International Monetary Fund

Currency units per SDR for April 2024

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This rate, which is not used in Fund transactions, is the reciprocal of the SDR per currency unit rate, rounded to six significant digits.

Currency units per SDR for April 2024
Currency April 01,
April 02,
April 03,
April 04,
April 05,
April 08,
April 09,
April 10,
April 11,
April 12,
April 15,
Chinese yuan 9.570480 9.560320 9.570750 NA NA 9.588830 9.601910 9.600610 9.552740 9.524810 9.528710
Euro NA 1.229270 1.226680 1.222640 1.223060 1.224760 1.221470 1.222240 1.230330 1.235480 1.235330
Japanese yen 200.379000 200.447000 200.420000 201.171000 200.108000 201.180000 201.641000 201.426000 201.779000 201.366000 201.918000
U.K. pound NA 1.051520 1.051540 1.047990 1.049610 1.049240 1.046370 1.045320 1.052650 1.055310 1.053560
U.S. dollar 1.323680 1.321340 1.322730 1.326810 1.325920 1.325560 1.327370 1.327350 1.320030 1.316030 1.316370
Algerian dinar 177.936000 177.990000 177.963000 178.348000 178.329000 178.335000 178.447000 178.429000 177.629000 NA 177.219000
Australian dollar NA 2.035960 2.029040 2.014290 2.017530 2.014840 2.008730 2.004760 2.023650 2.016600 2.028930
Botswana pula NA 18.175200 18.119700 18.076400 18.089000 18.084000 18.059400 18.010200 18.082500 18.027800 18.082000
Brazilian real 6.688020 6.668670 6.708660 6.664710 6.697740 6.682790 6.646640 6.722780 6.700300 6.758860 6.810880
Brunei dollar 1.785110 1.787640 1.787010 1.788540 1.789470 1.788310 1.789030 NA 1.786130 1.783750 1.790790
Canadian dollar 1.796760 1.793320 NA NA NA 1.800370 1.802300 1.814620 1.807380 1.811650 1.811850
Chilean peso 1,299.470000 1,298.340000 1,296.230000 1,277.490000 1,249.970000 1,257.850000 1,256.630000 1,248.520000 1,258.660000 1,259.480000 1,269.760000
Czech koruna NA 31.177000 31.102700 30.943800 30.925900 31.048600 30.998000 30.999000 31.239700 31.297800 31.287400
Danish krone NA 9.168090 9.149720 9.119590 9.122840 9.135260 9.110950 9.117180 9.178780 9.217100 9.216340
Indian rupee 110.360000 110.145000 110.343000 110.719000 110.592000 110.442000 NA 110.469000 NA 109.748000 109.841000
Israeli New Shekel 4.848630 4.884980 4.936440 4.930430 4.969560 4.920480 4.894000 4.929780 4.964630 4.944330 4.891630
Korean won 1,783.530000 1,779.980000 1,789.660000 1,790.000000 1,785.750000 1,791.890000 1,796.730000 NA 1,787.840000 1,794.670000 1,805.530000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.406899 0.406445 0.406741 NA NA 0.407279 NA NA NA NA 0.405443
Malaysian ringgit 6.252380 6.275020 6.282990 6.289070 6.292830 6.300400 6.305650 NA NA 6.275490 6.288950
Mauritian rupee 61.880800 61.555900 61.680400 61.459800 61.527900 61.557000 NA NA NA 61.168100 61.648100
Mexican peso 22.049600 21.891000 21.880000 21.915300 21.845700 21.654000 21.759800 21.885800 21.725400 21.937300 21.959000
New Zealand dollar NA 2.220740 2.219540 2.202540 2.198880 2.205590 2.195450 2.190530 2.207030 2.189920 2.215360
Norwegian krone NA 14.392300 14.300700 14.197900 NA 14.195600 14.160500 14.137100 14.294000 NA 14.362000
Omani rial 0.508955 0.508055 0.508590 0.510157 NA 0.509679 NA NA NA NA 0.506145
Peruvian sol 4.920120 4.894240 4.874270 4.873370 4.876740 4.859510 4.890020 4.912530 4.886730 NA 4.885050
Philippine peso 74.470100 74.235700 74.554500 74.824000 74.799400 74.992300 NA NA 74.652500 74.359400 NA
Polish zloty NA 5.286560 5.270180 5.242880 5.246810 5.242050 5.206330 5.211700 5.241420 5.261880 5.292990
Qatari riyal 4.818190 4.809680 NA 4.829590 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.791590
Russian ruble 122.164000 122.257000 122.206000 122.472000 122.536000 122.722000 123.108000 123.735000 123.712000 122.972000 123.198000
Saudi Arabian riyal 4.963790 4.955030 4.960240 4.975550 NA 4.970850 4.977630 4.977580 4.950100 NA 4.936390
Singapore dollar 1.785110 1.787640 1.787010 1.788540 1.789470 1.788310 1.789030 NA 1.786130 1.783750 1.790790
South African rand NA 24.891900 24.937800 24.699100 24.750700 24.680100 24.590700 24.652300 24.817200 24.592100 24.850700
Swedish krona NA 14.207200 14.198900 14.073200 14.097000 14.045000 13.992500 13.975700 14.187000 14.294400 NA
Swiss franc NA 1.200110 1.201370 1.202090 1.197440 1.200560 1.198350 1.199530 1.204190 1.202320 1.202240
Thai baht 48.121100 48.437600 48.503400 48.662000 48.756700 NA 48.525800 48.220000 48.355200 NA NA
Trinidadian dollar NA 8.889200 8.877760 8.912970 8.934470 8.948630 8.975130 NA 8.925780 8.890860 8.889840
U.A.E. dirham 4.861210 4.852630 4.857740 4.872700 NA 4.868120 4.874770 4.874700 4.847800 NA 4.834370
Uruguayan peso 50.110500 50.372000 50.590600 50.737200 51.075900 51.421000 51.095700 51.153500 51.037600 51.046200 51.194900

Currency units per SDR for April 2024 (Continued)
Currency April 16,
April 17,
April 18,
April 19,
April 22,
April 23,
Chinese yuan 9.514480 9.519000 9.533520 9.524080 9.521630 9.525620
Euro 1.235530 1.236230 1.233160 1.234720 1.236350 1.231520
Japanese yen 202.864000 203.486000 203.262000 203.432000 203.403000 203.449000
U.K. pound 1.055820 1.055760 1.055330 1.057740 1.066480 1.064260
U.S. dollar 1.314230 1.315100 1.316890 1.315350 1.314490 1.314530
Algerian dinar 176.934000 177.021000 176.888000 176.902000 176.778000 176.654000
Australian dollar 2.045170 2.052280 2.042320 2.056200 2.043030 2.036450
Botswana pula 18.202600 18.214700 18.139000 18.268800 18.206200 18.257300
Brazilian real 6.916540 6.899410 6.914480 6.874410 6.840180 6.785600
Brunei dollar 1.796290 1.793930 1.789260 1.793350 1.789410 1.789470
Canadian dollar NA 1.814050 1.812570 1.808340 1.802820 NA
Chilean peso 1,285.410000 1,295.440000 1,283.930000 1,273.840000 1,257.070000 1,253.730000
Czech koruna 31.164300 31.186400 31.161600 31.183100 31.233500 31.117500
Danish krone 9.218120 9.223560 9.201410 9.213790 9.225090 9.188050
Indian rupee 109.736000 NA 109.983000 109.860000 109.643000 109.601000
Israeli New Shekel 4.954640 4.964500 4.977850 4.975970 NA NA
Korean won 1,818.500000 1,834.960000 1,825.600000 1,809.790000 1,820.560000 1,814.840000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.404980 0.405249 0.405471 NA 0.404730 0.404744
Malaysian ringgit 6.299090 6.303940 6.289470 6.289350 6.288520 6.282120
Mauritian rupee 61.498700 61.779500 61.634400 61.620700 NA 61.443600
Mexican peso 22.375000 22.349900 22.537900 22.639900 22.509600 22.346300
New Zealand dollar 2.232430 2.227670 2.225420 2.242140 2.218350 2.220860
Norwegian krone NA 14.458900 14.474200 14.526500 14.488100 14.447000
Omani rial NA 0.505656 0.506344 NA 0.505421 0.505436
Peruvian sol 4.924410 4.915860 4.918570 4.857600 4.843880 NA
Philippine peso 74.585100 74.922600 75.330100 75.099900 75.632700 75.603500
Polish zloty 5.347190 5.357850 5.341170 5.351920 5.328930 5.338290
Qatari riyal NA 4.786980 4.793470 NA 4.784730 4.784870
Russian ruble 123.635000 124.046000 123.909000 122.908000 122.578000 122.635000
Saudi Arabian riyal 4.928370 4.931620 4.938340 NA 4.929310 4.929480
Singapore dollar 1.796290 1.793930 1.789260 1.793350 1.789410 1.789470
South African rand 25.113100 24.939700 25.065300 25.316200 25.091700 25.237900
Swedish krona 14.375400 14.438300 14.350300 14.401800 14.343500 14.289300
Swiss franc 1.200090 1.198780 1.196790 1.195060 1.198290 1.198720
Thai baht NA 48.376000 48.394300 48.495700 48.620200 48.670300
Trinidadian dollar NA 8.884150 8.864150 8.874450 8.865250 NA
U.A.E. dirham 4.826510 4.829700 4.836270 NA 4.827440 4.827610
Uruguayan peso 51.548000 50.903800 50.539500 50.648800 NA 50.406800
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
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