Monitoring of Fund Arrangements (MONA) Database

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1. Select Countries

Total (107 countries)
Countries Notes Countries Notes

 Afghanistan,Islamic Republic of

 512 - Afghanistan,Islamic Republic of


 664 - Kenya


 914 - Albania

 Kosovo, Republic of

 967 - Kosovo, Republic of


 614 - Angola

 Kyrgyz Republic

 917 - Kyrgyz Republic

 Antigua and Barbuda

 311 - Antigua and Barbuda


 941 - Latvia


 213 - Argentina


 666 - Lesotho


 911 - Armenia


 668 - Liberia


 513 - Bangladesh


 674 - Madagascar


 316 - Barbados


 676 - Malawi


 913 - Belarus


 556 - Maldives


 638 - Benin


 678 - Mali


 218 - Bolivia


 682 - Mauritania

 Bosnia and Herzegovina

 963 - Bosnia and Herzegovina


 273 - Mexico


 223 - Brazil


 921 - Moldova


 918 - Bulgaria


 948 - Mongolia

 Burkina Faso

 748 - Burkina Faso


 686 - Morocco


 618 - Burundi


 688 - Mozambique


 622 - Cameroon


 558 - Nepal

 Cape Verde

 624 - Cape Verde


 278 - Nicaragua

 Central African Republic

 626 - Central African Republic


 692 - Niger


 628 - Chad


 694 - Nigeria


 228 - Chile

 North Macedonia, Republic of

 962 - North Macedonia, Republic of


 233 - Colombia


 564 - Pakistan


 632 - Comoros


 283 - Panama

 Congo, Republic of

 634 - Congo, Republic of

 Papua New Guinea

 853 - Papua New Guinea

 Congo,Democratic Republic of

 636 - Congo,Democratic Republic of


 288 - Paraguay

 Costa Rica

 238 - Costa Rica


 293 - Peru

 Cote d'Ivoire

 662 - Cote d'Ivoire


 964 - Poland


 960 - Croatia


 182 - Portugal


 423 - Cyprus


 968 - Romania


 611 - Djibouti


 714 - Rwanda


 321 - Dominica

 Sao Tome and Principe

 716 - Sao Tome and Principe

 Dominican Republic

 243 - Dominican Republic


 722 - Senegal


 248 - Ecuador

 Serbia and Montenegro

 965 - Serbia and Montenegro


 469 - Egypt

 Serbia,Republic of

 942 - Serbia,Republic of

 El Salvador

 253 - El Salvador


 718 - Seychelles

 Equatorial Guinea

 642 - Equatorial Guinea

 Sierra Leone

 724 - Sierra Leone


 644 - Ethiopia

 Solomon Islands

 813 - Solomon Islands


 646 - Gabon


 726 - Somalia

 Gambia, The

 648 - Gambia, The

 Sri Lanka

 524 - Sri Lanka


 915 - Georgia

 St. Kitts and Nevis

 361 - St. Kitts and Nevis


 652 - Ghana


 732 - Sudan


 174 - Greece


 366 - Suriname


 328 - Grenada


 923 - Tajikistan


 258 - Guatemala


 738 - Tanzania


 656 - Guinea


 742 - Togo


 654 - Guinea-Bissau


 744 - Tunisia


 263 - Haiti


 186 - Turkey


 268 - Honduras


 746 - Uganda


 944 - Hungary


 926 - Ukraine


 176 - Iceland


 298 - Uruguay


 433 - Iraq

 Yemen,Republic of

 474 - Yemen,Republic of


 178 - Ireland


 188 - Yugoslavia


 343 - Jamaica


 754 - Zambia


 439 - Jordan

  The form above lists all countries with Fund-supported arrangement(s).

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  On this site, the term "country" does not in all cases refer to a territorial entity that is a state as understood by international law and practice. As used here, the term also covers some territorial entities that are not states. Dependent territories of member countries are listed alphabetically followed by a description of the constitutional relationships with their member countries.