Public Information Notice: IMF Board Discusses the Good-Faith Criterion under the Fund Policy on Lending into Arrears to Private Creditors, September 24, 2002

The IMF and the Private Sector—A Factsheet

Fund Policy on Lending into Arrears to Private Creditors—Further Consideration of the Good Faith Criterion

Prepared by the International Capital Markets, Policy Development and Review and Legal Departments

July 30, 2002

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I. Introduction

II. Background and Rationale for Lending Into Arrears

  1. Pre-1989 policy: Nontoleration of Arrears
  2. 1989 Modification Permitting Lending into Arrears to Commercial Bank Creditors
  3. The 1998 and 1999 Modifications
  4. Recent Experience

III. Contacts between a Debtor and its Creditors in the Context of Restructurings

  1. Objectives and Principles of Dialogue between a Debtor and its Private External Creditors
  2. Modalities of Dialogue between a Debtor and its Creditors in the Context of Elaborating Restructuring Proposals
  3. Features and Implications of an Organized Negotiating Framework

IV. Adapting the Good Faith Efforts Clause to Changing Circumstances


A. Engagement with Creditors


Assessment of the Possible Approaches
Making the Third Approach Operational


B. Timing of Dialogue with Creditors

V. Concluding Observations

VI. Issues for Discussion