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Maike B. Luedersen

Maike B. Luedersen is Senior Counsel in the IMF Legal Department and specializes in banking and financial crisis management. She has been involved in the European reform discussions on risk reduction measures while on secondment to the ECB in 2014-2017. During the global financial crisis, she advised on financial stability measures, deposit insurance, and bank resolution frameworks in Ireland, Germany, and Hungary. Modernizing the personal insolvency law, including mortgage restructuring, was one of the key measures in Ireland to facilitate economic recovery. Ms. Luedersen also has extensive experience in drafting financial sector legislation in Turkey, Iraq, Mauritius, and the Seychelles, and FSAPs in the Euro Area, France, Germany, Switzerland, and the Slovak Republic. Her publications focus on bank insolvency and the hierarchy of creditor claims, and she regularly speaks at conferences. Ms. Luedersen holds an LL.M. from the University of California Los Angeles School of Law and degrees in Business Economics from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and the State University of New York at Oneonta.

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