Statement on Diversity
January 4, 2008

IMF Workplace and Environment

Annual Report on Diversity at the IMF

2022-2023 Diversity & Inclusion Report

This paper provides an update on progress towards the Fund’s FY 2025 Diversity Benchmarks, as of the end of FY 2023. The paper also includes information on action the Fund is taking to promote greater diversity and inclusion through a two-year roadmap of initiatives primarily focused on recruitment, talent development, equity and inclusion and promoting greater leadership accountability and transparency. The paper also covers plans to convene a cross-functional working group to establish the Diversity Benchmarks targets for FY 2030.

June 27, 2024
IMF Diversity and Inclusion: 2020-2021 Report

The 2020-2021 Diversity & Inclusion Report sets out the progress we are making towards the newly established FY 2025 benchmarks and provides an update on trends in external recruitment, promotions, and separations. It also features initiatives which have implemented since the 2017-2019 Report to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment and increase accountability. Finally, the report identifies key areas of focus for the next 2-3 years and proposes remedial actions to address ongoing challenges.

June 22, 2022
IMF Diversity and Inclusion: 2019 Report

This report provides an update to the Diversity & Inclusion Annual Report 2016–171 and presents the IMF's progress as of end April 2019 toward meeting the FY 2020 benchmarks; provides a general overview of the diversity of the Fund's staff population; delves into some of our key challenges; details our inclusion efforts; and maps a strategic direction for the future.

April 20, 2020
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2016-2017

We continue to make steady progress in diversity and inclusion (D&I). The report captures the accomplishments we have made against the diversity benchmarks and inclusion efforts. It also identifies gaps we will address in the next 2 to 3 years, and explains how they will be handled. This will be done mostly in the context of the HR strategy recently approved by Management with a core objective to enhance institutional human resource management as well as diversity and inclusion.

Read the supplement

November 17, 2017
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2015
The FY 2015 Diversity & Inclusion Annual Report examines recent progress and the valuable roles diversity and inclusion play in strengthening our institution. It also highlights internal and external best practices.

February 5, 2016
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2014
The report covers developments in the Fund's diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategy in FY2014. It also discusses longer term trends and supporting policies to guide the D&I strategy going forward, and reports on the work of the staff Diversity Working Group (DWG).

December 8, 2014
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2013
The Fund has been focused on becoming more diverse and inclusive in recent years. The share of staff from underrepresented regions in senior positions and the representation of women in the professional and managerial grades have increased. In addition, measures have been taken to help foster a work environment that is inclusive, in which different perspectives can be shared and given a fair hearing.

September 17, 2013
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2011
The Fund's diversity agenda moved forward over the past year, expanding from demographics to “inclusion” and diversity of thought. Progress toward numerical targets was made in a number of areas, but was offset to some degree by stagnation in other diversity benchmarks.

August 22, 2012
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2010
The Fund achieved its gender benchmarks, and new policy measures were introduced towards increasing the share of underrepresented groups at senior levels. The diversity scorecard is being used Fundwide as a tool to monitor progress towards diversity goals. Regional representation gaps are closing, some faster than the others.

May 1, 2011
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2009
Diversity benchmarks were established for managerial staff from underrepresented regions. The IMF Diversity Scorecard was launched. Diversity and inclusion training (for managers), and other educational and awareness building actions were implemented for Diversity Reference Groups members and staff Fund-wide.

September 28, 2010
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2008
The IMF made important progress in meeting its diversity objectives in 2008. Last year's Diversity Annual Report set out 10 recommendations to promote diversity, and the Fund broadly met 8 of these recommendations.

August 21, 2009
Diversity Annual Report 2007
The dynamic changes brought about by globalization require fluidity and adaptability within the International Monetary Fund for it to maintain legitimacy. The data reflect that there is not much diverse representation at the top ranks of the Fund.

September 15, 2008
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2004, August 3, 2005
2004 saw a new multicitizenship option to allow for a more accurate picture of diversity; Human Resources Department's assessment of training programs to effectively integrate diversity; and development of cultural briefings, training and support for new staff.

August 3, 2005
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2003
The goal of the Fund’s diversity efforts is to ensure strong institutional performance and an optimal use of individual and collective resources. 2003 was marked by three major accomplishments towards this end: introducing the Enhanced Diversity Action Plan, establishing the Discrimination Policy, and conducting the Staff Survey. Such progress would not have been possible without the Managing Director’s strong commitment and support and the Human Resources Department’s (HRD’s) persistent effort.

June 7, 2004
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2002
The objectives of the 2002 report are to outline the Fund's diversity strategy; report on the main actions taken in calendar year 2002 and monitor and analyze progress over time; identify concerns; and recommend further steps.

June 6, 2003
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2001
In 2001, diversity operations focused on integrating diversity into human resource management across the Fund. At management's request, HRD (the Human Resources Department) prepared a comprehensive Fundwide diversity action plan to draw various initiatives together and a working group was established in early 2002 to consider diversity benchmarks.

July 15, 2002
IMF Diversity Annual Report 2000
Excellent policies are in place to meet diversity objectives. Still missing is consistent implementation, with sufficient accountability of individual supervisors reflected in performance reviews, promotion decisions, and merit pay.

August 31, 2001