis

Title: St. Kitts and Nevis - 2021 Article IV Consultation

September 10, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Brazil

Title: Brazil - Article IV Consultation

Country: Maldives

Title: Maldives - 2021 Article IV Consultation

September 8, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Belgium

Title: Belgium - 2021 Article IV Consultation

September 7, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Tanzania, United Republic of

Title: United Republic of Tanzania - Request for Disbursement under the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) and Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI)

September 1, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Brunei Darussalam

Title: Brunei Darussalam - 2021 Article IV Consultation

August 31, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Vanuatu

Title: Vanuatu - 2021 Article IV Consultation

August 30, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Austria

Title: Austria - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Croatia, Republic of

Title: Republic of Croatia - 2021 - Article IV Consultation

August 27, 2021 Back to Top

Country: São Tomé and Príncipe, Democratic Republic of

Title: Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe - Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility

August 25, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Oman

Title: Oman - Article IV Consultation

Country: Lithuania, Republic of

Title: Republic of Lithuania - 2021 Article IV Consultation

July 29, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Cameroon

Title: Cameroon - Extended Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility Request

Country: Seychelles

Title: Seychelles - Request for an Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility

July 28, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Gabon

Title: Gabon - Request for an Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF)

Country: Antigua and Barbuda

Title: Antigua and Barbuda - 2021 Article IV Consultation

July 27, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Sierra Leone

Title: Sierra Leone - Third and Fourth Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement

July 23, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Philippines

Title: Philippines - 2021 Article IV Consultation

July 21, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Côte d'Ivoire

Title: Côte d'Ivoire - 2021 Article IV Consultation

July 19, 2021 Back to Top

Country: United States

Title: United States - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Tuvalu

Title: Tuvalu - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Ghana

Title: Ghana - 2021 Article IV Consultation

July 16, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Strategy for IMF Engagement on Climate Change Issues

Title: 2021 External Sector Report

July 15, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Title: Democratic Republic of the Congo - Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility

July 14, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Fund Concessional Financial Support for LICs—Responding to the Pandemic

Country: Germany

Title: Germany - 2021 Article IV Consultation

July 9, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Singapore

Title: Singapore - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of

Title: Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste - 2021 Article IV Consultation

July 7, 2021 Back to Top

Title: The Rise of Public and Private Digital Money—A Strategy to Continue Delivering on the IMF's Mandate

July 1, 2021 Back to Top

Country: St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Title: St. Vincent and the Grenadines - Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility

Country: Rwanda

Title: Rwanda - Fourth Review Under the Policy Coordination Instrument

June 30, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Dominican Republic

Title: Dominican Republic - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Saudi Arabia

Title: Saudi Arabia - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Jordan

Title: Jordan - Second Review Under the Extended Fund Facility Arrangement

Title: Central African Economic and Monetary Community - Common Policies of Member Countries, and Common Policies in Support of Member Countries Reform Programs

June 28, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Uganda

Title: Uganda - Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the ECF

Country: Sudan

Title: Sudan - Arrears Clearance, Second Review, ECF, HIPC Decision Point

June 25, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Proposal for a General Allocation of Special Drawing Rights

June 23, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Kenya

Title: Kenya - First Review Under the Extended Fund Facility and the Extended Credit Facility Arrangements

June 21, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Mauritius

Title: Mauritius - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Guinea

Title: Guinea - 2021 - Article IV Consultation

June 18, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Serbia, Republic of

Title: Republic of Serbia - 2021 Article IV Consultation and Request for a New Policy Coordination Instrument

Country: Slovak Republic

Title: Slovak Republic - 2021 Article IV Consultation

June 16, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Barbados

Title: Barbados - 5th EFF review

June 14, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Panama

Title: Panama - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Bolivia

Title: Bolivia - Article IV Consultation

June 11, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Switzerland

Title: Switzerland - 2021 Article IV Consultation

June 9, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Angola

Title: Angola - Fifth Review of the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility

Country: Guatemala

Title: Guatemala - 2021 Article IV Consultation

June 7, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Senegal

Title: Senegal - Third Review Under the Policy Coordination Instrument and Requests for Arrangement Under the Stand-By Credit Facility and Stand-By Arrangement

Country: Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of

Title: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - First Review Under the Extended Credit Facility

Country: Andorra, Principality of

Title: Principality of Andorra - 2021 Article IV Consultation

June 4, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Iceland

Title: Iceland - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Kyrgyz Republic

Title: Kyrgyz Republic - Article IV Consultation

June 2, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Belize

Title: Belize - 2020 Article IV Consultation

May 27, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Türkiye, Republic of

Title: Turkey - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Botswana

Title: Botswana - 2021 Article IV Consultation

May 26, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Italy

Title: Italy - 2021 Article IV Consultation

May 21, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China

Title: People's Republic of China - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Financial System Stability Assessment

Country: Marshall Islands, Republic of the

Title: Republic of the Marshall Islands - 2021 Article IV Consultation

May 19, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Slovenia, Republic of

Title: Republic of Slovenia - 2021 Article IV Consultation

May 17, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Thailand

Title: Thailand - 2021 Article IV Consultation

May 14, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Luxembourg

Title: Luxembourg - 2021 Article IV Consultations

May 12, 2021 Back to Top

Title: FSAP Review

May 10, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Comprehensive Surveillance Review

May 5, 2021 Back to Top

Country: New Zealand

Title: New Zealand - 2021 Article IV Consultation

April 26, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Kiribati

Title: Kiribati - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union - Discussion on Common Policies of Member Countries

April 19, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Chile

Title: Chile - 2021 Article IV Consultation

March 31, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Namibia

Title: Namibia - Request for Purchase under the Rapid Financing Instrument

March 30, 2021 Back to Top

Country: South Sudan, Republic of

Title: Republic of South Sudan - Request for SMP and Disbursement under the RCF

March 29, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Madagascar, Republic of

Title: Republic of Madagascar - Request for an Extended Credit Facility Arrangement

March 26, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Sudan

Title: Sudan - Discussion on Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative

March 25, 2021 Back to Top

Title: World Economic Outlook; Global Financial Stability Report; Fiscal Monitor

March 24, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Sudan

Title: Sudan - First Review Under the Staff-Monitored Program

March 19, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Peru

Title: Peru - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Colombia

Title: Colombia - Article IV Consultation

March 17, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Bahrain, Kingdom of

Title: Kingdom of Bahrain - 2021 Article IV Consultation

Country: Korea, Republic of

Title: Republic of Korea - 2021 Article IV Consultation

March 15, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Sierra Leone

Title: Sierra Leone - Second Request For Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility

March 12, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Canada

Title: Canada - 2021 Article IV Consultation

March 5, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Philippines

Title: Philippines - Financial System Stability Assessment

March 3, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Mauritania, Islamic Republic of

Title: Islamic Republic of Mauritania - Sixth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement

March 1, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Costa Rica

Title: Costa Rica - Extended Fund Facility Request

February 26, 2021 Back to Top

Country: São Tomé and Príncipe, Democratic Republic of

Title: Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe - Second Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, Requests for Waiver for Nonobservance of Performance Criterion, Modification of Performance Criteria, and Financing Assurances Review

February 24, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Title: Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2020 Article IV Consultation

February 22, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Mali

Title: Mali - Second and Third Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility

Country: Malaysia

Title: Malaysia - 2021 Article IV Consultation

February 17, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Tunisia

Title: Tunisia - Article IV Consultation

February 12, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Indonesia

Title: Indonesia - 2020 Article IV Consultation

Country: Paraguay

Title: Paraguay - 2020 - Article IV consultation

Country: Kosovo, Republic of

Title: Republic of Kosovo - 2020 Article IV Consultation

February 8, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Iraq

Title: Iraq - 2020 Article IV Consultation and Request for RFI

Title: West African Economic and Monetary Union - Staff Report on Common Policies for Member Countries

February 5, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Vietnam

Title: Vietnam - 2020 Article IV Consultation

February 3, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Russian Federation

Title: Russian Federation - 2020 Article IV Consultation

Country: Poland, Republic of

Title: Republic of Poland - 2020 Article IV Consultation

January 27, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Nigeria

Title: Nigeria - Article IV Consultation

Country: Bulgaria

Title: Bulgaria - 2020 Article IV Consultation

January 25, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Guinea-Bissau

Title: Guinea-Bissau - Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility

Country: Tonga

Title: Tonga - 2020 Article IV Consultation and Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility

January 22, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Bahamas, The

Title: The Bahamas - 2020 Article IV Consultation

January 19, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Israel

Title: Israel - 2020 Article IV Consultation

January 15, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Gambia, The

Title: The Gambia - First Review and Augmentation of Access Under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) Arrangement

January 14, 2021 Back to Top

Title: Review of Debt Sustainability Framework for Market Access Countries

January 13, 2021 Back to Top

Country: France

Title: France - 2020 - Article IV Consultation

Country: Germany

Title: Germany - 2020 Article IV Consultation

January 12, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Myanmar

Title: Myanmar - Requests for Second Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility and Purchase Under the Rapid Financing Instrument

Title: Central African Economic and Monetary Community - Common Policies of Member Countries, and Common Policies in Support of Member Countries Reform Programs

Country: Central African Republic

Title: Central African Republic - First and Second Reviews Under the Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility

January 11, 2021 Back to Top

Country: Angola

Title: Angola - Fourth Review of the Extended Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility